The Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 MapView API permits you to create and render interactive maps for your glasscockpits for things like altitude and weather radar. This API builds on a NanoVG API texture, so you can draw over it to customise it if you wish.
You can find a sample project to use as a reference when using the MapView API here:
The functions available for this API are as follows:
Function | Description |
fsMapViewCreate |
Create a new MapView. |
fsMapViewDelete |
Delete a (previously created) MapView. |
fsMapViewSetVisibility |
Show or hide a given MapView. |
fsMapViewSetViewMode |
Select a specific view mode for the given MapView. |
fsMapViewSetSize |
Set the texture resolution for the given MapView. |
fsMapViewSetBackgroundColor |
Select a color which will be used to color the uncolored part of any MapView. |
fsMapViewSetAltitudeColorList |
Set an array of colour structs which will then be used when the MapView is set to "Altitude" mode. |
fsMapViewSetAltitudeReference |
Select which point of reference will be used to compute altitude when the MapView is set to "Altitude" mode. |
fsMapViewSetAltitudeRangeInFeet |
Set the altitude range which is used to compute how things are coloured when the MapView is set to "Altitude" mode |
fsMapViewSetWeatherRadarVisibility |
Show or hide the weather radar on the MapView. |
fsMapViewSetWeatherRadarRainColors |
Set an array of colour structs which will then be used to draw the weather radar. |
fsMapViewSetWeatherRadarMode |
Select a specific weather radar mode for the given MapView. |
fsMapViewSetWeatherRadarConeAngleInRadians |
Specify the angle of the cone in which the weather radar will display rainfall. |
fsMapViewSetMapIsolinesVisibility |
Used to show or hide isolines on the MapView. |
fsMapViewSet3D |
Used to enable or diable 3D mode for the MapView. |
fsMapViewSet2DViewLatLong |
Force the MapView to show a specific latitude and longitude. |
fsMapViewSet2DViewRadiusInMeters |
Set the number of meters around the aircraft to be displayed on the MapView. |
fsMapViewSet2DViewFollowMode |
Set the MapView to focus on the aircraft position. |
fsMapViewSet3DViewOrientation |
Set the type of camera orientation when using the 3D MapView. |
fsMapViewSet3DCustomViewOrientationInRadians |
Set a custom camera view orientation when using the 3D MapView. |