IMPORTANT! Token Variables - along with the Gauge API - have been deprecated in Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 in favour of the new Vars API and Event API, which work with the more extensive and supported Simulation Variables and Key Events.

This page lists the available Token Variables related to the different airport vehicles for use when creating gauges using WASM / C++.



Baggage Loaders

Parameters Universal Var Member Description
BAGGAGELOADER_ANGLE_CURRENT n (FLOAT64) Current angle of the baggage loader ramp, relative to the ground, in degrees.
BAGGAGELOADER_ANGLE_TARGET n (FLOAT64) Target angle of the baggage loader ramp, relative to the ground, in degrees.
BAGGAGELOADER_END_RAMP_Y n (FLOAT64) "Y" axis position of the end of the baggage loader ramp, relative to the ground, in degrees.
BAGGAGELOADER_END_RAMP_Z n (FLOAT64) "Z" axis position of the end of the baggage loader ramp, relative to the ground, in degrees.
BAGGAGELOADER_PIVOT_Y n (FLOAT64) "Y" axis position of the baggage loader ramp pivot, relative to the ground, in degrees.
BAGGAGELOADER_PIVOT_Z n (FLOAT64) "Z" axis position of the baggage loader ramp pivot, relative to the ground, in degrees.



Boarding Ramps

Parameters Universal Var Member Description
BOARDINGRAMP_ELEVATION_CURRENT n (FLOAT64) The current altitude AGL of the top of the boarding ramp stairs, in meters.
BOARDINGRAMP_ELEVATION_TARGET n (FLOAT64) The target altitude AGL of the top of the boarding ramp stairs, in meters.
BOARDINGRAMP_END_POSITION_Y n (FLOAT64) The "Y" axis position of the top of the boarding ramp stairs when extended at maximal capacity, relative to the ground, in meters.
BOARDINGRAMP_END_POSITION_Z n (FLOAT64) The "Z" axis position of the top of the boarding ramp stairs when extended at maximal capacity, relative to the ground, in meters.
BOARDINGRAMP_ORIENTATION_CURRENT n (FLOAT64) The current orientation of the boarding ramp stairs, where 0 is at rest and 1 is suited for boarding, expressed as a Percent Over 100.
BOARDINGRAMP_ORIENTATION_TARGET n (FLOAT64) The target orientation of of the boarding ramp stairs, where 0 is at rest and 1 is suited for boarding, expressed as a Percent Over 100.
BOARDINGRAMP_START_POSITION_Y n (FLOAT64) The "Y" axis position of the top of the boarding ramp stairs when at minimal extension, in meters, relative to the ground.
BOARDINGRAMP_START_POSITION_Z n (FLOAT64) The "Z" axis position of the top of the boarding ramp stairs when at minimal extension, in meters, relative to the ground.



Catering Trucks

Parameters Universal Var Member Description
CATERINGTRUCK_AIRCRAFT_DOOR_CONTACT_OFFSET_Z n (FLOAT64) The "Z" axis position of the point of contact between the catering truck and the bottom of the aircraft door, relative to the ground, in meters.
CATERINGTRUCK_ELEVATION_CURRENT n (FLOAT64) The current altitude AGL of the bottom of the catering truck container, in meters.
CATERINGTRUCK_ELEVATION_TARGET n (FLOAT64) The target altitude AGL of the bottom of the catering truck container, in meters.
CATERINGTRUCK_OPENING_CURRENT n (FLOAT64) The current state of the catering truck when opening the container and deploying the bridge, where 0 is fully closed and 1 is fully opened and deployed, expressed as a Percent Over 100.
CATERINGTRUCK_OPENING_TARGET n (FLOAT64) The target state of the catering truck the container is opene and the bridge deployed, where 0 is fully closed and 1 is fully opened and deployed, expressed as a Percent Over 100.



Fuel Trucks

Parameters Universal Var Member Description
FUELTRUCK_HOSE_DEPLOYED n (FLOAT64) The current deployment amount of the fuel truck hose, expressed as a Percent Over 100. Currently can only be set to 0 (not deployed) and 1 (deployed).
FUELTRUCK_HOSE_END_POSX n (FLOAT64) The "X" axis position of the end of the fuel truck hose when fully deployed, relative to the ground, in meters.
FUELTRUCK_HOSE_END_POSZ n (FLOAT64) The "Z" axis position of the end of the fuel truck hose when fully deployed, relative to the ground, in meters.
FUELTRUCK_HOSE_END_RELATIVE_HEADING n (FLOAT64) The heading of the end of the fuel truck hose, relative to the vehicle heading, in degrees.



Ground Power Units

Parameters Universal Var Member Description
GROUNDPOWERUNIT_HOSE_DEPLOYED n (FLOAT64) The current deployment amount of the ground power unit hose, expressed as a Percent Over 100. Currently can only be set to 0 (not deployed) and 1 (deployed).
GROUNDPOWERUNIT_HOSE_END_POSX n (FLOAT64) The "X" axis position of the end of the ground power unit hose when fully deployed, relative to the ground, in meters.
GROUNDPOWERUNIT_HOSE_END_POSZ n (FLOAT64) The "Z" axis position of the end of the ground power unit hose when fully deployed, relative to the ground, in meters.
GROUNDPOWERUNIT_HOSE_END_RELATIVE_HEADING n (FLOAT64) The heading of the end of the fuel ground power unit, relative to the vehicle heading, in degrees.




Parameters Universal Var Member Description
JETWAY_HOOD_LEFT_BEND n (FLOAT64) The target position for the left bend animation of the jetway hood, expressed as a percentage from 0 to 100.
JETWAY_HOOD_LEFT_DEPLOYMENT n (FLOAT64) The target angle for the left deployment animation of the jetway hood, expressed as a percentage from 0 to 100, where 0 is considered vertical.
JETWAY_HOOD_RIGHT_BEND n (FLOAT64) The target position for the right bend animation of the jetway hood, expressed as a percentage from 0 to 100.
JETWAY_HOOD_RIGHT_DEPLOYMENT n (FLOAT64) The target angle for the right deployment animation of the jetway hood, expressed as a percentage from 0 to 100, where 0 is considered vertical.
JETWAY_HOOD_TOP_HORIZONTAL n (FLOAT64) Target position for the top horizontal animation of the jetway hood, expressed as a percentage where values can be between -100% and 100%.
JETWAY_HOOD_TOP_VERTICAL n (FLOAT64) Target position for the top vertical animation of the jetway hood, expressed as a percentage where values can be between -100% and 100%.
JETWAY_MOVING b (BOOL) This will be 1 (TRUE) id the jetway body is currently moving (it will not include checks on hood animation).
JETWAY_WHEEL_ORIENTATION_CURRENT n (FLOAT64) The current angle of the jetway wheels, in degrees.
JETWAY_WHEEL_ORIENTATION_TARGET n (FLOAT64) The (approximate) target angle for the jetway wheels, in degrees.
JETWAY_WHEEL_SPEED n (FLOAT64) The current speed of the jetway wheels, in meters per second.




Parameters Universal Var Member Description
PUSHBACK_ATTACHED b (BOOL) This will be 1 (TRUE) is the pushback has been attached, or 0 (FALSE) otherwise.
PUSHBACK_AVAILABLE b (BOOL) This will be 1 (TRUE) if there is a pushback available, or 0 (FALSE) otherwise.




Parameters Universal Var Member Description
WAGON_BACK_LINK_LENGTH n (FLOAT64) The length of the link at the back of the vehicle used to attach a wagon behind, in meters.
WAGON_BACK_LINK_ORIENTATION n (FLOAT64) The current orientation of the link at the back of the vehicle used to attach a wagon behind, in degrees.
WAGON_BACK_LINK_START_POSZ n (FLOAT64) The "Z" axis position of the start of the link at the back of the vehicle used to attach a wagon behind, relative to the ground, in meters.
WAGON_FRONT_LINK_LENGTH n (FLOAT64) The length of the link at the front of the vehicle used to be attached as wagon, in meters.
WAGON_FRONT_LINK_ORIENTATION n (FLOAT64) The current orientation of the link at the front of the vehicle used to be attached as wagon, in degrees.
WAGON_FRONT_LINK_START_POSZ n (FLOAT64) The "Z" axis position of the start of the link at the front of the vehicle used to be attached as wagon, relative to the ground, in meters.