Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 permits you to use animated materials when texturing your aircraft models. However these matrials require a specific setup and can only be used with the correct material type and parameters.
NOTE: This is currently not supported when using The Blender Plugin.
Before creating any animated materials, it is important that you are aware of these main rules governing their creation and use:
- The material must have a unique GUID
- The material must be a FlightSim Material
- The material must be assigned to a node
- The material cannot be part of a multi-material
To set this up in 3Ds Maxyou should first create a "FlightSimulator Material" and assign it to a node:
Once that's been created, you need to open the Animation Groups panel from the right-click menu in the scene:
Here you should do the following:
- Create an animation group in the "Animation Group Panel"
- Enable "Keep Static Animation"
- Assign the node with the animated material to the animation group:
- Select the node with the animated material.
- Select the "Animated Materials" area in the "Animation Group Panel" untill is highlighted.
- Click the button "Add Viewport Selection" and Confirm.
At this point, you would then use the standard 3Ds Max workflow to animate the material property (or properties) that you require to animate:
It is important to note that only the Standard material can be animated, and within that material, only the following parameters will be recognised by Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024:
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