
The Multiply Node

This Node can be used to multiply two values together. You can specify the values to multiply, or supply one or two Node Inputs and the node will output the result of the multiplication of the two values. When specifying values, you can add them directly to the node input boxes, or you can add them through the Inspector window:
The Inspector Window Inputs For The Multiply Node



Node Inputs

This node accepts the following the inputs:


  • X
    The first input to multiply. This can be either a scalar input or a vector input.


  • Y
    The second input to multiply. This can be either a scalar input or a vector input.


Note that when using this node, the multiply operation is commutative and only the following types should be multiplied:

Float * Float
Float * Vec2
Float * Vec3
Float * Vec4
Vec2 * Vec2
Vec3 * Vec3
Vec4 * Vec4

Trying to multiply together anything other than these types in the permutations shown will cause an error.



Node Output

The node will output either a scalar (float) value or a vector, depending on the inputs that were used. This value will be the result of multiplying the two input values together.