This Node can be used to retrieve a single ground attribute for the particle emitter. The information that this node returns is retrieved using a projection of the emitter (not the particles themselves) onto the ground from it's current position. Essentially a ray is cast from the emitter to the center of the world, and the information retrieved from the point of intersection between this ray and the terrain beneath it.
Node Output
This node has the following output:
The attribute type is set from the Inspector window:
The following attribute types are available:String Type Description Position
Vec3 Returns the position on the ground for the emitter of the particle as a Vec3 with the format (x, y, z). This position is relative to the emitter position. Colour
Vec4 Returns the color of the ground at the relative particle emitter position as a vec4 corresponding to the (R, G, B, A) values of the terrain texture.
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