The Microsoft Flight Simulator MapView API permits you to create and render interactive maps for your glasscockpits for things like altitude and weather radar. This API builds on a NanoVG API texture, so you can draw over it to customise it if you wish. 


The functions available for this API are as follows:


Function Description
fsMapViewCreate Create a new MapView.
fsMapViewDelete Delete a (previously created) MapView.
fsMapViewSetVisibility Show or hide a given MapView.
fsMapViewSetViewMode Select a specific view mode for the given MapView.
fsMapViewSetSize Set the texture resolution for the given MapView.
fsMapViewSetBackgroundColor Select a color which will be used to color the uncolored part of any MapView.
fsMapViewSetAltitudeColorList Set an array of colour structs which will then be used when the MapView is set to "Altitude" mode.
fsMapViewSetAltitudeReference Select which point of reference will be used to compute altitude when the MapView is set to "Altitude" mode.
fsMapViewSetAltitudeRangeInFeet Set the altitude range which is used to compute how things are coloured when the MapView is set to "Altitude" mode
fsMapViewSetWeatherRadarVisibility Show or hide the weather radar on the MapView.
fsMapViewSetWeatherRadarRainColors Set an array of colour structs which will then be used to draw the weather radar.
fsMapViewSetWeatherRadarMode Select a specific weather radar mode for the given MapView.
fsMapViewSetWeatherRadarConeAngleInRadians Specify the angle of the cone in which the weather radar will display rainfall.
fsMapViewSetMapIsolinesVisibility Used to show or hide isolines on the MapView.
fsMapViewSet3D Used to enable or diable 3D mode for the MapView.
fsMapViewSet2DViewLatLong Force the MapView to show a specific latitude and longitude.
fsMapViewSet2DViewRadiusInMeters Set the number of meters around the aircraft to be displayed on the MapView.
fsMapViewSet2DViewFollowMode Set the MapView to focus on the aircraft position.
fsMapViewSet3DViewOrientation Set the type of camera orientation when using the 3D MapView.
fsMapViewSet3DCustomViewOrientationInRadians Set a custom camera view orientation when using the 3D MapView.


You can find a sample project to use as a reference when using the MapView API here: