This function can be used to set an array of colour structs which will then be used to draw the weather (when enabled). The colour struct at index 0 of the array will be used to colour rainfall from 0mm/h to the rate set for index 0, then the colour at index 1 will be used for rates between index 0 rate and index 1 rate, etc... up to a maximum rate of 100mm/h.
bool fsMapViewSetWeatherRadarRainColors(
FsContext ctx,
FsTextureId id,
FsRainRateColor* colors,
unsigned nColors
Parameters | Description |
ctx |
A value of type FsContext provided as an argument of the gauge callback. |
id |
The MapView render ID as returned by the function fsMapViewCreate . |
colors |
An array containing a minimum of 2 structs - comprised of an FsColor struct and a rate value (in mm/hour) - up to a maximum of 128 structs. |
nColors |
The total size of the colour array. |
Return Values
Returns false if:
< 2 or ifnColors
> 128- no texture matches the given MapView ID
- the
is invalid
Otherwise it will return true.
The colors array is made up of at least 2 FsColor
structs and would be created and used as shown in the following example:
const int size = 4;
FsRainRateColor colors[size] =
{{ 1.f, 0.7f, 0.25f, 0.1f }, 0.2f},
{{ 0.7f, 0.2f, 0.63f, 0.88f }, 10.f},
{{ 0.8f, 0.3f, 0.7f, 0.62f }, 50.f},
{{ 0.f, 0.9f, 1.f, 1.f } 100.f}
fsMapViewSetWeatherRadarRainColors(ctx, mapID, colors, size);
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