IMPORTANT! Token Variables - along with the Gauge API - have been deprecated in Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 in favour of the new Vars API and Event API, which work with the more extensive and supported Simulation Variables and Key Events.


This page lists the available landing gear and hydraulics Token Variables for use when creating gauges using WASM / C++.




Parameters Universal Var Member Description
ANTISKID_BRAKES_ACTIVE b (BOOL) Whether the anti-skid brakes are active (TRUE, 1) or not (FALSE, 0).
AUTOBRAKES_ACTIVE b (BOOL) Whether the auto-brakes are active (TRUE, 1) or not (FALSE, 0).
BRAKE_DEPENDENT_HYDRAULIC_PRESSURE n (FLOAT) The brake dependent hydraulic pressure, in psf.
BRAKE_IND n (FLOAT) Whether the break indicator is on (TRUE, 1), or not (FALSE, 0). Note this is not a "true" bool, and 0 is false, while greater than 0 up 16384 is true.
BRAKES_LEFT_POS n (FLOAT) The amount that the left brakes are being applied as a value between 0 and 32768.
BRAKES_LEFT_POS_EX1 n (FLOAT) The amount that the left brakes are being applied, without taking into consideration the parking brake, as a value between 0 and 32768.
BRAKES_RIGHT_POS n (FLOAT) The amount that the right brakes are being applied as a value between 0 and 32768.
BRAKES_RIGHT_POS_EX1 n (FLOAT) The amount that the right brakes are being applied, without taking into consideration the parking brake, as a value between 0 and 32768.
PARKING_BRAKE_POS n (FLOAT) The parking brake position, expressed as a value between 0 (off) and 32768 (full on).
REJECTED_TAKEOFF_BRAKES_ACTIVE b (BOOL) Whether the rejected takeoff brakes are currently active (TRUE, 1) or not (FALSE, 0).



Landing Gear

Parameters Universal Var Member Description
GEAR_EMERGENCY_HANDLE_POSITION b (BOOL) Whether the emergency brake handle is applied (TRUE, 1) or not (FALSE, 0).
GEAR_HANDLE_POS n (FLOAT) Whether the gear handle is applied (> 0) or not (0).
GEAR_POS_AUX n (FLOAT) The amount that the auxiliary gear is extended, expressed as a value between 0 (not extended) and 16384 (fully extended).
GEAR_POS_LEFT n (FLOAT) The amount that the left gear is extended, expressed as a value between 0 (not extended) and 16384 (fully extended).
GEAR_POS_NOSE n (FLOAT) The amount that the nose gear is extended, expressed as a value between 0 (not extended) and 16384 (fully extended).
GEAR_POS_RIGHT n (FLOAT) The amount that the right gear is extended, expressed as a value between 0 (not extended) and 16384 (fully extended).
GEAR_POS_TAIL n (FLOAT) The amount that the tail gear is extended, expressed as a value between 0 (not extended) and 16384 (fully extended).
NOSEWHEEL_LOCK_ON b (BOOL) Whether the nose wheel lock is engaged (TRUE, 1) or not (FALSE, 0).
STEER_INPUT_CONTROL n (FLOAT) The position of the steering tiller between -1 and 1.
TAILWHEEL_LOCK_ON b (BOOL) Whether the tail wheel lock is engaged (TRUE, 1) or not (FALSE, 0).




Parameters Universal Var Member Description
HYDRAULIC_SYSTEM_INTEGRITY b (BOOL) The hydraulic system integrity expressed as a Percent Over 100 where 0 means a complete failure of the system and 1 means everything is working perfectly.





n (FLOAT) The hydraulics 1/2/3/4 pressure in psf.





n (FLOAT) The hydraulics system reservoir, as a Percent Over 100.