IMPORTANT! Token Variables - along with the Gauge API - have been deprecated in Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 in favour of the new Vars API and Event API, which work with the more extensive and supported Simulation Variables and Key Events.

This page lists the available radio navigation Token Variables for use when creating gauges using WASM / C++.




Parameters Universal Var Member Description
ADF_500_HZ_TUNABLE n (FLOAT) Specifies the tuneable ADF frequency.
ADF_CARD_RADIAL n (FLOAT) Specifies the ADF card cardinal direction, in degrees from 0 to 360.
ADF_EXTENDED_FREQUENCY n (FLOAT) Specifies the ADF extended frequency, BCD16 encoded.
ADF_FREQUENCY n (FLOAT) Specifies the ADF frequency, BCD16 encoded.
ADF_IDENTITY p (PVOID) Pointer to a string with the ADF identity.
ADF_MORSE_IDENT b (BOOL) This will be TRUE (1) if there is a morse signal, FALSE (0) otherwise.
ADF_NEEDLE n (FLOAT) The ADF needle position, expressed as 16-bit pseudo-degrees.
ADF_SIGNAL_STRENGTH n (FLOAT) The ADF signal strength where 0 is no signal, and 256 and above is a good signal.
ADF_SOUND_TOGGLE b (BOOL) Whether the ADF audio is on (TRUE, 1) or off (FALSE, 0).
ADF_VOLUME n (FLOAT) The volume of the ADF output, expressed as a Percent Over 100.




Parameters Universal Var Member Description
ATC_AIRPORT_IS_TOWERED b (BOOL) This will be TRUE (1) if the airport is controlled, or FALSE (0) otherwise.
ATC_CLEARED_LANDING b (BOOL) This will be TRUE (1) if the ATC has cleared the aircraft for landing, or FALSE (0) otherwise.
ATC_CLEARED_TAKEOFF b (BOOL) This will be TRUE (1) if the ATC has cleared the aircraft for takeoff, or FALSE (0) otherwise.
ATC_CLEARED_TAXI b (BOOL) This will be TRUE (1) if the ATC has cleared the aircraft for taxi, or FALSE (0) otherwise.
ATC_RUNWAY_AIRPORT_NAME p (PVOID) A pointer to the name of the airport of the runway assigned by the ATC.
ATC_RUNWAY_DISTANCE n (FLOAT) This value represents the distance between the aircraft and the center of the runway selected by the ATC. Value is in meters.
ATC_RUNWAY_END_DISTANCE n (FLOAT) This value corresponds to the horizontal distance between the aircraft and the end of the runway selected by the ATC. Value is in meters.
ATC_RUNWAY_HEADING_DEGREES_TRUE n (FLOAT) This value represents the true heading of the runway selected by the ATC, in degrees.
ATC_RUNWAY_LENGTH n (FLOAT) The length of the runway assigned by the ATC, in meters. Will return -1 if no runway is assigned.
ATC_RUNWAY_RELATIVE_POSITION_X n (FLOAT) This value corresponds to the aircraft's main gear relative X (transverse) axis position on the runway selected by the ATC. Value is in meters.
ATC_RUNWAY_RELATIVE_POSITION_Y n (FLOAT) This value corresponds to the aircraft's main gear relative Y (height) axis position on the runway selected by the ATC. Value is in meters.
ATC_RUNWAY_RELATIVE_POSITION_Z n (FLOAT) This value corresponds to the aircraft's main gear relative Z (longitudinal) axis position on the runway selected by the ATC. Value is in meters.
ATC_RUNWAY_SELECTED n (BOOL) Whether the ATC has pre-selected a runway for the aircraft (TRUE, 1) or not (FALSE, 0).
ATC_RUNWAY_START_DISTANCE n (FLOAT) This value corresponds to the horizontal distance between the aircraft and the start of the runway selected by the ATC. Value is in meters.
ATC_RUNWAY_TDPOINT_RELATIVE_POSITION_X n (FLOAT) This value represents the aircraft main gear relative X (transverse) axis position according to the aiming point of the runway selected by the ATC. Value is in meters.
ATC_RUNWAY_TDPOINT_RELATIVE_POSITION_Y n (FLOAT) This value represents the aircraft main gear relative Y (height) axis position according to the aiming point of the runway selected by the ATC. Value is in meters.
ATC_RUNWAY_TDPOINT_RELATIVE_POSITION_Z n (FLOAT) This value represents the aircraft main gear relative Z (longitudinal) axis position according to the aiming point of the runway selected by the ATC. Value is in meters.
ATC_RUNWAY_WIDTH n (FLOAT) The width of the runway assigned by the ATC, in meters. Will return -1 if no runway is assigned.
SLOPE_TO_ATC_RUNWAY n (FLOAT) The slope between the aircraft and the expected landing position of the runway, in radians. Will return 0 if no runway is assigned.




Parameters Universal Var Member Description
MARKER_BEACON_SENSITIVITY_HIGH b (BOOL) Whether the Marker Beacon is in High Sensitivity mode (TRUE, 1) or not (FALSE, 0).

e (ENUM)

  1. 0 = no beacon
  2. 1 = outer
  3. 2 = middle
  4. 3 = inner
The marker beacon state.
MARKER_BEACON_TEST_MUTE b (BOOL) Whether the Marker Beacon is in test/mute mode (TRUE, 1) or not (FALSE, 0).
MARKER_SOUND_TOGGLE n (FLOAT) Whether the Marker Beacon sound is on (TRUE, 1) or not (FALSE, 0).




Parameters Universal Var Member Description
COM_ACTIVE_FREQUENCY n (FLOAT) The COM active frequency, BCD16 encoded.
COM_BOTH_RECEIVE n (FLOAT) Whether the audio is being recieved on both COMs (TRUE , 1) or not (FALSE, 0).



n (FLOAT) Specifies COM 1/2 radio frequency, BCD16 encoded.
COM_RADIO_25_KHZ_TUNABLE b (BOOL) Whether the COM radio is tuneable (TRUE , 1) or not (FALSE, 0).
COM_RECEIVE b (BOOL) Whether the aircraft is receiving on this COM channel (TRUE, 1) or not (FALSE, 0).
COM_RECEIVE_EX1 b (BOOL) Whether the aircraft is receiving on this COM channel (TRUE, 1) or not (FALSE, 0).




n (FLOAT) Specifies COM 1/2 radio standby frequency, BCD16 encoded.
COM_VOLUME n (FLOAT) The volume of the COM radio, as a percentage between 0 and 100.



b (BOOL) Whether the aircraft COM switch 1/2 is on (TRUE, 1) or not (FALSE, 0).




n (FLOAT) Specifies COM 1/2/3 stored frequency, BCD16 encoded.



b (BOOL) Audio panel COM transmit state, either on (TRUE, 1) or off (FALSE, 0).




Parameters Universal Var Member Description

e (ENUM)

  1. 0 = DME1
  2. 1 = DME2
The currently selected DME.
CURRENT_DME_DISTANCE n (FLOAT) The DME (1 or 2) distance, in nm.
CURRENT_DME_SPEED n (FLOAT) The DME (1 or 2) speed, in Knots.
CURRENT_DME_MIN n (FLOAT) The DME (1 or 2) minutes until arriving.



b (BOOL)

The type of display for the DME, either TRUE (1) for the speed, in knots, or FALSE (0) for the distance readout.



n (FLOAT) The DME (1 or 2) distance readout.



b (BOOL) This will be TRUE (1) if there is a morse signal, FALSE (0) otherwise.



n (FLOAT) The DME (1 or 2) speed readout.
DME_SOUND_TOGGLE n (FLOAT) Audio panel DME audio state, either on (TRUE, 1) or off (FALSE, 0).




Parameters Universal Var Member Description

Whether the GPS is driving the Nav 1 indicator (TRUE, 1) or not (FALSE, 0).

GPS_FLAGS f (FLAGS) GPS flag settings. See GPS_FLAG_ in GAUGES.h.
GPS_FLIGHTPLAN_TOTAL_DISTANCE n (FLOAT) The GPS flightplan total distance in meters.
GPS_GROUND_HEADING n (FLOAT) The current GPS true heading, in Radians (0 - 2PI).
GPS_GROUND_SPEED n (FLOAT) The current ground speed, in meters per second.
GPS_GROUND_TRACK n (FLOAT) The current GPS ground track (heading + magvar, magnetic yaw), in Radians (0 - 2PI).
GPS_MAGVAR n (FLOAT) The current GPS magnetic variation, in radians.
GPS_OBS_ACTIVE b (BOOL) Whether the OBS mode is currently active (TRUE, 1) or not (FALSE, 0). If TRUE, this will disable the automatic sequencing of waypoints in the GPS flight plan.
GPS_OBS_VALUE n (FLOAT) The current course set for the OBS, in degrees.
GPS_POSITION_ALT n (FLOAT) The current GPS altitude, in meters.
GPS_POSITION_LAT n (FLOAT) The current GPS latitude, in latitude meters (meters * (360 / 40007000)).
GPS_POSITION_LON n (FLOAT) The current GPS longitude, in radians.
GPS_WP_BEARING n (FLOAT) The magnetic bearing to waypoint the next heading, in radians.
GPS_WP_CROSS_TRK n (FLOAT) The cross track distance, in meters.
GPS_WP_DISTANCE n (FLOAT) Meters to next waypoint.
GPS_WP_NEXT_ALT n (FLOAT) The altitude of next waypoint, in meters.
GPS_WP_NEXT_LAT n (FLOAT) The latitude of next waypoint, in degrees.
GPS_WP_NEXT_LON n (FLOAT) The longitude of next waypoint, in degrees.
GPS_WP_PREV_ALT n (FLOAT) The altitude of previous waypoint, in meters.
GPS_WP_PREV_LAT n (FLOAT) The latitude of previous waypoint, in degrees.
GPS_WP_PREV_LON n (FLOAT) The longitude of previous waypoint, in degrees.
GPS_WP_REQ_HDG n (FLOAT) The required heading, magnetic, from the prev wayppoint to next waypoint, in radians.
GPS_WP_STRING p (PVOID) The name of the next waypoint.
GPS_WP_TRUE_BEARING n (FLOAT) The true bearing to the waypoint, in degrees.
GPS_WP_TRUE_REQ_HDG n (FLOAT) The required true heading to the waypoint, in degrees.




Parameters Universal Var Member Description
HSI_BEARING n (FLOAT) This will return the HSI needle bearing, in degrees.
HSI_BEARING_VALID b (BOOL) This will be TRUE (1) if the HSI_BEARING variable contains valid data, or FALSE (0) otherwise.
HSI_DESIRED_HEADING_NEEDLE n (FLOAT) The HSI desired heading, in degrees.
HSI_DISTANCE n (FLOAT) The DME/GPS distance in nm.
HSI_HORIZONTAL_NEEDLE n (FLOAT) The HSI horizontal needle position between -1 and 1, which corresponds to -0.7º and 0.7º.
HSI_HORIZONTAL_VALID b (BOOL) Whether the HSI signal is valid (TRUE, 1) or not (FALSE, 0).
HSI_OBI_NEEDLE n (FLOAT) The OBS needle setting, in degrees.
HSI_SIGNAL_LOCALISER b (BOOL) Whether the station is a localiser (TRUE, 1) or not (FALSE, 0).
HSI_SPEED n (FLOAT) The DME/GPS speed, in Knots.
HSI_STATION_NAME p (PVOID) The HSI station name.

e (ENUM)

  1. 0 = Off
  2. 1 = TO
  3. 2 = FROM
The HSI to/from flag setting.
HSI_VERTICAL_VALID b (BOOL) Whether the NAV flag is on (TRUE, 1) or not (FALSE, 0).

The HSI vertical needle position. The value returned will be between -1 and 1 (corresponding to -10º and 10º) if VOR, or between -2.5º and 2.5º if localizer, or between -5nm and 5nm if GPS.



Parameters Universal Var Member Description
NAV_VOLUME n (FLOAT) The volume of the NAV Radio, expressed as a percentage from 0 to 100.



b (BOOL) Whether the NAV1/2 autoswitch is on (TRUE, 1) or not (FALSE, 0).



b (BOOL) This will be TRUE (1) if the NAV1/2 COM system is working and FALSE (0) if it is not.



n (FLOAT) The NAV1/2 active frequency, expressed as a BCD16 value.



b (BOOL) This will be TRUE (1) if there is a morse signal, and FALSE (0) otherwise.



n (FLOAT) This will be TRUE (1) if NAV1/2 audio is enabled, and FALSE (0) otherwise.



n (FLOAT) The NAV1/2 standby frequency, expressed as a BCD16 value.



n (FLOAT) The rdial that the aircraft is on, in radians.
TACAN_DRIVES_NAV1 b (BOOL) Whether the TACAN is driving the Nav 1 indicator (TRUE, 1) or not (FALSE, 0).




Parameters Universal Var Member Description

e (ENUM)

  1. 0 = COM1
  2. 1 = COM2
  3. 2 = COM3
  4. 3 = TEL
  5. 4 = NONE
The channel on which the pilot is transmitting.
PILOT_TRANSMITTING b (BOOL) Whether the pilot is transmitting (TRUE, 1) or not (FALSE, 0).




Parameters Universal Var Member Description
RADIO_HEIGHT n (FLOAT) The radar altitude, in meters.

The radio morse state, formed using these flags:

  1. 1: VOR1 (Bit 1)
  2. 2: VOR2 (Bit 2)
  3. 4: DME1 (Bit 3)
  4. 8: DME2 (Bit 4)
  5. 16: ADF (Bit 5)
RADIO_STACK_VISIBLE b (BOOL) Whether the radio stack is visible (TRUE, 1) or not (FALSE, 0).




Parameters Universal Var Member Description




The status of VOR1/2, comprised from the following:

  1. BIT0:[index] Back course available
  2. BIT1:[index] Localizer tuned in
  3. BIT2:[index] On course
  4. BIT7:[index] Station active



n (FLOAT) The relative bearing for the VOR1/2 station, measured in degrees.




The VOR 1/2 code flags:

  1. BIT0:[index] 1= DME available
  2. BIT1:[index] 1 = TACAN available
  3. BIT2:[index] 1= voice available
  4. BIT3:[index] 1= no nav signal available
  5. BIT4:[index] 1= DME transmitter at glide slope transmitter
  6. BIT5:[index] 1= no localizer backcourse
  7. BIT6:[index] 1= glideslope available
  8. BIT7:[index] 0= VOR, 1= Localizer



b (BOOL) Whether there is a glideslope signal on VOR1/2 (TRUE, 1) or not (FALSE, 0).



n (FLOAT) The glideslope needle deflection, between -120 and 120, which corresponds to -0.7 and 0.7.



p (PVOID) The VOR 1/2 identity, as a string.



n (FLOAT) The magnetic deviation at the location of the VOR1/2 station, between 0 and 65536, corresponding to 0º to 360º.



n (FLOAT) The VOR1/2 needle deviation, between -127 and 127. This corresponds to between -10 and 10 if VOR, or between -2.5 and 2.5 if localizer.
VOR1_NEEDLE_RADIO n (FLOAT) The VOR1 needle deviation - driven always by VOR - between -127 and 127. This corresponds to between -10 and 10 if VOR, or between -2.5 and 2.5 if localizer.



n (FLOAT) The VOR1/2 OBS setting, in degrees.



n (FLOAT) The VOR1/2 signal strnegth where 0 is no signal and greater than or eqiual to 256 is a good signal.



e (ENUM)

  1. 0 = Off
  2. 1 = To
  3. 2 = From
The to/from status of VOR1/2.