The SIMCONNECT_RECV_SIMOBJECT_DATA structure will be received by the client after a successful call to SimConnect_RequestDataOnSimObject or SimConnect_RequestDataOnSimObjectType.

    DWORD  dwRequestID;
    DWORD  dwObjectID;
    DWORD  dwDefineID;
    DWORD  dwFlags;
    DWORD  dwentrynumber;
    DWORD  dwoutof;
    DWORD  dwDefineCount;
    DWORD  dwData;


Member Description
dwRequestID The ID of the client defined request.

The ID of the client defined object.

dwDefineID The ID of the client defined data definition.
dwFlags The flags that were set for this data request, see SimConnect_RequestDataOnSimObject for a description of the flags. This parameter will always be set to zero if the call was SimConnect_RequestDataOnSimObjectType.
dwentrynumber If multiple objects are being returned, this is the index number of this object out of a total of dwoutof. This will always be 1 if the call was SimConnect_RequestDataOnSimObject, and can be 0 or more if the call was SimConnect_RequestDataOnSimObjectType.
dwoutof The total number of objects being returned. Note that dwentrynumber and dwoutof start with 1 not 0, so if two objects are being returned dwentrynumber and dwoutof pairs will be 1,2 and 2,2 for the two objects. This will always be 1 if the call was SimConnect_RequestDataOnSimObject, and can be 0 or more if the call was SimConnect_RequestDataOnSimObjectType.
dwDefineCount The number of 8-byte elements in the dwData array.
dwData A data array containing information on a specified object in 8-byte (double word) elements. The length of the array is dwDefineCount.



This structure inherits the SIMCONNECT_RECV structure and is returned when the dwID parameter of SIMCONNECT_RECV is set to SIMCONNECT_RECV_ID_SIMOBJECT_DATA.


See Also