The event IDs listed here are those that are specifically tied to helicopter systems.




Event Name Parameters Description

Disable the auto-hover function of the helicopter, if one is available.

NOTE: This is currently not implemented in the Simulation


Enable the auto-hover function of the helicopter - if one is available.

NOTE: This is currently not implemented in the Simulation

AUTO_HOVER_SET [0]: True/False (1, 0)

Set the auto-hover - if available - to either on (True, 1) or off (False, 0).

NOTE: This is currently not implemented in the Simulation


Toggle the auto-hover - if available - between on (True, 1) and off (False, 0).

NOTE: This is currently not implemented in the Simulation

AXIS_COLLECTIVE_SET [0]: Set the collective (0 to 16384) Set the collective pitch angle (a value from 0 to 1 interpolated from the 0 to 16384 input).
AXIS_STEERING_SET (helicopters) [0]: Set the steering amount (-16384 to 16384) Set the steering axis value from -1 to 1 (interpolated from the -16384 to 16384 input).
AXIS_TAIL_ROTOR_SET [0]: Set tail rotor speed (0 to 16384) Sets the tail rotor speed as a value from 0 to 1 (interpolated from the 0 to 16384 input).
COLLECTIVE_DECR N/A Decrease the engine collective by 0.05. Minimum value is clamped to 0.
COLLECTIVE_INCR N/A Increase the engine collective by 0.05. Minimum value is clamped to 0.

[0]: value

[1]: engine

If the helicopter has an engine trimmer, this event can be used to decrease the nominal engine/rotor RPM that the governor is trying to maintain for the indexed engine.

The amount that the trim will be adjusted by is set using the engine_trim_rate CFG parameter, and the min and max achievable values are set using engine_trim_min and engine_trim_max. Alternatively, you may supply a value that will override that set in the engine_trim_rate CFG parameter (the min and max values will still be used).


[0]: value

[1]: engine

If the helicopter has an engine trimmer, this event can be used to increase the nominal engine/rotor RPM that the governor is trying to maintain for the indexed engine.

The amount that the trim will be adjusted by is set using the engine_trim_rate CFG parameter, and the min and max achievable values are set using engine_trim_min and engine_trim_max. Alternatively, you may supply a value that will override that set in the engine_trim_rate CFG parameter (the min and max values will still be used).


[0]: value

[1]: engine

This is used to set the indexed helicopter engine trimmer tot he given value directly as a negative or positive deviation from 1, where 1 is the rated nominal engine RPM.

The final engine trimmer value will be limited according to the engine_trim_min and engine_trim_max settings. 




Event Name Parameters Description
AXIS_CYCLIC_LATERAL_SET [0]: Set the lateral cyclic (-16384 to 16384) Set the lateral cyclic axis as a value between -16384 and 16384.
AXIS_CYCLIC_LONGITUDINAL_SET [0]: Set the longitudinal cyclic (-16384 to 16384) Set the longitudinal cyclic axis.
CYCLIC_LATERAL_LEFT N/A Change the lateral cyclic (left) by -0.098 when pressed. If held down, the change will happen more rapidly.
CYCLIC_LATERAL_RIGHT N/A Change the lateral cyclic (right) by 0.098 when pressed. If held down, the change will happen more rapidly.
CYCLIC_LONGITUDINAL_DOWN N/A Change the longitudinal cyclic (down) by -0.049 when pressed. If held down, the change will happen more rapidly.
CYCLIC_LONGITUDINAL_UP N/A Change the longitudinal cyclic (up) by 0.049 when pressed. If held down, the change will happen more rapidly.



Throttle Control

Event Name Parameters Description
[0]: Set throttle 1 or 2 (0 to 16384) Set the throttle 1 or 2 value from 0 to 1 (interpolated from the 0 to 16384 input).
AXIS_HELICOPTER_THROTTLE_SET [0]: Set all throttles (0 to 16384) Set all throttles to a value from 0 to 1 (interpolated from the 0 to 16384 input).



N/A Cut throttle 1/2.



[0]: Decrement value (0 to 16384)  By default this will decrement throttle 1 or 2 by 1/128, to a minimum of 0. If you provide an input parameter then this will be internally normalised to a value between 0 and 1 and used to decrement instead.



N/A Set throttle 1 or 2 to full.



[0]: Increment value (0 to 16384) By default this will increment throttle 1 or 2 by 1/128, to a maximum of 1. If you provide an input parameter then this will be internally normalised to a value between 0 and 1 and used to increment instead.



[0]: Throttle value (0 to 16384) Set throttle 1 or 2 based on the input value. The input is between 0 and 16384, which will be normalised to a value between 0 and 1.
HELICOPTER_THROTTLE_DEC [0]: Decrement value (0 to 16384) By default this will decrement all throttles by 1/128, to a minimum of 0. If you provide an input parameter then this will be internally normalised to a value between 0 and 1 and used to decrement instead.
HELICOPTER_THROTTLE_FULL N/A Set all throttles to full.
HELICOPTER_THROTTLE_INC [0]: Increment value (0 to 16384) By default this will increment all throttles by 1/128, to a maximum of 1. If you provide an input parameter then this will be internally normalised to a value between 0 and 1 and used to increment instead.
HELICOPTER_THROTTLE_SET [0]: Throttle value (0 to 16384) Set all throttles based on the input value. The input is between 0 and 16384, which will be normalised to a value between 0 and 1.



Rotor Control

Event Name Parameters Description
ROTOR_BRAKE_OFF N/A Switches off the rotor brake switch .
ROTOR_BRAKE_ON N/A Switches on the rotor brake switch .
ROTOR_BRAKE_SET [0]: True/False (1, 0) Set the rotor brake switch to be on (1) or off (0).
ROTOR_BRAKE_TOGGLE N/A Toggle the rotor brake switch between on (1) and off (0).
ROTOR_CLUTCH_SWITCH_SET [0]: True/False (1, 0) Sets the rotor clutch switch to on (1) or off (0).
ROTOR_CLUTCH_SWITCH_TOGGLE N/A Toggles the rotor clutch switch between on (1) and off (0).

Sets the rotor governor switch to off (0).

An engine index of 0 targets all engines, and any other value targets that specific engine.


Sets the rotor governor switch to on (1).

An engine index of 0 targets all engines, and any other value targets that specific engine.


[0]: True/False (1, 0)

[0]: engine

Sets the rotor governor switch to on/off (1,0).

An engine index of 0 targets all engines, and any other value targets that specific engine.


Toggles the rotor governor switch between on (1) and off (0).

An engine index of 0 targets all engines, and any other value targets that specific engine.

ROTOR_LATERAL_TRIM_DEC N/A Decrements the roll (lateral) rotor trim by the amount specified by the parameter right_trim_step.
ROTOR_LATERAL_TRIM_INC N/A Increments the roll (lateral) rotor trim by the amount specified by the parameter right_trim_step.
ROTOR_LATERAL_TRIM_SET [0]: Pitch angle (+/- 16384) Sets the roll (lateral) rotor trim to a value between -1 and 1 (interpolated from the +/-16384 input value).
ROTOR_LONGITUDINAL_TRIM_DEC N/A Decrements the pitch (longitudinal) rotor trim by the amount specified by the parameter front_trim_step.
ROTOR_LONGITUDINAL_TRIM_INC N/A Increments the pitch (longitudinal) rotor trim by the amount specified by the parameter front_trim_step.
ROTOR_LONGITUDINAL_TRIM_SET [0]: Pitch angle (+/- 16384) Sets the pitch (longitudinal) rotor trim to a value between -1 and 1 (interpolated from the +/-16384 input value).
ROTOR_TRIM_RESET N/A Resets the rotor time values to their default.
TAIL_ROTOR_DECR N/A Decrements the tail rotor by 0.1.
TAIL_ROTOR_INCR N/A Increments the tail rotor by 0.1.



Engine Control

Event Name Parameters Description
HELICOPTER_ENGINE_1_GOVERNOR_SWITCH_OFF N/A For a helicopter, toggle the engine 1 governor switch between ON (1) and OFF (0).
HELICOPTER_ENGINE_1_GOVERNOR_SWITCH_ON N/A For a helicopter, set the engine 1 governor switch ON.
HELICOPTER_ENGINE_1_GOVERNOR_SWITCH_TOGGLE N/A For a helicopter, set the engine 1 governor switch OFF.
HELICOPTER_ENGINE_1_GOVERNOR_SWITCH_SET [0]: 0 or 1 For a helicopter, set the engine 1 governor switch to either ON (1) or OFF (0).
HELICOPTER_ENGINE_1_BEEP_TRIM_INCREASE [0]: value For a helicopter, increase the engine 1 trim RPM by the given value amount.
HELICOPTER_ENGINE_1_BEEP_TRIM_DECREASE [0]: value For a helicopter, decrease the engine 1 trim RPM by the given value amount.
HELICOPTER_ENGINE_1_BEEP_TRIM_SET [0]: value For a helicopter, set the engine 1 trim RPM to the given value.
HELICOPTER_ENGINE_2_GOVERNOR_SWITCH_OFF N/A For a helicopter, toggle the engine 2 governor switch between ON (1) and OFF (0).
HELICOPTER_ENGINE_2_GOVERNOR_SWITCH_ON N/A For a helicopter, set the engine 2 governor switch ON.
HELICOPTER_ENGINE_2_GOVERNOR_SWITCH_TOGGLE N/A For a helicopter, set the engine 2 governor switch OFF.
HELICOPTER_ENGINE_2_GOVERNOR_SWITCH_SET [0]: 0 or 1 For a helicopter, set the engine 2 governor switch to either ON (1) or OFF (0).
HELICOPTER_ENGINE_2_BEEP_TRIM_INCREASE [0]: value For a helicopter, increase the engine 2 trim RPM by the given value amount.
HELICOPTER_ENGINE_2_BEEP_TRIM_DECREASE [0]: value For a helicopter, decrease the engine 2 trim RPM by the given value amount.
HELICOPTER_ENGINE_2_BEEP_TRIM_SET [0]: value For a helicopter, set the engine 2 trim RPM to the given value.





Event Name Parameters Description
ROTOR_BRAKE   Sets rotor brake switch on. Deprecated in favour of ROTOR_BRAKE_ON.