The Scenery Editor Edit Menu

This menu is where you can use certain tools for editing the in the Scenery Editor, as well as set some options. Each item in the menu is explained below.


  • Undo/Redo

    Clicking either of these options will undo or redo the editor states by one state position. For example, if you perform 3 actions in the Scenery Editor then select Undo 3 times, you will take the editor back to the state it was in when you opened it, before making any changes. Clicking Redo 3 times would then take you back to last state it was in after making changes.


    You can perform these actions using the following keyboard shortcuts

    • Ctrl + "Z": Undo
    • Ctrl + "Y": Redo

    You can also open the Undo History window from The View Menu to see all of the stored undo/redo states and then skip directly to the one you want to be at.


  • Remove Duplicated Objects

    This option is specifically for Taxiway Parking and Scenery object types, and will remove any object elements of the given type that share the same position within the world.


  • Create Empty SimPropContainer
    This option will create a new SimPropContainer Object. When you select this option a window will pop up requesting a name for the object, and a package to link the object too (normally the current one):
    The Create SimPropContainer WindowWhen you click on the Create button, it should be noted that not only will the SimPropContainer be created and be added to the scene, but the Scenery Editor will change and from this moment on all edition in the scene will be of the contents of the SimPropContainer, not the main scene. To get back to the main scene, click the Go Back To Main Scene button in the Scenery Editor window.


  • View Only Current Package

    Checking this means that only objects in the currently selected package will be shown in the simulation.


  • Selection Of Locked Objects

    When this option is checked, you will be able to select object elements that have been "locked" in The Scenery Contents List by clicking on them or by using the multi-select (Shift + Left Mouse Button + Drag).


  • Save Polygons In Shape Files

    When you select this option, clicking the Save Scenery button will not only save any edits to the project, it will also open a file explorer for you to select a location to save all the polygon objects as shape (*.shp) files. Before saving you should have created a new asset group (of the BGL type) in the Project Editor, and the files should be saved to this folder in PackageSources. These files can then be edited in an external editor and imported again as part of the scenery project by selecting the asset group in the project editor then using the Load This Asset Group button from the Scenery Editor.