
The SimConnect_AICreateEnrouteATCAircraft function is used to create an AI controlled aircraft that is about to start or is already underway on its flight plan.

NOTE: This function is a legacy function and only works with non-modular aircraft. In Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 we recommend you use SimConnect_AICreateEnrouteATCAircraft_EX1, which can be used with legacy and modular aircraft.


HRESULT SimConnect_AICreateEnrouteATCAircraft(
    HANDLE  hSimConnect,
    const char*  szContainerTitle,
    const char*  szTailNumber,
    int  iFlightNumber,
    const char*  szFlightPlanPath,
    double  dFlightPlanPosition,
    BOOL  bTouchAndGo,


Parameter Description Type
hSimConnect Handle to a SimConnect object. Integer

Null-terminated string containing the container title. The container title is found in the aircraft.cfg file. Alternatively, the aircraft title can be obtained via the Aircraft Selector (DevMode->Windows->Aircraft selector). Finally, the information can be found using the SimConnect_EnumerateSimObjectsAndLiveries function.
Examples of aircraft titles:

title=Boeing 747-8f Asobo

title=DA62 Asobo

title=VL3 Asobo

szTailNumber Null-terminated string containing the tail number. This should have a maximum of 12 characters. String
iFlightNumber Integer containing the flight number. There is no specific maximum length of this number. Any negative number indicates that there is no flight number.
szFlightPlanPath Null-terminated string containing the path to the flight plan file. Flight plans have the extension .pln, but no need to enter an extension here. The easiest way to create flight plans is to create them from within Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 itself, and then save them off for use with the AI controlled aircraft. String
dFlightPlanPosition Double floating point number containing the flight plan position. The number before the point contains the waypoint index, and the number afterwards how far along the route to the next waypoint the aircraft is to be positioned. The first waypoint index is 0. For example, 0.0 indicates that the aircraft has not started on the flight plan, 2.5 would indicate the aircraft is to be initialized halfway between the third and fourth waypoints (which would have indexes 2 and 3). The waypoints are those recorded in the flight plan, which may just be two airports, and do not include any taxiway points on the ground. Also there is a threshold that will ignore requests to have an aircraft taxiing or taking off, or landing. So set the value after the point to ensure the aircraft will be in level flight. Float
bTouchAndGo Set to True to indicate that landings should be touch and go, and not full stop landings. Bool
RequestID Specifies the client defined request ID. Integer


Return Values

The function returns an HRESULT. Possible values include, but are not limited to, those in the following table.

Return value Description
S_OK The function succeeded.
E_FAIL The function failed.



An enroute aircraft can be on the ground or airborne when it is created by this function. Typically this will be an aircraft flying under IFR rules, and in constant radio contact with ATC. The following exceptions can be created by this function (refer to the SIMCONNECT_EXCEPTION enum for more details):



A SIMCONNECT_RECV_ID_EVENT_OBJECT_ADDREMOVE event notification can be subscribed to (see the SimConnect_SubscribeToSystemEvent function), which will return a SIMCONNECT_RECV_EVENT_OBJECT_ADDREMOVE structure whenever any client, including the one making the change, successfully adds or removes an AI controlled object.


For float-planes the recommended procedure is to control them using waypoints, and not the ATC system, as there is no concept of a "parking space" after a water landing. So, the waypoints of the route of the float-plane should include the route that it should follow before take off and after landing. For all these cases of controlling aircraft using the client, or using waypoints, set up the object using the SimConnect_AICreateNonATCAircraft call.