The tables below indicate the properties for the Simulation Variables that can be used to get and set properties related to the various radio navigation systems of an aircraft and Air Traffic Control. For information on the units listed for each variable, please see here: Simulation Variable Units

NOTE: When Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 is running in multiplayer mode, only a small number of variables are communicated between aircraft. Those variables that are available will say so in the description as being either for "All Aircraft" or for "Shared Cockpit".

You can find a complete index of all available SimVars here: SimVar Index




Simulation Variable Parameters Description Units Settable
ADF ACTIVE FREQUENCY [0] Index ADF frequency. Index of 1 or 2. Frequency ADF BCD32
ADF AVAILABLE [0] Index True if indexed ADF is available Bool
ADF CARD N/A ADF compass rose setting Degrees
ADF IDENT N/A ICAO code String
ADF LATLONALT [0] Index Returns the latitude, longitude and altitude of the station the radio equipment is currently tuned to, or zeros if the radio is not tuned to any ADF station. Index of 1 or 2 for ADF 1 and ADF 2.



ADF NAME [0] Index Descriptive name String
ADF RADIAL [0] Index Current direction from NDB station Degrees
ADF RADIAL MAG [0] Index Returns the magnetic bearing to the currently tuned ADF transmitter. Degrees
ADF SIGNAL [0] Index Signal strength Number
ADF SOUND [0] Index ADF audio flag. Index of 0 or 1. Bool
ADF STANDBY AVAILABLE [0] Index True if ADF Standby is available Bool
ADF STANDBY FREQUENCY [0] Index ADF standby frequency Hz
ADF VOLUME N/A Returns the volume of the ADF Percent Over 100




Simulation Variable Description Units Settable
ATC AIRLINE The name of the Airline used by ATC, as a string with a maximum length of 50 characters. String
ATC AIRPORT IS TOWERED If the airport is controlled, this boolean is true. Bool
ATC CLEARED IFR Returns whether or not the user has filed an IFR flightplan that has been cleared by the sim ATC Bool
ATC CLEARED LANDING Whether the ATC has cleared the plane for landing. Bool
ATC CLEARED TAKEOFF Whether the ATC has cleared the plane for takeoff. Bool
ATC CLEARED TAXI Whether the ATC has cleared the plane for taxi. Bool
ATC CURRENT WAYPOINT ALTITUDE Returns the target altitude for the current ATC flightplan waypoint. Bool
ATC FLIGHT NUMBER Flight Number used by ATC, as a string with a maximum number of 6 characters. String
ATC FLIGHTPLAN DIFF ALT Altitude between the position of the aircraft and his closest waypoints in the flightplan. Meters
ATC FLIGHTPLAN DIFF DISTANCE Returns the lateral distance the user's plane is from the ATC flight plan track. Meters
ATC FLIGHTPLAN DIFF HEADING Heading between the position of the aircraft and his closest waypoints in the flightplan. Degrees
ATC HEAVY Is this aircraft recognized by ATC as heavy. Bool
ATC ID ID used by ATC, as a string with a maximum number of 10 characters. String
ATC IFR FP TO REQUEST Returns true if the user has a valid IFR flight plan they can as for clearance for with ATC at the airport they are currently at. Bool
ATC MODEL Model used by ATC, as a string with a maximum number of 10 characters. String
ATC ON PARKING SPOT Is ATC aircraft on parking spot. Bool
ATC PREVIOUS WAYPOINT ALTITUDE Returns the target altitude for the previous ATC flightplan waypoint. Meters
ATC RUNWAY AIRPORT NAME The name of the airport of the runway assigned by the ATC. Returns "" if no runway is assigned. String
ATC RUNWAY DISTANCE This float represents the distance between the player's plane and the center of the runway selected by the ATC. Meters
ATC RUNWAY END DISTANCE This is a float corresponding to the horizontal distance between the player's plane and the end of the runway selected by the ATC. Meters
ATC RUNWAY HEADING DEGREES TRUE This float represents the true heading of the runway selected by the ATC. Degrees
ATC RUNWAY LENGTH The length of the runway assigned by the ATC. Returns -1 if no runway is assigned. Meters
ATC RUNWAY RELATIVE POSITION X This is a float corresponding to the player's main gear relative X (transverse) position on the runway selected by the ATC. Meters
ATC RUNWAY RELATIVE POSITION Y This is a float corresponding to the player's main gear relative Y (height) position on the runway selected by the ATC. Meters
ATC RUNWAY RELATIVE POSITION Z This is a float corresponding to the player's main gear relative Z (longitudinal) position on the runway selected by the ATC. Meters
ATC RUNWAY SELECTED This is a boolean corresponding to whether or not the ATC has pre-selected a runway for the player's plane. If this is false, every other ATC RUNWAY * SimVar will return default values. Bool
ATC RUNWAY START DISTANCE This is a float corresponding to the horizontal distance between the player's plane and the start of the runway selected by the ATC. Meters
ATC RUNWAY TDPOINT RELATIVE POSITION X This float represents the player's main gear relative X (transverse) position according to the aiming point of the runway selected by the ATC. Meters
ATC RUNWAY TDPOINT RELATIVE POSITION Y This float represents the player's main gear relative Y (height) position according to the aiming point of the runway selected by the ATC. Meters
ATC RUNWAY TDPOINT RELATIVE POSITION Z This float represents the player's main relative Z (longitudinal) position according to the aiming point of the runway selected by the ATC. Meters
ATC RUNWAY WIDTH The width of the runway assigned by the ATC. Returns -1 if no runway is assigned. Meters
ATC SUGGESTED MIN RWY LANDING Suggested minimum runway length for landing. Used by ATC. Feet
ATC SUGGESTED MIN RWY TAKEOFF Suggested minimum runway length for takeoff. Used by ATC. Feet
ATC TAXIPATH DISTANCE Returns the lateral distance the user's plane is from the path of the currently issued ATC taxi instructions. Meters
ATC TYPE Type used by ATC. String (30)




Simulation Variable Parameters Description Units Settable





The stored COM 1/2/3 frequency value. Frequency BCD16
COM ACTIVE BEARING [0] Index Gives the bearing (in degrees) of the active COM station (airport) or a value less than 0 if the station does not belong to an airport. Index is 1, 2 or 3. Degrees
COM ACTIVE DISTANCE [0] Index Gives the distance (in meters) to the active COM station (airport) or a value less than -180° if the station does not belong to an airport. Index is 1, 2 or 3. Meters
COM ACTIVE FREQUENCY [0] Index Com frequency. Index is 1, 2 or 3. Frequency BCD16
COM ACTIVE FREQ IDENT [0] Index The identity of the station that is tuned on the indexed active COM radio. Index is 1, 2, or 3. String
COM ACTIVE FREQ TYPE [0] Index The type of COM frequency for the active indexed COM system. Index is 1, 2, or 3.


  1. "ATIS" - Atis
  2. "UNI" - Unicom
  3. "CTAF" - CTAF
  4. "GND" - Ground
  5. "TWR" - Tower
  6. "CLR" - Clearance

  7. "APPR" - Approach
  8. "DEP" - Departure
  9. "FSS" - FSS
  10. "AWS" - AWOS

This will return the latitude, longitude and altitude corresponding to the indexed COM station associated with the active COM frequency. If the station is not associated with an airport, then the lat/lon/alt values returned will be -15943°, 80°, -10000 (this means that you can simply check that the altitude value is greater than 0 to assure the validity of the returned struct).

Index is 1, 2 or 3.



COM AVAILABLE [0] Index True if COM1, COM2 or COM3 is available (depending on the index, either 1, 2, or 3) Bool
COM LATLONALT [0] Index Not currently used in the simulation.



COM RECEIVE [0] Index Whether or not the plane is receiving on the indexed com channel or not (either 1, 2, or 3 for the index). Bool


Toggles all COM radios to receive on Bool
COM RECEIVE EX1 [0] Index Whether or not the plane is receiving on the indexed com channel. Index is 1, 2 or 3. Bool

[0] Index

The COM radio frequency step. Index is 1, 2 or 3.


  1. 0 = 25kHz
  2. 1 = 8.33kHz
COM STANDBY FREQUENCY [0] Index Com standby frequency. Index is 1, 2 or 3. Frequency BCD16
COM STANDBY FREQ IDENT [0] Index The identity of the station that is tuned on the indexed standby COM radio. Index is 1, 2, or 3. String

[0] Index

The type of COM frequency for the standby indexed COM system. Index is 1, 2, or 3.


  1. "ATIS" - Atis
  2. "UNI" - Unicom
  3. "CTAF" - CTAF
  4. "GND" - Ground
  5. "TWR" - Tower
  6. "CLR" - Clearance

  7. "APPR" - Approach
  8. "DEP" - Departure
  9. "FSS" - FSS
  10. "AWS" - AWOS

[0] Index

Radio status flag for the indexed com channel. Index is 1, 2 or 3.


  1. -1 = Invalid
  2. 0 = OK
  3. 1 = Does not exist
  4. 2 = No electricity
  5. 3 = Failed

[0] Index

Enter an index of 1, 2 or 3. Will return TRUE if the COM system is working, FALSE otherwise. Bool

[0] Index

Audio panel com transmit state. Index of 1, 2 or 3. Bool


The volume of the COM Radio. Percent




Simulation Variable Description Units Settable
FLARM AVAILABLE Whether the FLARM is available (TRUE, 1) or not (FALSE, 0). Bool
FLARM THREAT BEARING The bearing of the FLARM threat aircraft, relative to track. Degrees

The FLARM threat aircraft data structure, which contains data about the perceived threat, returned as a struct. Struct member variables are as follows:

  1. id (U62): the network id of the intruding plane so that they are remembered in order to compute their trajectory.
  2. bearing (FLOAT64): The threat bearing, in degrees (this is bearing from track axis and not bearing from the airplane axis).
  3. heading (FLOAT64): The threat heading.
  4. distance (FLOAT64): The distance between the aircraft and the threat, in meters.
  5. verticalBearing (FLOAT64): The vertical bearing between the aircraft and the threat, in degrees.
  6. relativeAltitude (FLOAT64): The relative altitude of the threat to the aircraft, in meters.
  7. timeToCollision (FLOAT64): The estimated time to a collision, in seconds.


FLARM THREAT DISTANCE The distance to the FLARM threat object. Meters
FLARM THREAT HEADING The heading to the FLARM threat object. Degrees
FLARM THREAT RELATIVE ALTITUDE The relative altitude of the threat object. Meters
FLARM THREAT TIME TO COLLISION The estimated time to a collision. Seconds
FLARM THREAT VERTICAL BEARING The vertical bearing towards the threat. Degrees




When using these SimVars, it is worth noting that to correctly set those that can be set, you should first use the SimVar GPS OVERRIDEN and set it to TRUE. If you don't set this SimVar, then any changes that are made to the other GPS variables will be overriden by the simulation GPS system moments after you set them.


Simulation Variable Description Units Settable
GPS APPROACH APPROACH INDEX Index of approach for given airport. Number


  1. 0 = None
  2. 1 = GPS
  3. 2 = VOR
  4. 3 = NDB
  5. 4 = ILS
  6. 5 = Localizer
  7. 6 = SDF
  8. 7 = LDA
  9. 8 = VOR/ DME
  10. 9 = NDB/ DME
  11. 10 = RNAV
  12. 11 = Backcourse
GPS APPROACH IS FINAL Is approach transition final approach segment. Bool
GPS APPROACH IS MISSED Is approach segment missed approach segment. Bool
GPS APPROACH IS WP RUNWAY Waypoint is the runway. Bool
GPS APPROACH MODE Sub mode within approach mode.


  1. 0 = None
  2. 1 = Transition
  3. 2 = Final
  4. 3 = Missed
GPS APPROACH SEGMENT TYPE Segment type within approach.


  1. 0 = Line
  2. 1 = Arc clockwise
  3. 2 = Arc counter-clockwise
GPS APPROACH TIMEZONE DEVIATION Deviation of local time from GMT. Seconds
GPS APPROACH TRANSITION ID ID of approach transition. String
GPS APPROACH TRANSITION INDEX Index of approach transition. Number
GPS APPROACH WP COUNT Number of waypoints. Number
GPS APPROACH WP INDEX Index of current waypoint. Number
GPS APPROACH WP TYPE Waypoint type within approach mode.


  1. 0 = None
  2. 1 = Fix
  3. 2 = Procedure turn left
  4. 3 = Procedure turn right
  5. 4 = Dme arc left
  6. 5 = Dme arc right
  7. 6 = Holding left
  8. 7 = Holding right
  9. 8 = Distance
  10. 9 = Altitude
  11. 10 = Manual sequence
  12. 11 = Vector to final
GPS CDI NEEDLE The course deviation of the needle for a CDI instrument. The SimVar displays the deviation from -127 to +127. It returns a value if a flight plan is set (otherwise it will return 0) even if the autopilot isn't on GPS mode. Scaling can also be set through the GPS CDI SCALING simvar. Number
GPS CDI SCALING The full scale deflection of the CDI due to GPS cross-track error, in meters. Meters
GPS COURSE TO STEER Suggested heading to steer (for autopilot). Radians
GPS DRIVES NAV1 GPS is driving Nav 1 indicator. Note this setting will also affect the SimVars HSI_STATION_IDENT and HSI_BEARING. Bool
GPS ETA Estimated time of arrival at destination. Seconds
GPS ETE Estimated time en route to destination. Seconds
GPS FLIGHTPLAN TOTAL DISTANCE This is the complete flightplan length from start to end. Essentially the cumulative length of all the flight plan legs added together.


GPS FLIGHT PLAN WP COUNT Number of waypoints. Number
GPS FLIGHT PLAN WP INDEX Index of waypoint. Number
GPS GROUND MAGNETIC TRACK Current magnetic ground track. Radians
GPS GROUND SPEED Current ground speed. Meters per second
GPS GROUND TRUE HEADING Current true heading. Radians
GPS GROUND TRUE TRACK Current true ground track. Radians
GPS GSI SCALING The full scale deflection of the vertical GSI due to GPS glidepath deviation, in meters. Meters
GPS GSI NEEDLE The GPS glideslope needle deflection (+/- 127). Number
GPS HAS GLIDEPATH Whether or not the GPS system has a presently available glidepath for guidance. Only applicable with GPS_OVERRIDDEN. When true and in GPS OVERRIDDEN, HSI_GSI_NEEDLE_VALID will also be true. Bool
GPS HSI NEEDLE The glide deviation of the needle for a CDI instrument. The simvar displays the deviation from -127 to +127. It returns a value if a flight plan is set (otherwise it will return 0) even if the autopilot isn't on GPS mode. Scaling can also be set through the GPS CDI SCALING simvar. Number
GPS IS ACTIVE FLIGHT PLAN Flight plan mode active. Bool
GPS IS ACTIVE WAY POINT Waypoint mode active. Bool
GPS IS ACTIVE WP LOCKED Is switching to next waypoint locked. Bool
GPS IS APPROACH ACTIVE Is approach mode active. Bool
GPS IS APPROACH LOADED Is approach loaded. Bool
GPS IS ARRIVED Is flight plan destination reached. Bool
GPS IS DIRECTTO FLIGHTPLAN Is Direct To Waypoint mode active. Bool
GPS MAGVAR Current GPS magnetic variation. Radians
GPS OBS ACTIVE Whether or not the OBS mode is currently active (disable the automatic sequencing of waypoints in GPS flight plan). Bool
GPS OBS VALUE This is the currently selected OBS course in degrees, from 0 to 360. Degrees
GPS OVERRIDDEN When it is active, all sim GPS system updates are suspended. This must be set to TRUE to be able to correctly set to any other GPS SimVar. Bool
GPS POSITION ALT Current GPS altitude. Meters
GPS POSITION LAT Current GPS latitude. Degrees
GPS POSITION LON Current GPS longitude. Degrees
GPS TARGET ALTITUDE Altitude of GPS target. Meters
GPS TARGET DISTANCE Distance to target. Meters
GPS VERTICAL ANGLE Glidepath in degrees. Degrees
GPS VERTICAL ANGLE ERROR Vertical error in degrees from GlidePath. Degrees
GPS VERTICAL ERROR Vertical deviation in meters from GlidePath. Meters
GPS WP BEARING Magnetic bearing to waypoint. Radians
GPS WP CROSS TRK Cross track distance. Meters
GPS WP DESIRED TRACK The required heading (magnetic) from the previous waypoint to the next waypoint. Radians
GPS WP DISTANCE Distance to waypoint. Meters
GPS WP ETA Estimated time of arrival at waypoint. Seconds
GPS WP ETE Estimated time en route to waypoint. Seconds
GPS WP NEXT ALT Altitude of next waypoint. Meters
GPS WP NEXT ID ID of next GPS waypoint. String
GPS WP NEXT LAT Latitude of next waypoint. Degrees
GPS WP NEXT LON Longitude of next waypoint. Degrees
GPS WP PREV ALT Altitude of previous waypoint. Meters
GPS WP PREV ID ID of previous GPS waypoint. String
GPS WP PREV LAT Latitude of previous waypoint. Degrees
GPS WP PREV LON Longitude of previous waypoint. Degrees
GPS WP PREV VALID Is previous waypoint valid (i.e. current waypoint is not the first waypoint). Bool
GPS WP TRACK ANGLE ERROR Tracking angle error to waypoint. Radians
GPS WP TRUE BEARING True bearing to waypoint. Radians
GPS WP TRUE REQ HDG Required true heading to waypoint. Radians
GPS WP VERTICAL SPEED Vertical speed to waypoint. Meters per second




Simulation Variable Description Units Settable
HSI BEARING If the GPS_DRIVES_NAV1 variable is true and the HSI BEARING VALID variable is true, this variable contains the HSI needle bearing. If the GPS DRIVES NAV1 variable is false and the HSI BEARING VALID variable is true, this variable contains the ADF1 frequency. Degrees
HSI BEARING VALID This will return true if the HSI BEARING variable contains valid data. Bool
HSI CDI NEEDLE Needle deflection (+/- 127). Number
HSI CDI NEEDLE VALID Signal valid. Bool
HSI DISTANCE DME/GPS distance. Nautical miles
HSI GSI NEEDLE Needle deflection (+/- 119). Number
HSI GSI NEEDLE VALID Signal valid. Bool
HSI HAS LOCALIZER Station is a localizer. Bool
HSI SPEED DME/GPS speed. Knots
HSI STATION IDENT Returns the ident of the the next GPS waypoint, if GPS_DRIVES_NAV1 is true. If GPS DRIVES NAV1 is false, it returns the identity of the station that is tuned on nav radio 1. String


  1. 0 = Off
  2. 1 = TO
  3. 2 = FROM




Simulation Variable Parameters Description Units Settable
INNER MARKER [0] True / False Inner marker state. Bool
INNER MARKER LATLONALT N/A Returns the latitude, longitude and altitude of the inner marker of an approach to a runway, if the aircraft is within the required proximity, otherwise it will return zeros.



MARKER AVAILABLE N/A True if Marker is available. Bool
MARKER BEACON SENSITIVITY HIGH N/A Whether or not the Marker Beacon is in High Sensitivity mode. Bool
MARKER BEACON STATE [0] State Marker beacon state.


  1. 0 = None
  2. 1 = Outer
  3. 2 = Middle
  4. 3 = Inner
MARKER BEACON TEST MUTE N/A Whether or not the Marker Beacon is in Test/Mute mode. Bool
MARKER SOUND N/A Marker audio flag. Bool
MIDDLE MARKER [0] True / False Middle marker state. Bool
MIDDLE MARKER LATLONALT N/A Returns the latitude, longitude and altitude of the middle marker.



OUTER MARKER [0] True / False Outer marker state. Bool
OUTER MARKER LATLONALT N/A Returns the latitude, longitude and altitude of the outer marker.






Simulation Variable Parameters Description Units Settable
NAV ACTIVE FREQUENCY [0] Index Nav active frequency. Index is 1 or 2. MHz
NAV AVAILABLE [0] Index Flag if indexed Nav equipped on aircraft. Index is 1 or 2. Bool
NAV BACK COURSE FLAGS [0] Index Returns the listed bit flags. Index is 1 or 2.


  1. BIT3: 1=station active
  2. BIT2: 1=on course
  3. BIT1: 1=localizer tuned in
  4. BIT0: 1=back course available
NAV CDI [0] Index CDI needle deflection (+/- 127). Index is 1 or 2. Number

Closest DME distance. Requires an index value from 1 to 4 to set which NAV to target.

Note that this SimVar will only work if the NAV1_CLOSE_FREQ_SET key event has been set to 1 (TRUE).

Nautical miles
NAV CLOSE FREQUENCY [0] Index Closest Localizer course frequency. Requires an index value from 1 to 4 to set which NAV to target.

Note that this SimVar will only work if the NAV1_CLOSE_FREQ_SET key event has been set to 1 (TRUE).

NAV CLOSE IDENT [0] Index ICAO code. Requires an index value from 1 to 4 to set which NAV to target.

Note that this SimVar will only work if the NAV1_CLOSE_FREQ_SET key event has been set to 1 (TRUE).

NAV CLOSE LOCALIZER [0] Index Closest Localizer course heading. Requires an index value from 1 to 4 to set which NAV to target.

Note that this SimVar will only work if the NAV1_CLOSE_FREQ_SET key event has been set to 1 (TRUE).

NAV CLOSE NAME [0] Index Descriptive name. Requires an index value from 1 to 4 to set which NAV to target.

Note that this SimVar will only work if the NAV1_CLOSE_FREQ_SET key event has been set to 1 (TRUE).

NAV CODES [0] Index Returns bit flags with the listed meaning.


  1. BIT7: 0= VOR 1= Localizer
  2. BIT6: 1= glideslope available
  3. BIT5: 1= no localizer backcourse
  4. BIT4: 1= DME transmitter at glide slope transmitter
  5. BIT3: 1= no nav signal available
  6. BIT2: 1= voice available
  7. BIT1: 1 = TACAN available
  8. BIT0: 1= DME available
NAV DME N/A DME distance. Nautical miles
NAV FREQUENCY N/A Localizer course frequency Hz

The glide slope gradient. The value returned is an integer value formed as follows:

sin(slope) * 65536 * 2

So, for example, a glide slope of 2.7º would return a value of 6174. TO get the value in degrees, then use NAV_RAW_GLIDE_SLOPE instead.

NAV GLIDE SLOPE ERROR N/A Difference between current position and glideslope angle. Note that this provides 32 bit floating point precision, rather than the 8 bit integer precision of NAV GSI. Degrees
NAV GLIDE SLOPE LENGTH N/A The distance between the plane and the Glide beacon. Feet
NAV GSI [0] Index Glideslope needle deflection (+/- 119). Note that this provides only 8 bit precision, whereas NAV GLIDE SLOPE ERROR provides 32 bit floating point precision. Number
NAV GS FLAG [0] Index Glideslope flag. Bool
NAV GS LATLONALT N/A Returns the glide slope. SIMCONNECT_DATA_LATLONALT structure
NAV GS LLAF64 N/A Nav GS latitude, longitude, altitude. SIMCONNECT_DATA_LATLONALT structure
NAV HAS CLOSE DME N/A Flag if found a close station with a DME. Bool
NAV HAS CLOSE LOCALIZER N/A Flag if found a close localizer station. Bool
NAV HAS DME N/A Flag if tuned station has a DME. Bool
NAV HAS GLIDE SLOPE N/A Flag if tuned station has a glideslope. Bool
NAV HAS LOCALIZER N/A Flag if tuned station is a localizer. Bool
NAV HAS NAV N/A Flag if Nav has signal. Bool
NAV HAS TACAN N/A Flag if Nav has a Tacan. Bool
NAV IDENT N/A ICAO code. String
NAV LOCALIZER N/A Localizer course heading. Degrees
NAV LOC AIRPORT IDENT N/A The airport ICAO ident for the localizer that is currently tuned on the nav radio (like 'EGLL' or 'KJFK') String
NAV LOC RUNWAY DESIGNATOR N/A The letter code for the runway that the currently tuned localizer is tuned to. String
  1. 'L' - Left
  2. 'R' - Right
  3. 'C' - Center
  4. 'W' - Water
  5. 'A' - A
  6. 'B' - B
NAV LOC RUNWAY NUMBER N/A NAV LOC RUNWAY NUMBER - The number portion of the runway that the currently tuned localizer is tuned to (so if the runway was 15L, this would be 15).


  1. '1' - '36'
  2. 'N'
  3. 'NE'
  4. 'E'
  5. 'SE'
  6. 'S'
  7. 'SW'
  8. 'W'
  9. 'NW'
NAV MAGVAR [0] Index Magnetic variation of tuned Nav station. Degrees
NAV NAME N/A Descriptive name. String
NAV OBS [0] Index OBS setting. Index of 1 or 2. Degrees
NAV RADIAL N/A Radial that aircraft is on. Degrees
NAV RADIAL ERROR N/A Difference between current radial and OBS tuned radial. Degrees
NAV RAW GLIDE SLOPE N/A The glide slope angle. Degrees
NAV RELATIVE BEARING TO STATION N/A Relative bearing to station. Degrees
NAV SIGNAL N/A Nav signal strength. Number
NAV SOUND:index [0] Index Nav audio flag. Index of 1 or 2. Bool
NAV STANDBY FREQUENCY:index [0] Index Nav standby frequency. Index is 1 or 2. MHz
NAV TOFROM N/A Returns whether the Nav is going to or from the current radial (or is off).


  1. 0 = Off
  2. 1 = TO
  3. 2 = FROM
NAV VOLUME N/A The volume of the Nav radio. Percent
NAV VOR DISTANCE N/A Distance of the VOR beacon. Meters
NAV VOR LATLONALT [0] Index Returns the VOR station latitude, longitude and altitude. SIMCONNECT_DATA_LATLONALT structure
NAV VOR LLAF64 [0] Index Nav VOR latitude, longitude, altitude. SIMCONNECT_DATA_LATLONALT structure




The table below lists all the SimVars related to the Tacan system on an aircraft. You can have either 1 or 2 of these systems, and in so all these SimVars require an index value of 1 or 2, depending on which one you want to target. Note that you must have first enabled the Tacan using the Tacan.N parameter in the systems.cfg file.


Simulation Variable Parameters Description Units Settable
TACAN ACTIVE CHANNEL [0] Channel The active channel used by the indexed Tacan receiver on the aircraft, from 1 to 127. Number
TACAN ACTIVE MODE [0] Mode The active mode used by the indexed Tacan receiver on the aircraft, where 0 = X and 1 = Y. Bool
TACAN AVAILABLE [0] Index Will be TRUE (1) if NAV1, NAV2, NAV3 or NAV4 can receive Tacan (depending on the index - 1, 2, 3, or 4), or FALSE (0) otherwise. Bool
TACAN DRIVES NAV1 [0] Index Tells whether the indexed Tacan is driving the Nav 1 indicator (TRUE, 1) or not (FALSE, 0), for autopilot purposes. Bool
TACAN OBS [0] Index The indexed Tacan OBS setting, in degrees. Degrees
TACAN STANDBY CHANNEL [0] Index The standby channel used by the indexed Tacan receiver on the aircraft, from 1 to 127. Number
TACAN STANDBY MODE [0] Index Indicates the indexed Tacan receiver standby mode, where 0 = X and 1 = Y. Bool
TACAN STATION CDI [0] Index The CDI needle deflection amount (course deviation) to the indexed Tacan station. Can be +/- 127. Number
TACAN STATION DISTANCE [0] Index The distance between the indexed Tacan station position and the aircraft position. The index value refers to the Tacan receiver connected to the station (1 or 2). Meter
TACAN STATION IDENT [0] Index The tuned station identifier for the indexed Tacan. String
TACAN STATION LATLONALT [0] Index Retrieves the latitude, longitude and altitude of the indexed Tacan station.



TACAN STATION RADIAL [0] Index The radial between the indexed Tacan station and the aircraft. Degrees
TACAN STATION RADIAL ERROR [0] Index Difference between the current radial and OBS tuned radial of the indexed Tacan station, in degrees. Degrees.
TACAN STATION TOFROM [0] Index Returns whether the indexed Tacan is going to or from the current radial (or is off).


  1. 0 = Off
  2. 1 = TO
  3. 2 = FROM
TACAN VOLUME [0] Index The volume value of the indexed Tacan receiver on the aircraft. Percent Over 100




Simulation Variable Description Units Settable
TCAS INTRUDER BEARING The bearing of TCAS intruder aircraft. Degrees
TCAS INTRUDER DATA TCAS intruder aircraft data. TCAS data structure
TCAS INTRUDER DISTANCE Disatance of TCAS intruder aircraft. nm
TCAS INTRUDER NETWORK ID Network ID of TCAS intruder aircraft. Number
TCAS INTRUDER RELATIVE ALTITUDE Relative Altitude of TCAS intruder aircraft. ft
TCAS INTRUDER RELATIVE SPEED Relative Speed of TCAS intruder aircraft. SIMCONNECT_DATA_XYZ struct, miles per second.
TCAS INTRUDER VERTICAL SPEED Vertical Speed of TCAS intruder aircraft ft per second
TCAS MODE The current TCAS mode.


  1. 0: STBY (OFF)
  2. 1: XPNDR
  3. 2:TA ONLY
  4. 3: AUTO (TA_RA)
TCAS RECEIVED RESOLUTION ADVISORY Received RAs from intruders. Number
TCAS SEND RESOLUTION ADVISORY RAs to send to intruders, settable if external TCAS is defined. Number /




Simulation Variable Parameters Description Units Settable
COPILOT TRANSMITTER TYPE N/A On which channel the copilot is transmitting.


  1. 0 = COM1
  2. 1 = COM2
  3. 2 = COM3
  4. 3 = TEL
  5. 4 = NONE
COPILOT TRANSMITTING N/A Whether or not the copilot is transmitting. Bool
PILOT TRANSMITTER TYPE N/A On which channel the pilot is transmitting.


  1. 0 = COM1
  2. 1 = COM2
  3. 2 = COM3
  4. 3 = TEL
  5. 4 = NONE
PILOT TRANSMITTING N/A Whether or not the pilot is transmitting. Bool
RADIOS AVAILABLE N/A Currently not used within the simulation. -
RADIO HEIGHT N/A Radar altitude. Feet
TRANSPONDER AVAILABLE N/A True if a transponder is available. Bool
TRANSPONDER CODE [0] Index 4-digit code. BCD16
TRANSPONDER IDENT [0] Index This can set the Ident transponder using the KEY_XPNDR_IDENT_SET, KEY_XPNDR_IDENT_TOGGLE, KEY_XPNDR_IDENT_ON or KEY_XPNDR_IDENT_OFF Event IDs (see XPNDR (Transponder) section for more information). When set to true, it will automatically turn false after 18 seconds. Bool

[0] Index

[1] State

The indexed transponder State.


  1. 0 = Off
  2. 1 = Standby
  3. 2 = Test
  4. 3 = On
  5. 4 = Alt
  6. 5 = Ground