The FsIOErr enum is used to specify one or more errors that may have occurred when using the IO API functions.


enum FsIOErr : unsigned int
    FsIOErr_Success = 0,
    FsIOErr_UnknownError = 0xFFFFFFFF


Enum Member Description
FsIOErr_Success There have been no reporatble errors and the operation has succeeded.
FsIOErr_BadParams There is error in the parameters given to the function.
FsIOErr_FileNotFound The requested file has not been found as part of the package.
FsIOErr_AccessNotAllowed Access to the requested file is not allowed. This may occur id - for example - the file is in another package or has been encrypted.
FsIOErr_FileNotOpened The requested file exists but has not been opened, and the operation needs an open file.
FsIOErr_ReadNotAllowed It is impossible to read from the requested file. This error can result from the file being opened with the incorrect flags, for example.
FsIOErr_PartialReadImpossible It is impossible to read only a part of the requested file (it may still be possible to read the whole file). This may occur if - for example - the file is encrypted or compressed.
FsIOErr_OperationImpossible It is impossible to do the requested operation on the requested file. This may occur if - for example - an open/read/write is still processing or another operation is trying to close the file.
FsIOErr_WriteNotAllowed It is impossible to write to the file. This may occur if - for example - the file has not been opened with the correct flags or the operation is attempting to write to file not which is not in the in the package work folder.
FsIOErr_UnknownError An unexpected error has occurred that cannot be identified.

