
The SimConnect_ExecuteAction function can be used to call an action from an XML file with a variable number of parameters.


HRESULT SimConnect_ExecuteAction(
    HANDLE hSimConnect,
    DWORD cbRequestID,
    const char* szActionID,
    DWORD cbUnitSize
    void* pParamValues


Parameter Description Type
hSimConnect Handle to a SimConnect object.     Integer
cbRequestID ID of the request to retrieve it in the callback response. Integer
szActionID The name of the action. Char
cbUnitSize The size of the pParamValues data. Integer
pParamValues A void* that contains all the values packed as byte data. Void


Return Values

The function returns an HRESULT. Possible values include, but are not limited to, those in the following table.

Return value Description
S_OK The function succeeded.
E_FAIL The function failed.



The example below shows one way of how to construct the pParamValues parameter for use with this function:

NOTE: All strings are of a fixed size (256).

HANDLE  hSimConnect;
// SetHighlight (Bool) - FocusDuration (Float) - SetCamera (Bool) - InstrumentPartId (String 256) - InstrumentHtmlId (String 256)
int paramValuesSize = sizeof(bool) + sizeof(float) + sizeof(bool) + 256 + 256;
unsigned char* pData = new unsigned char[paramValuesSize];
unsigned char* pDataBegin = pData;
bool setHighlightVal = TRUE;
*pData = setHighlightVal;
pData += sizeof(bool);
float focusDurationVal = 5.0f;
memcpy(pData, &focusDurationVal, sizeof(float));
pData += sizeof(float);
bool setCameraVal = FALSE;
*pData = setCameraVal;
pData += sizeof(bool);
char instrumentPartIdVal[256] = { "FUEL_SWITCH_TRANSFER" };
memcpy(pData, &instrumentPartIdVal, 256);
pData += 256;
char instrumentHtmlVal[256] = { "" };
memcpy(pData, &instrumentHtmlVal, 256);
pData += 256;
pData = pDataBegin;
SimConnect_ExecuteAction(hSimConnect, 0, "FocusInstrumentAction", paramValuesSize, pData);


Alternatively, you can use a struct to form the pParamValues parameter:

NOTE: The struct must be #pragma pack (1) because of struct padding.

#pragma pack (1)
struct FocusInstrumentParams
    bool highlightPart;
    float focusDuration;
    bool setCamera;
    char instrumentPartId[256];
    char instrumentHtml[256];
#pragma pack (0)
HANDLE  hSimConnect;
FocusInstrumentParams params;
params.highlightPart = TRUE;
params.focusDuration = 5.0f;
params.setCamera = FALSE;
strcpy_s(params.instrumentPartId, "FUEL_SWITCH_TRANSFER");
strcpy_s(params.instrumentHtml, "\0");
SimConnect_ExecuteAction(hSimConnect, 0, "FocusInstrumentAction", sizeof(params), &params);


Note that it is possible that you get the following SIMCONNECT_EXCEPTION values when using this function:



See Also