This page lists the available Token Variables related to the different airport vehicles for use when creating gauges using WASM / C++.



Baggage Loaders

Parameters Universal Var Member Description
BAGGAGELOADER_ANGLE_CURRENT n (FLOAT64) Current angle of the baggage loader ramp, relative to the ground, in degrees.
BAGGAGELOADER_ANGLE_TARGET n (FLOAT64) Target angle of the baggage loader ramp, relative to the ground, in degrees.
BAGGAGELOADER_END_RAMP_Y n (FLOAT64) "Y" axis position of the end of the baggage loader ramp, relative to the ground, in degrees.
BAGGAGELOADER_END_RAMP_Z n (FLOAT64) "Z" axis position of the end of the baggage loader ramp, relative to the ground, in degrees.
BAGGAGELOADER_PIVOT_Y n (FLOAT64) "Y" axis position of the baggage loader ramp pivot, relative to the ground, in degrees.
BAGGAGELOADER_PIVOT_Z n (FLOAT64) "Z" axis position of the baggage loader ramp pivot, relative to the ground, in degrees.



Boarding Ramps

Parameters Universal Var Member Description
BOARDINGRAMP_ELEVATION_CURRENT n (FLOAT64) The current altitude AGL of the top of the boarding ramp stairs, in meters.
BOARDINGRAMP_ELEVATION_TARGET n (FLOAT64) The target altitude AGL of the top of the boarding ramp stairs, in meters.
BOARDINGRAMP_END_POSITION_Y n (FLOAT64) The "Y" axis position of the top of the boarding ramp stairs when extended at maximal capacity, relative to the ground, in meters.
BOARDINGRAMP_END_POSITION_Z n (FLOAT64) The "Z" axis position of the top of the boarding ramp stairs when extended at maximal capacity, relative to the ground, in meters.
BOARDINGRAMP_ORIENTATION_CURRENT n (FLOAT64) The current orientation of the boarding ramp stairs, where 0 is at rest and 1 is suited for boarding, expressed as a Percent Over 100.
BOARDINGRAMP_ORIENTATION_TARGET n (FLOAT64) The target orientation of of the boarding ramp stairs, where 0 is at rest and 1 is suited for boarding, expressed as a Percent Over 100.
BOARDINGRAMP_START_POSITION_Y n (FLOAT64) The "Y" axis position of the top of the boarding ramp stairs when at minimal extension, in meters, relative to the ground.
BOARDINGRAMP_START_POSITION_Z n (FLOAT64) The "Z" axis position of the top of the boarding ramp stairs when at minimal extension, in meters, relative to the ground.



Catering Trucks

Parameters Universal Var Member Description
CATERINGTRUCK_AIRCRAFT_DOOR_CONTACT_OFFSET_Z n (FLOAT64) The "Z" axis position of the point of contact between the catering truck and the bottom of the aircraft door, relative to the ground, in meters.
CATERINGTRUCK_ELEVATION_CURRENT n (FLOAT64) The current altitude AGL of the bottom of the catering truck container, in meters.
CATERINGTRUCK_ELEVATION_TARGET n (FLOAT64) The target altitude AGL of the bottom of the catering truck container, in meters.
CATERINGTRUCK_OPENING_CURRENT n (FLOAT64) The current state of the catering truck when opening the container and deploying the bridge, where 0 is fully closed and 1 is fully opened and deployed, expressed as a Percent Over 100.
CATERINGTRUCK_OPENING_TARGET n (FLOAT64) The target state of the catering truck the container is opene and the bridge deployed, where 0 is fully closed and 1 is fully opened and deployed, expressed as a Percent Over 100.



Fuel Trucks

Parameters Universal Var Member Description
FUELTRUCK_HOSE_DEPLOYED n (FLOAT64) The current deployment amount of the fuel truck hose, expressed as a Percent Over 100. Currently can only be set to 0 (not deployed) and 1 (deployed).
FUELTRUCK_HOSE_END_POSX n (FLOAT64) The "X" axis position of the end of the fuel truck hose when fully deployed, relative to the ground, in meters.
FUELTRUCK_HOSE_END_POSZ n (FLOAT64) The "Z" axis position of the end of the fuel truck hose when fully deployed, relative to the ground, in meters.
FUELTRUCK_HOSE_END_RELATIVE_HEADING n (FLOAT64) The heading of the end of the fuel truck hose, relative to the vehicle heading, in degrees.



Ground Power Units

Parameters Universal Var Member Description
GROUNDPOWERUNIT_HOSE_DEPLOYED n (FLOAT64) The current deployment amount of the ground power unit hose, expressed as a Percent Over 100. Currently can only be set to 0 (not deployed) and 1 (deployed).
GROUNDPOWERUNIT_HOSE_END_POSX n (FLOAT64) The "X" axis position of the end of the ground power unit hose when fully deployed, relative to the ground, in meters.
GROUNDPOWERUNIT_HOSE_END_POSZ n (FLOAT64) The "Z" axis position of the end of the ground power unit hose when fully deployed, relative to the ground, in meters.
GROUNDPOWERUNIT_HOSE_END_RELATIVE_HEADING n (FLOAT64) The heading of the end of the fuel ground power unit, relative to the vehicle heading, in degrees.




Parameters Universal Var Member Description
JETWAY_HOOD_LEFT_BEND n (FLOAT64) The target position for the left bend animation of the jetway hood, expressed as a percentage from 0 to 100. 
JETWAY_HOOD_LEFT_DEPLOYMENT n (FLOAT64) The target angle for the left deployment animation of the jetway hood, expressed as a percentage from 0 to 100, where 0 is considered vertical.
JETWAY_HOOD_RIGHT_BEND n (FLOAT64) The target position for the right bend animation of the jetway hood, expressed as a percentage from 0 to 100.
JETWAY_HOOD_RIGHT_DEPLOYMENT n (FLOAT64) The target angle for the right deployment animation of the jetway hood, expressed as a percentage from 0 to 100, where 0 is considered vertical.
JETWAY_HOOD_TOP_HORIZONTAL n (FLOAT64) Target position for the top horizontal animation of the jetway hood, expressed as a percentage where values can be between -100% and 100%.
JETWAY_HOOD_TOP_VERTICAL n (FLOAT64) Target position for the top vertical animation of the jetway hood, expressed as a percentage where values can be between -100% and 100%.
JETWAY_MOVING b (BOOL) This will be 1 (TRUE) id the jetway body is currently moving (it will not include checks on hood animation).
JETWAY_WHEEL_ORIENTATION_CURRENT n (FLOAT64) The current angle of the jetway wheels, in degrees.
JETWAY_WHEEL_ORIENTATION_TARGET n (FLOAT64) The (approximate) target angle for the jetway wheels, in degrees.
JETWAY_WHEEL_SPEED n (FLOAT64) The current speed of the jetway wheels, in meters per second.




Parameters Universal Var Member Description
PUSHBACK_ATTACHED b (BOOL) This will be 1 (TRUE) is the pushback has been attached, or 0 (FALSE) otherwise.
PUSHBACK_AVAILABLE b (BOOL) This will be 1 (TRUE) if there is a pushback available, or 0 (FALSE) otherwise.




Parameters Universal Var Member Description
WAGON_BACK_LINK_LENGTH n (FLOAT64) The length of the link at the back of the vehicle used to attach a wagon behind, in meters.
WAGON_BACK_LINK_ORIENTATION n (FLOAT64) The current orientation of the link at the back of the vehicle used to attach a wagon behind, in degrees.
WAGON_BACK_LINK_START_POSZ n (FLOAT64) The "Z" axis position of the start of the link at the back of the vehicle used to attach a wagon behind, relative to the ground, in meters.
WAGON_FRONT_LINK_LENGTH n (FLOAT64) The length of the link at the front of the vehicle used to be attached as wagon, in meters.
WAGON_FRONT_LINK_ORIENTATION n (FLOAT64) The current orientation of the link at the front of the vehicle used to be attached as wagon, in degrees.
WAGON_FRONT_LINK_START_POSZ n (FLOAT64) The "Z" axis position of the start of the link at the front of the vehicle used to be attached as wagon, relative to the ground, in meters.