This page lists the available radio navigation Token Variables for use when creating gauges using WASM / C++.




Parameters Universal Var Member Description
ADF_500_HZ_TUNABLE n (FLOAT) Specifies the tuneable ADF frequency.
ADF_CARD_RADIAL n (FLOAT) Specifies the ADF card cardinal direction, in degrees from 0 to 360.
ADF_EXTENDED_FREQUENCY n (FLOAT) Specifies the ADF extended frequency, BCD16 encoded.
ADF_FREQUENCY n (FLOAT) Specifies the ADF frequency, BCD16 encoded.
ADF_IDENTITY p (PVOID) Pointer to a string with the ADF identity.
ADF_MORSE_IDENT b (BOOL) This will be TRUE (1) if there is a morse signal, FALSE (0) otherwise.
ADF_NEEDLE n (FLOAT) The ADF needle position, expressed as 16-bit pseudo-degrees.
ADF_SIGNAL_STRENGTH n (FLOAT) The ADF signal strength where 0 is no signal, and 256 and above is a good signal.
ADF_SOUND_TOGGLE b (BOOL) Whether the ADF audio is on (TRUE, 1) or off (FALSE, 0).
ADF_VOLUME n (FLOAT) The volume of the ADF output, expressed as a Percent Over 100.




Parameters Universal Var Member Description
ATC_AIRPORT_IS_TOWERED b (BOOL) This will be TRUE (1) if the airport is controlled, or FALSE (0) otherwise.
ATC_CLEARED_LANDING b (BOOL) This will be TRUE (1) if the ATC has cleared the aircraft for landing, or FALSE (0) otherwise.
ATC_CLEARED_TAKEOFF b (BOOL) This will be TRUE (1) if the ATC has cleared the aircraft for takeoff, or FALSE (0) otherwise.
ATC_CLEARED_TAXI b (BOOL) This will be TRUE (1) if the ATC has cleared the aircraft for taxi, or FALSE (0) otherwise.
ATC_RUNWAY_AIRPORT_NAME p (PVOID) A pointer to the name of the airport of the runway assigned by the ATC.
ATC_RUNWAY_DISTANCE n (FLOAT) This value represents the distance between the aircraft and the center of the runway selected by the ATC. Value is in meters.
ATC_RUNWAY_END_DISTANCE n (FLOAT) This value corresponds to the horizontal distance between the aircraft and the end of the runway selected by the ATC. Value is in meters.
ATC_RUNWAY_HEADING_DEGREES_TRUE n (FLOAT) This value represents the true heading of the runway selected by the ATC, in degrees.
ATC_RUNWAY_LENGTH n (FLOAT) The length of the runway assigned by the ATC, in meters. Will return -1 if no runway is assigned.
ATC_RUNWAY_RELATIVE_POSITION_X n (FLOAT) This value corresponds to the aircraft's main gear relative X (transverse) axis position on the runway selected by the ATC. Value is in meters.
ATC_RUNWAY_RELATIVE_POSITION_Y n (FLOAT) This value corresponds to the aircraft's main gear relative Y (height) axis position on the runway selected by the ATC. Value is in meters.
ATC_RUNWAY_RELATIVE_POSITION_Z n (FLOAT) This value corresponds to the aircraft's main gear relative Z (longitudinal) axis position on the runway selected by the ATC. Value is in meters.
ATC_RUNWAY_SELECTED n (BOOL) Whether the ATC has pre-selected a runway for the aircraft (TRUE, 1) or not (FALSE; 0).
ATC_RUNWAY_START_DISTANCE n (FLOAT) This value corresponds to the horizontal distance between the aircraft and the start of the runway selected by the ATC. Value is in meters.
ATC_RUNWAY_TDPOINT_RELATIVE_POSITION_X n (FLOAT) This value represents the aircraft main gear relative X (transverse) axis position according to the aiming point of the runway selected by the ATC. Value is in meters.
ATC_RUNWAY_TDPOINT_RELATIVE_POSITION_Y n (FLOAT) This value represents the aircraft main gear relative Y (height) axis position according to the aiming point of the runway selected by the ATC. Value is in meters.
ATC_RUNWAY_TDPOINT_RELATIVE_POSITION_Z n (FLOAT) This value represents the aircraft main gear relative Z (longitudinal) axis position according to the aiming point of the runway selected by the ATC. Value is in meters.
ATC_RUNWAY_WIDTH n (FLOAT) The width of the runway assigned by the ATC, in meters. Will return -1 if no runway is assigned.
SLOPE_TO_ATC_RUNWAY n (FLOAT) The slope between the aircraft and the expected landing position of the runway, in radians. Will return 0 if no runway is assigned.




Parameters Universal Var Member Description
MARKER_BEACON_SENSITIVITY_HIGH b (BOOL) Whether the Marker Beacon is in High Sensitivity mode (TRUE, 1) or not (FALSE, 0).

e (ENUM)

  1. 0 = no beacon
  2. 1 = outer
  3. 2 = middle
  4. 3 = inner
The marker beacon state.
MARKER_BEACON_TEST_MUTE b (BOOL) Whether the Marker Beacon is in test/mute mode (TRUE, 1) or not (FALSE, 0).
MARKER_SOUND_TOGGLE n (FLOAT) Whether the Marker Beacon sound is on (TRUE, 1) or not (FALSE, 0).




Parameters Universal Var Member Description
COM_ACTIVE_FREQUENCY n (FLOAT) The COM active frequency, BCD16 encoded.
COM_BOTH_RECEIVE n (FLOAT) Whether the audio is being recieved on both COMs (TRUE , 1) or not (FALSE, 0).



n (FLOAT) Specifies COM 1/2 radio frequency, BCD16 encoded.
COM_RADIO_25_KHZ_TUNABLE b (BOOL) Whether the COM radio is tuneable (TRUE , 1) or not (FALSE, 0).
COM_RECEIVE b (BOOL) Whether the aircraft is receiving on this COM channel (TRUE, 1) or not (FALSE, 0).
COM_RECEIVE_EX1 b (BOOL) Whether the aircraft is receiving on this COM channel (TRUE, 1) or not (FALSE, 0).




n (FLOAT) Specifies COM 1/2 radio standby frequency, BCD16 encoded.
COM_VOLUME n (FLOAT) The volume of the COM radio, as a percentage between 0 and 100.



b (BOOL) Whether the aircraft COM switch 1/2 is on (TRUE, 1) or not (FALSE, 0).




n (FLOAT) Specifies COM 1/2/3 stored frequency, BCD16 encoded.



b (BOOL) Audio panel COM transmit state, either on (TRUE, 1) or off (FALSE, 0).




Parameters Universal Var Member Description

e (ENUM)

  1. 0 = DME1
  2. 1 = DME2
The currently selected DME.
CURRENT_DME_DISTANCE n (FLOAT) The DME (1 or 2) distance, in nm.
CURRENT_DME_SPEED n (FLOAT) The DME (1 or 2) speed, in Knots.
CURRENT_DME_MIN n (FLOAT) The DME (1 or 2) minutes until arriving.



b (BOOL)

The type of display for the DME, either TRUE (1) for the speed, in knots, or FALSE (0) for the distance readout.



n (FLOAT) The DME (1 or 2) distance readout.



b (BOOL) This will be TRUE (1) if there is a morse signal, FALSE (0) otherwise.



n (FLOAT) The DME (1 or 2) speed readout.
DME_SOUND_TOGGLE n (FLOAT) Audio panel DME audio state, either on (TRUE, 1) or off (FALSE, 0).




Parameters Universal Var Member Description

Whether the GPS is driving the Nav 1 indicator (TRUE, 1) or not (FALSE, 0).

GPS_FLAGS f (FLAGS) GPS flag settings. See GPS_FLAG_ in GAUGES.h.
GPS_FLIGHTPLAN_TOTAL_DISTANCE n (FLOAT) The GPS flightplan total distance in meters.
GPS_GROUND_HEADING n (FLOAT) The current GPS true heading, in Radians (0 - 2PI).
GPS_GROUND_SPEED n (FLOAT) The current ground speed, in meters per second.
GPS_GROUND_TRACK n (FLOAT) The current GPS ground track (heading + magvar, magnetic yaw), in Radians (0 - 2PI).
GPS_MAGVAR n (FLOAT) The current GPS magnetic variation, in radians.
GPS_OBS_ACTIVE b (BOOL) Whether the OBS mode is currently active (TRUE, 1) or not (FALSE, 0). If TRUE, this will disable the automatic sequencing of waypoints in the GPS flight plan.
GPS_OBS_VALUE n (FLOAT) The current course set for the OBS, in degrees.
GPS_POSITION_ALT n (FLOAT) The current GPS altitude, in meters.
GPS_POSITION_LAT n (FLOAT) The current GPS latitude, in latitude meters (meters * (360 / 40007000)).
GPS_POSITION_LON n (FLOAT) The current GPS longitude, in radians.
GPS_WP_BEARING n (FLOAT) The magnetic bearing to waypoint the next heading, in radians.
GPS_WP_CROSS_TRK n (FLOAT) The cross track distance, in meters.
GPS_WP_DISTANCE n (FLOAT) Meters to next waypoint.
GPS_WP_NEXT_ALT n (FLOAT) The altitude of next waypoint, in meters.
GPS_WP_NEXT_LAT n (FLOAT) The latitude of next waypoint, in degrees.
GPS_WP_NEXT_LON n (FLOAT) The longitude of next waypoint, in degrees.
GPS_WP_PREV_ALT n (FLOAT) The altitude of previous waypoint, in meters.
GPS_WP_PREV_LAT n (FLOAT) The latitude of previous waypoint, in degrees.
GPS_WP_PREV_LON n (FLOAT) The longitude of previous waypoint, in degrees.
GPS_WP_REQ_HDG n (FLOAT) The required heading, magnetic, from the prev wayppoint to next waypoint, in radians.
GPS_WP_STRING p (PVOID) The name of the next waypoint.
GPS_WP_TRUE_BEARING n (FLOAT) The true bearing to the waypoint, in degrees.
GPS_WP_TRUE_REQ_HDG n (FLOAT) The required true heading to the waypoint, in degrees.




Parameters Universal Var Member Description
HSI_BEARING n (FLOAT) This will return the HSI needle bearing, in degrees.
HSI_BEARING_VALID b (BOOL) This will be TRUE (1) if the HSI_BEARING variable contains valid data, or FALSE (0) otherwise.
HSI_DESIRED_HEADING_NEEDLE n (FLOAT) The HSI desired heading, in degrees.
HSI_DISTANCE n (FLOAT) The DME/GPS distance in nm.
HSI_HORIZONTAL_NEEDLE n (FLOAT) The HSI horizontal needle position between -1 and 1, which corresponds to -0.7º and 0.7º.
HSI_HORIZONTAL_VALID b (BOOL) Whether the HSI signal is valid (TRUE, 1) or not (FALSE, 0).
HSI_OBI_NEEDLE n (FLOAT) The OBS needle setting, in degrees.
HSI_SIGNAL_LOCALISER b (BOOL) Whether the station is a localiser (TRUE, 1) or not (FALSE, 0).
HSI_SPEED n (FLOAT) The DME/GPS speed, in Knots.
HSI_STATION_NAME p (PVOID) The HSI station name.

e (ENUM)

  1. 0 = Off
  2. 1 = TO
  3. 2 = FROM
The HSI to/from flag setting.
HSI_VERTICAL_VALID b (BOOL) Whether the NAV flag is on (TRUE, 1) or not (FALSE, 0).

The HSI vertical needle position. The value returned will be between -1 and 1 (corresponding to -10º and 10º) if VOR, or between -2.5º and 2.5º if localizer, or between -5nm and 5nm if GPS.



Parameters Universal Var Member Description
NAV_VOLUME n (FLOAT) The volume of the NAV Radio, expressed as a percentage from 0 to 100.



b (BOOL) Whether the NAV1/2 autoswitch is on (TRUE, 1) or not (FALSE, 0).



b (BOOL) This will be TRUE (1) if the NAV1/2 COM system is working and FALSE (0) if it is not.



n (FLOAT) The NAV1/2 active frequency, expressed as a BCD16 value.



b (BOOL) This will be TRUE (1) if there is a morse signal, and FALSE (0) otherwise.



n (FLOAT) This will be TRUE (1) if NAV1/2 audio is enabled, and FALSE (0) otherwise.



n (FLOAT) The NAV1/2 standby frequency, expressed as a BCD16 value.



n (FLOAT) The rdial that the aircraft is on, in radians.
TACAN_DRIVES_NAV1 b (BOOL) Whether the TACAN is driving the Nav 1 indicator (TRUE, 1) or not (FALSE, 0).




Parameters Universal Var Member Description

e (ENUM)

  1. 0 = COM1
  2. 1 = COM2
  3. 2 = COM3
  4. 3 = TEL
  5. 4 = NONE
The channel on which the pilot is transmitting.
PILOT_TRANSMITTING b (BOOL) Whether the pilot is transmitting (TRUE, 1) or not (FALSE, 0).




Parameters Universal Var Member Description
RADIO_HEIGHT n (FLOAT) The radar altitude, in meters.

The radio morse state, formed using these flags:

  1. 1: VOR1 (Bit 1)
  2. 2: VOR2 (Bit 2)
  3. 4: DME1 (Bit 3)
  4. 8: DME2 (Bit 4)
  5. 16: ADF (Bit 5)
RADIO_STACK_VISIBLE b (BOOL) Whether the radio stack is visible (TRUE, 1) or not (FALSE, 0).




Parameters Universal Var Member Description




The status of VOR1/2, comprised from the following:

  1. BIT0:[index] Back course available
  2. BIT1:[index] Localizer tuned in
  3. BIT2:[index] On course
  4. BIT7:[index] Station active



n (FLOAT) The relative bearing for the VOR1/2 station, measured in degrees.




The VOR 1/2 code flags:

  1. BIT0:[index] 1= DME available
  2. BIT1:[index] 1 = TACAN available
  3. BIT2:[index] 1= voice available
  4. BIT3:[index] 1= no nav signal available
  5. BIT4:[index] 1= DME transmitter at glide slope transmitter
  6. BIT5:[index] 1= no localizer backcourse
  7. BIT6:[index] 1= glideslope available
  8. BIT7:[index] 0= VOR, 1= Localizer



b (BOOL) Whether there is a glideslope signal on VOR1/2 (TRUE, 1) or not (FALSE, 0).



n (FLOAT) The glideslope needle deflection, between -120 and 120, which corresponds to -0.7 and 0.7.



p (PVOID) The VOR 1/2 identity, as a string.



n (FLOAT) The magnetic deviation at the location of the VOR1/2 station, between 0 and 65536, corresponding to 0º to 360º.



n (FLOAT) The VOR1/2 needle deviation, between -127 and 127. This corresponds to between -10 and 10 if VOR, or between -2.5 and 2.5 if localizer.
VOR1_NEEDLE_RADIO n (FLOAT) The VOR1 needle deviation - driven always by VOR - between -127 and 127. This corresponds to between -10 and 10 if VOR, or between -2.5 and 2.5 if localizer.



n (FLOAT) The VOR1/2 OBS setting, in degrees.



n (FLOAT) The VOR1/2 signal strnegth where 0 is no signal and greater than or eqiual to 256 is a good signal.



e (ENUM)

  1. 0 = Off
  2. 1 = To
  3. 2 = From
The to/from status of VOR1/2.