
This element can be used to define a trigger that will be fired when the user interacts with an object like a POI. This element is used as part of the XML file used to generate a mission. Full information on this file can be found here:


This element has the following attributes:


Attribute Description Type Required
InstanceId The unique ID for the trigger action, as a GUID enclosed in {}. String Yes
VRDependency When set to TRUE, this sets the trigger action as being VR dependent. Default is FALSE. Bool No


This element can also contain any of the following sub-elements, sometimes multiple times: <Descr>, <Activated>, <AttachedWorldPosition>, <AttachedWorldObject>, <InitWorldPosition><InitRelativeToWorldObject>, <RelativePosition><ShowInGameHUD>, <FocusDistance>, <InteractionDistance>, <OnInteractionActions>, <OnEnterInteractionDistanceActions>, <OnExitInteractionDistanceActions>, <OnEnterFocusDistanceActions>, <OnFocusActions>, <OnExitFocusDistanceActions>, <GUIDPOI>, <ChainTriggers>, <DefaultActivated>, <Latched>, <OneShot>.




This element is a sub-element of the <SimMission.ObjectInteractionTrigger> element and can be used to enable or disable the associated icon in the simulation HUD. This element has no attributes and is simply set to TRUE or FALSE. The default value is TRUE.




This element is a sub-element of the <SimMission.ObjectInteractionTrigger> element and can be used to set the focus distance for the simulation Smart Cam. This element has no attributes and requires a value in meters. The default value is 200.




This element is a sub-element of the <SimMission.ObjectInteractionTrigger> element and can be used to set the distance within which interaction is considered. This element has no attributes and requires a value in meters. The default value is 100.



This container element is a sub-element of the <SimMission.ObjectInteractionTrigger> element and is used to define one or more actions that execute when the user enters the specified interaction distance. The element contain one or more <SimMission.ObjectReference /> elements as well as the <CurrentActionIndex> element. It can also have the following attribute:


Attribute Description Type Required
id The ID of the interaction enter distance actions list. String No




This container element is a sub-element of the <SimMission.ObjectInteractionTrigger> element and is used to define one or more actions that execute when the user exits the specified interaction distance. The element contain one or more <SimMission.ObjectReference /> elements as well as the <CurrentActionIndex> element. It can also have the following attribute:


Attribute Description Type Required
id The ID of the interaction exit distance actions list. String No




This container element is a sub-element of the <SimMission.ObjectInteractionTrigger> element and is used to define one or more actions that execute when the user enters the specified focus distance. The element contain one or more <SimMission.ObjectReference /> elements as well as the <CurrentActionIndex> element. It can also have the following attribute:


Attribute Description Type Required
id The ID of the enter focus actions list. String No




This container element is a sub-element of the <SimMission.ObjectInteractionTrigger> element and is used to define one or more actions that execute when trigger is in focus. The element contain one or more <SimMission.ObjectReference /> elements as well as the <CurrentActionIndex> element. It can also have the following attribute:


Attribute Description Type Required
id The ID of the focus actions list. String No




This container element is a sub-element of the <SimMission.ObjectInteractionTrigger> element and is used to define one or more actions that execute when the user exits the specified focus distance. The element contain one or more <SimMission.ObjectReference /> elements as well as the <CurrentActionIndex> element. It can also have the following attribute:


Attribute Description Type Required
id The ID of the exit focus actions list. String No




This element is a sub-element of the <SimMission.ObjectInteractionTrigger> element and can be used to set the GUID for the POI object that is the focus of the trigger. This element has no attributes and requires a GUID string enclosed in {}.




This container element is used to define one or more additional trigger objects that will be considered "children" of the "parent" <SimMission.ObjectInteractionTrigger> that uses the sub-element. The sub-¡element must contain one or more <SimMission.ObjectReference /> elements and it has the following attribute:


Attribute Description Type Required
id The ID of the exit focus actions list. String No