The FsPath structure represents a shape to be drawn.
struct FsPath {
int first;
int count;
unsigned char closed;
int nbevel;
FsVertex* fill;
int nfill;
FsVertex* stroke;
int nstroke;
int winding;
int convex;
Member | Description |
first |
This stores the first element of the current subpath (in the point array contained in PathCache). NOTE: This value is ignored by the game, but used by NanoVG to generate the path triangulation. |
count |
The amount of points in the path. NOTE: This value is ignored by the game, but used by NanoVG to generate the path triangulation. |
closed |
Sets whether this path must connect the last point to the first one (true) or not (false). NOTE: This value is ignored by the game, but used by NanoVG to generate the path triangulation. |
nbevel |
The count of corners with bevel (used for fill/stroke expansion). NOTE: This value is ignored by the game, but used by NanoVG to generate the path triangulation. |
fill |
Defines the vertices that delimit the shape to be filled. |
nfill |
Defines the number of vertices in the fill field. |
stroke |
Defines the vertices that delimit the shape to be stroke. |
nstroke |
Defines the number of vertices in the stroke field. |
winding |
Defines the winding of the points, used by NanoVG to create the triangulation: CW: clock-wise, CCW: counter-clock-wise. NOTE: This value is ignored by the game, but used by NanoVG to generate the path triangulation. |
convex |
Defines the convexity of the shape: 0 for concave, any other value for convex. |
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