The tables below indicate the requirements for the GPS Variables that can be used to get and set various different GPS properties. You can find a complete index of all available GPS Vars here: GPSVar Index



Nearest Airspace


GPS Variable Units Settable
NearestAirspaceCurrentLatitude Degrees
NearestAirspaceCurrentLongitude Degrees
NearestAirspaceCurrentAltitude Meters
NearestAirspaceTrueGroundTrack Degrees
NearestAirspaceGroundSpeed Meters per Second
NearestAirspaceNearDistance Meters
NearestAirspaceNearAltitude Meters
NearestAirspaceAheadTime Seconds
NearestAirspaceQuery Number
NearestAirspaceMaximumItems Number
NearestAirspaceMaximumDistance Meters
NearestAirspaceItemsNumber Number
NearestAirspaceCurrentLine Number
NearestAirspaceCurrentName String


  1. NONE (0)
  2. CENTER (1)
  3. CLASS_A (2)
  4. CLASS_B (3)
  5. CLASS_C (4)
  6. CLASS_D (5)
  7. CLASS_E (6)
  8. CLASS_F (7)
  9. CLASS_G (8)
  10. TOWER (9)
  11. CLEARANCE (10)
  12. GROUND (11)
  13. DEPARTURE (12)
  14. APPROACH (13)
  15. MOA (14)
  16. RESTRICTED (15)
  17. PROHIBITED (16)
  18. WARNING (17)
  19. ALERT (18)
  20. DANGER (19)
  21. NATIONAL_PARK (20)
  22. MODE_C (21)
  23. RADAR (22)
  24. TRAINING (23)
NearestAirspaceCurrentFrequency Hz
NearestAirspaceCurrentFrequencyName String
NearestAirspaceCurrentMinAltitude Meters
NearestAirspaceCurrentMaxAltitude Meters


  1. NONE (0)
  2. NEAR (1)
  3. AHEAD (2)
  4. NEAR_AHEAD (3)
  5. INSIDE (4)
NearestAirspaceCurrentNearDistance Meters
NearestAirspaceCurrentAheadTime Seconds





GPS Variable Units Settable
MessageItemsNumber Number
MessageCurrentLine Number


  1. NONE (0)
  2. NEAR (1)
  3. AHEAD (2)
  4. NEAR_AHEAD (3)
  5. INSIDE (4)
NewMessagesNumber Number
NewMessagesConfirm Number



ICAO Search Data


GPS Variable Units Settable
IcaoSearchInitialIcao String
IcaoSearchStartCursor String
IcaoSearchStopCursor Number
IcaoSearchAdvanceCursor Number
IcaoSearchAdvanceCharacter Number
IcaoSearchEnterChar String
IcaoSearchBackupChar Number
IcaoSearchCursorPosition Number
IcaoSearchCurrentIdent String
IcaoSearchCurrentIcao String
IcaoSearchCurrentIcaoType String
IcaoSearchCurrentIcaoRegion String
IcaoSearchMatchedIcaosNumber Number
IcaoSearchMatchedIcao Number



Name Search Data


GPS Variable Units Settable
NameSearchInitialIcao String
NameSearchInitialName String
NameSearchStartCursor String
NameSearchStopCursor Number
NameSearchAdvanceCursor Number
NameSearchAdvanceCharacter Number
NameSearchEnterChar String
NameSearchBackupChar Number
NameSearchCursorPosition Number
NameSearchCurrentName String
NameSearchCurrentMatch Number
NameSearchCurrentIcao String
NameSearchCurrentIcaoType String
NameSearchCurrentIcaoRegion String





GPS Variable Units Settable
FacilityICAO String
FacilityCode String
FacilityIdent String
FacilityValid Boolean
FacilityName String
FacilityCity String
FacilityRegion String
FacilityLatitude Degrees
FacilityLongitude Degrees
FacilityMagneticVariation Degrees



Geo Calculations


GPS Variable Units Settable
GeoCalcLatitude1 Degrees
GeoCalcLongitude1 Degrees
GeoCalcAzimuth1 Degrees
GeoCalcLatitude2 Degrees
GeoCalcLongitude2 Degrees
GeoCalcAzimuth2 Degrees
GeoCalcLength Meters
GeoCalcCrossTrack Meters
GeoCalcBearing Degrees
GeoCalcDistance Meters
GeoCalcIsIntersect Boolean
GeoCalcIntersectionLatitude Degrees
GeoCalcIntersectionLatitude Degrees
GeoCalcExtrapolationLatitude Degrees
GeoCalcExtrapolationLongitude Degrees