Mission flow
PLANE BANK DEGREES (Check the attitude of the aircraft for flight smoothness scoring)
PLANE PITCH DEGREES (Check the attitude of the aircraft for flight smoothness scoring)
G FORCE (Check the g force applied by the aircraft for flight smoothness scoring)
ROTATION VELOCITY BODY X (Check the bank rotation speed of the aircraft for flight smoothness scoring)
ROTATION VELOCITY BODY Z (Check the pitch rotation speed of the aircraft for flight smoothness scoring)
DESIGN SPEED VS1 (Needed for compute the best speed to do the fly around for sightseeing quality scoring)
PLANE TOUCHDOWN NORMAL VELOCITY (Check the vertical speed at touchdown for landing smoothness scoring)
Navigation graph nodes and tags
RTC_TOUR_EXTERIOR_START_PAX → RTC_TOUR_EXTERIOR_WAIT_PAX (must be connected to each other by edges / as many as the aircraft's passenger capacity, at least 1 mandatory / first one at distance of the aircraft, where passengers start the RTC / second one near the aircraft, where passengers finish walking)
SIT (where passengers sit in the aircraft / as many as the aircraft's passenger capacity, at least 1 mandatory / must be in an interactive object (seat, bench, ...) )