IMPORTANT! This section relates to a legacy process intended for use with Microsoft Flight Simulator X. It is still valid for Microsoft Flight Simulator but may be changed or even removed at some time in the future and should only be used for support of legacy add-ons.

The SimConnect.cfg file (which you can get here) contains communication information for the SimConnect client. This file is only required if a client is going to access Microsoft Flight Simulator running on a remote machine, and should be placed in the same folder as the client application or library, on the computer the client is running on.


The SimConnect.cfg file can contain a number of configurations, identified in sections with the [SimConnect.N] title. The index number is used as a parameter in the SimConnect_Open function. This is useful for applications that communicate with a number of different machines that are runningMicrosoft Flight Simulator . The default configuration index is zero, and if there is only one configuration in the file, no index number is required.


The SimConnect.CFG should be formatted as follows:

; Further connections here if required


Below you can find information on the different sections used in the SimConnect.cfg file as well as what parameters and values are expected within them.




This section permits you to define client options for one or more connections:


Parameter Description Type

Set's the protocol to use for the client connection. Pipe uses a "Named-Pipes" communcation system and the IPv4 and IPv6 protocols are available on computers running Windows, with IPv4 as the default (IPv6 has more security features and is recommended, however).

The order in which protocols are evaluated is: Pipe, IPv6, IPv4, Pipe. So, for example, if this entry is set at IPv6, then IPv4 and Pipe will evaluated in that order and the first working protocol found will be used. The advantage of Pipe communication is that it avoids conflict with firewalls and virus protection software when the connection is local, which of course is not the situation if a SimConnect.cfg file is required.



Address The Address of the SimConnect server should be entered in this field and will be the same value as that in the appropriate Comm section of the SimConnect.xml file. The address can be the name of a computer in a Domain Controller environment. String
Port The Port of the SimConnect server should be entered in this field and will be the same value as that in the appropriate Comm section of the SimConnect.xml file. String
MaxReceiveSize The maximum packet size. The default is 8192. If the client receives a packet larger than this size, it will disconnect from the server. Integer
DisableNagle Set to 1 (TRUE) to disable the Nagle packet optimization algorithms, otherwise set to 0 (FALSE). Bool