The action.actiondb file is used to define the available actions for one or more device inputs. It is saved to the same location as the Input Application project, and will be exported along with the device XML when you create an input profile for global use or for a specific aircraft. For more information please see the following page:


The action.actiondb file has the following schematic structure:

<?xml version= "1.0" encoding= "utf-8" ?>
        <MetaContext Name="METANAME">
            <Context ID="ACTION_CONTEXT_NAME" />
            <!-- further actions listed here for the given meta context -->
        <!-- further meta contexts and their actions listed here -->
        <!-- further action definitions here -->




This is a container element where you will place one or more <MetaContexts> sub-elements. This element has no attributes.




This element is a sub-element of <ActionDefinition> , has no attributes, and is used as container element for one or more <MetaContext> sub-elements.




This is a sub-element of <MetaContexts> and is used to define


It can have the following attributes:


Attribute Description Type Required




This is a sub-element of <MetaContext> and is used to define


It can have the following attributes:


Attribute Description Type Required

A combination of "keys" which represent specific in-sim actions. These "keys" will be bound to the target icon and text. See the section on keys below for more information. For multiple keys, they should be concatenated using the "&" symbol, for example:


String Yes

This is the name of the SVG file that should be linked to the source icon key. The name is given without the file extension, for example, the file R-STICK_1.svg would be given as:


String Yes




This is a container element where you will place one or more <Action> sub-elements. This element has no attributes.




This element is a sub-element of <Actions> and is used to define a single input action. It has no attributes, and requires the following sub-elements:

  1. <Name>
  2. <Context>
  3. <Type>
  4. <TT_Name>
  5. <TT_Description>
  6. <TT_Category_Main>
  7. <TT_Category_Sub>
  8. <TT_Tag>




This is where you can give a common name to the input event action. Names should ba alpha-numeric only, although they can also contain the "_" and "-" symbols.




This sub-element of <Action> has no attributes and is used to set the action context. For all user-created planes this must be set to simply "INPUT_EVENTS"




This sub-element of <Action> has no attributes and is used to define the type of action to be associated with the input binding. Can only be one of the following:

  • AXIS




This sub-element of <Action> has no attributes and is used to define a localized string ID for the action name.




This sub-element of <Action> has no attributes and is used to define a localized string that describes the action.




This sub-element of <Action> has no attributes and is used to define a localized string ID for the action category. This will be used to set the sort order of the controls in the simulation menu.




This sub-element of <Action> has no attributes and is used to define a localized string ID for the action sub-category. This will be used to set the sort order of the controls in the simulation menu.




This sub-element of <Action> has no attributes and is used to define a localized tag string.