
The SimConnect_SubscribeToSystemEvent function is used to request that a specific system event is notified to the client.


HRESULT SimConnect_SubscribeToSystemEvent(
    HANDLE  hSimConnect,
    const char*  SystemEventName


Parameter Description Type
hSimConnect Handle to a SimConnect object. Integer
EventID Specifies the ID of the client event. Integer

The string name for the requested system event, which should be one from the table below (note that the event names are not case-sensitive). Unless otherwise stated in the Description, notifications of the event are returned in a SIMCONNECT_RECV_EVENT structure (identify the event from the EventID given with this function).



The following table shows the available SystemEventName variables:

System Event Name Description
1sec Request a notification every second.
4sec Request a notification every four seconds.
6Hz Request notifications six times per second. This is the same rate that joystick movement events are transmitted.
AircraftLoaded Request a notification when the aircraft flight dynamics file is changed. These files have a .AIR extension. The filename is returned in a SIMCONNECT_RECV_EVENT_FILENAME structure.
Crashed Request a notification if the user aircraft crashes.
CrashReset Request a notification when the crash cut-scene has completed.
CustomMissionActionExecuted Request a notification when a mission action has been executed. 
FlightLoaded Request a notification when a flight is loaded. Note that when a flight is ended, a default flight is typically loaded, so these events will occur when flights and missions are started and finished. The filename of the flight loaded is returned in a SIMCONNECT_RECV_EVENT_FILENAME structure.
FlightSaved Request a notification when a flight is saved correctly. The filename of the flight saved is returned in a SIMCONNECT_RECV_EVENT_FILENAME structure.
FlightPlanActivated Request a notification when a new flight plan is activated. The filename of the activated flight plan is returned in a SIMCONNECT_RECV_EVENT_FILENAME structure.
FlightPlanDeactivated Request a notification when the active flight plan is de-activated.
Frame Request notifications every visual frame. Information is returned in a SIMCONNECT_RECV_EVENT structure.
ObjectAdded Request a notification when an AI object is added to the simulation. Refer also to the SIMCONNECT_RECV_EVENT_OBJECT_ADDREMOVE structure.
ObjectRemoved Request a notification when an AI object is removed from the simulation. Refer also to the SIMCONNECT_RECV_EVENT_OBJECT_ADDREMOVE structure.
Pause Request notifications when the flight is paused or unpaused, and also immediately returns the current pause state (1 = paused or 0 = unpaused). The state is returned in the dwData parameter.

Request notifications when the flight is paused or unpaused, and also immediately returns the current pause state with more detail than the regular Pause system event. The state is returned in the dwData parameter, and will be one of the following defines:

#define PAUSE_STATE_FLAG_OFF                0    // No Pause
#define PAUSE_STATE_FLAG_PAUSE              1    // "full" Pause (sim + traffic + etc...)
#define PAUSE_STATE_FLAG_PAUSE_WITH_SOUND   2    // FSX Legacy Pause (not used anymore)
#define PAUSE_STATE_FLAG_ACTIVE_PAUSE       4    // Pause was activated using the "Active Pause" Button
#define PAUSE_STATE_FLAG_SIM_PAUSE          8    // Pause the player sim but traffic, multi, etc... will still run
Paused Request a notification when the flight is paused.
PauseFrame Request notifications for every visual frame that the simulation is paused. Information is returned in a SIMCONNECT_RECV_EVENT structure.
PositionChanged Request a notification when the user changes the position of their aircraft through a dialog.
Sim Request notifications when the flight is running or not, and also immediately returns the current state (1 = running or 0 = not running). The state is returned in the dwData parameter.
SimStart The simulator is running. Typically the user is actively controlling the aircraft on the ground or in the air. However, in some cases additional pairs of SimStart/SimStop events are sent. For example, when a flight is reset the events that are sent are SimStop, SimStart, SimStop, SimStart. Also when a flight is started with the SHOW_OPENING_SCREEN value set to zero, then an additional SimStart/SimStop pair are sent before a second SimStart event is sent when the scenery is fully loaded. The opening screen provides the options to change aircraft, departure airport, and so on.
SimStop The simulator is not running. Typically the user is loading a flight, navigating the shell or in a dialog.
Sound Requests a notification when the master sound switch is changed. This request will also return the current state of the master sound switch immediately. A flag is returned in the dwData parameter, 0 if the switch is off, SIMCONNECT_SOUND_SYSTEM_EVENT_DATA_MASTER (0x1) if the switch is on.
Unpaused Request a notification when the flight is un-paused.
View Requests a notification when the user aircraft view is changed. This request will also return the current view immediately. A flag is returned in the dwData parameter, one of: SIMCONNECT_VIEW_SYSTEM_EVENT_DATA_COCKPIT_2D SIMCONNECT_VIEW_SYSTEM_EVENT_DATA_COCKPIT_VIRTUAL SIMCONNECT_VIEW_SYSTEM_EVENT_DATA_ORTHOGONAL (the map view).
WeatherModeChanged Request a notification when the weather mode is changed.


Return Values

The function returns an HRESULT. Possible values include, but are not limited to, those in the following table.

Return value Description
S_OK The function succeeded.
E_FAIL The function failed.


static enum EVENT_ID {
hr = SimConnect_SubscribeToSystemEvent(hSimConnect, EVENT_FLIGHT_LOAD, "FlightLoaded");
hr = SimConnect_SubscribeToSystemEvent(hSimConnect, EVENT_RECUR_1SEC,  "1sec");
hr = SimConnect_SubscribeToSystemEvent(hSimConnect, EVENT_RECUR_FRAME, "frame");
hr = SimConnect_SetSystemEventState(hSimConnect, EVENT_RECUR_FRAME, SIMCONNECT_STATE_OFF);
Working Samples



A single call to this function is all that is necessary to receive the notifications. For greatest efficiency use SimConnect_SetSystemEventState to turn these requests on and off temporarily, and call SimConnect_UnsubscribeFromSystemEvent once only to permanently terminate the notifications of these events.


See Also