[Main] ; Here you can change display info for the briefing and menu. MissionType=BushTrip MissionLocation=$$:Your Location Title=$$:Your bushtrip tittle Description=$$:Your Quick description AppVersion=10.0.282174 FlightVersion=1 [Options] ;Do no need to touch anything here Sound=True Pause=True Moonlight=True Save=True TextDisplayPage=0 SlewDisplayPage=1 AxisIndicator=Off Titles=False SaveOriginalFlightPlan=True [Briefing] ; Here you define the text for the briefing box. Also add the images you want to display at briefing. One per airport is the standard BriefingText=$$:Text for your briefing BriefingImage0="./Images/ICAO1.png" BriefingImage1="./Images/ICAO2.png" [Sim.0] ;Here you define the plane used in the bushtrip. Airplanes have code names. A list with all the names is attacked with the template. Sim=Cessna Skyhawk G1000 Asobo SimFile=runway.FLT [ResourcePath] ; Always use the folder name containing the files. Path=BushTripTemplate [ObjectFile] ; Always use the file name files, which should be the same for every one of them just with a different extension File=BushTripTemplate [Atc_Menu] ;Do not touch Visible=False [Weather] ;False by default. IF you are adding a custom weather file, weather.wrp, the mark as true UseWeatherFile=False [Assistance] ;Do no touch Preset=ASSISTANCE_PRESET_BUSH_TRIP EventTriggersFileCount=1 EventTriggersFile.0=BushTripEventTriggers [Departure] ;Write the departure ICAO code and runway number. You can check this info in the world map ICAO=1G4 RunwayNumber=17 RunwayDesignator=NONE [Loading] ;You can add and image for the loading screen and set custom text tips to be displayed while loading. Uncomment them if you want to use them ImageName=./images/Loading.png ;Tips0=$$:LOADING.TIPS.BUSH_TRIPS.1 ;Tips1=$$:LOADING.TIPS.BUSH_TRIPS.2 ;Tips2=$$:LOADING.TIPS.BUSH_TRIPS.3 ;Tips3=$$:LOADING.TIPS.BUSH_TRIPS.4 ;Tips4=$$:LOADING.TIPS.BUSH_TRIPS.5 ;Tips5=$$:LOADING.TIPS.C172_002 [Panels] ;Do not touch Panel.On=True HUD.On=False [Window.1] ;Do not touch Order=255 Active=True Undocked=False Maximized=True ScreenUniCoords=0, 0, 8192, 4000 UndocCoords=0, 0, 0, 0 CurrentCamera={BCA3FDD1-FB83-4BBA-8407-4922A7F0D00C} [ATC_AgentManager] ;Do not touch NumberofAgents=0 [ATC_Aircraft.0] ;You need to state each waypoint in the bushtrip, as before the info needs to be the exact same or it will not work ;Pattern would be ; regionID, POI or ICAO, , $$:Waypoint Name for navlog, U for user or A for airport, Latitude, Longitude, Altitude, ;NumberofWaypoints needs to be set, from 0 to last. Meaning that if Waypoint.4 is the last, we have 5 waypoints and not 4 ;Set cruising altitude to the desired one ActiveFlightPlan=True RequestedFlightPlan=False AcState=ACSTATE_REQUEST_TAXI_CLEARANCE_OUT_VFR_ATIS Waypoint.0=, ICAO1, , $$:Navlog title, A, N00° 00.00', W000° 00.00',+00000.00, Waypoint.1=!A, POI1, , $$:Navlog title, U, N00° 00.00', W000° 00.00',+00000.00, Waypoint.2=!A, POI2, , $$:Navlog title, U, N00° 00.00', W000° 00.00',+00000.00, Waypoint.3=, ICAO2, , $$:Navlog title, A, N00° 00.00', W000° 00.00',+00000.00, Waypoint.4=!B, POI3, , $$:Navlog title, U, N00° 00.00', W000° 00.00',+00000.00, Waypoint.5=!B, POI4, , $$:Navlog title, U, N00° 00.00', W000° 00.00',+00000.00, Waypoint.6=, ICAO3, , $$:Navlog title, A, N00° 00.00', W000° 00.00',+00000.00, NumberofWaypoints=7 ClearanceFlags=82 CtCur=CLEARANCE_NONE WaypointNext=1 AltCleared=-1 HdgAssigned=-1 SquawkAssigned=4608 LandingSequence=LANDING_NONE DepartureRequest=DEPARTURE_VFR_REQUEST_NONE ParkingRequest=PARKING_NAME_NONE ParkingTypeRequest=PARKING_TYPE_NONE PatternLeg=PATTERN_LEG_NONE ApproachIndex=-1 ApproachTransitionIndex=-1 ApproachRequestIndex=-1 ApproachTransitionRequestIndex=-1 RunwayIndex=-1 RunwayRequestIndex=-1 ParkingIndex=-1 FlightFollowing=FLIGHT_FOLLOWING_NO AirspaceTransition=AIRSPACE_TRANSITION_NONE BVAirspaceTransition=BV_TYPE_NONE BVAirspaceTransitionReq=BV_TYPE_NONE TakeoffSequence=TAKEOFF_SEQUENCE_NONE LandingSequenceNumber=-1 TaxiRouteCurrent=-1 CruisingAltitude=5000 RequestedCruisingAltitude=-1 ExpectedAltitude=-1 AircraftSignature=1,0 [ATC_ActiveFlightPlan.0] ;Title needs to be the exact same of the PLN file ;Update the departure_id and final destinationId with ICAO, coordinates and altitude ;Update desired cruising altitude, exact same as before ;Copy/paste the waypoint list from before ;UPdate departure and arrival name title=$$:Your_Bushtrip_Title description=BushTripTemplate type=VFR routetype=0 cruising_altitude=5000 departure_id=1G4,N35° 59.17', W113° 49.01',+004789.00 departure_position= destination_id=U30, N36° 1.22', W114° 20.10',+001550.00 departure_name=$$:Your Departure Name destination_name=$$:Your Arrival Name Waypoint.0=, ICAO1, , $$:Navlog title, A, N00° 00.00', W000° 00.00',+00000.00, Waypoint.1=!A, POI1, , $$:Navlog title, U, N00° 00.00', W000° 00.00',+00000.00, Waypoint.2=!A, POI2, , $$:Navlog title, U, N00° 00.00', W000° 00.00',+00000.00, Waypoint.3=, ICAO2, , $$:Navlog title, A, N00° 00.00', W000° 00.00',+00000.00, Waypoint.4=!B, POI3, , $$:Navlog title, U, N00° 00.00', W000° 00.00',+00000.00, Waypoint.5=!B, POI4, , $$:Navlog title, U, N00° 00.00', W000° 00.00',+00000.00, Waypoint.6=, ICAO3, , $$:Navlog title, A, N00° 00.00', W000° 00.00',+00000.00, [ATC_AircraftManager] ; Do not touch NumberofAircraft=1 [ATC_MessageSystem] ; Do not touch FrequencyNodes=0 [GPS_Engine] ; Filename points at your PLN file. Put the name of the file ; Position to the starting position, airport coordinates or runway location ; Wpinfo is generted using: ; Open the game ; 2) Open world Map ; 3) Click On Load/Save, then load again ; 4) Browse you PLN generated using the Little Nav Map, load it. You should be able to see the flight plan drawn in the world map. ; 5) Click on "Fly" ; 6) A temporary FLT file has been created, called Customflight.flt at C:\Users\yourUserName\Documents\My Games\KITTYHAWK\MISSIONS\Custom\CustomFlight\CUSTOMFLIGHT.FLT ; 7) You can use this file as a base, as it will contain all the relevant data for the bushtrip. Use it to fill the Blank template. ; - The CUSTOMFLIGHT.FLT is based on a free flight. Thus, it will add Waypoints named TIMECRUIS and TIMEDSCNT. : - Delete them and correct the numbering of the waypoints waypoint.4 ,waypoint.5, ... from [ATC_ActiveFlightPlan.0] and [ATC_Aircraft.0]. Also WpInfo from [GPS_Engine] ; - COrrect The naming of the waypoints POI1, POI2... ; - Corect the CountWP and NumberofWaypoints. You should subtract 2 (TIMECRUIS and TIMEDSCNT waypoints) Filename=BushTripTemplate position=N0° 0.02', E0° 0.84', +000007.99 Time=-1 TimeWP=14802 ArriveTime=1117 CountWP=6 NextWP=1 PlaneStarted=False WpInfo0=69, 0, 1459, 0, 0, 165.0, 0.0, 0.0 WpInfo1=178, 0, 4373, 0, 0, 0.0, 0.9, 0.0 WpInfo2=199, 0, 7406, 0, 0, 0.0, 0.9, 0.0 WpInfo3=164, 0, 10408, 0, 0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 WpInfo4=155, 0, 18912, 0, 0, 0.0, 3.1, 0.0 WpInfo5=158, 0, 19507, 0, 0, 0.0, 0.3, 0.0 CountFP=0 [DateTimeSeason] ;You can set date and time values here it is independent to the weater system, but it will affect the position of starts and the sun Season=Summer Year=2018 Day=165 Hours=6 Minutes=0 Seconds=0 [SimVars.0] ;Coordinates of the starting position of the plane. Heading controls rotation. Latitude=N00° 00' 00.00" Longitude=W000°° 00' 0.00" Altitude=+000000.00 Pitch=0 Bank=0 Heading=00.00 PVelBodyAxis=0 BVelBodyAxis=0 HVelBodyAxis=0 XVelBodyAxis=0 YVelBodyAxis=0 ZVelBodyAxis=0 SimOnGround=True OnPlatformHeight=-9999999999 [Slew.0] Active=False [Freeze.0] Location=False Altitude=False Attitude=False [Fuel.0] TankSelector=All TankSelector1=All Center=100 LeftMain=90 RightMain=90 LeftAux=100 RightAux=100 LeftTip=100 RightTip=100 Center 2=100 Center 3=100 External 1=100 External 2=100 [Payload.0] PayloadList= 85.0, 85.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 [Multiplayer] Status=0