The XML elements listed here permit you to create your own update frequency presets. These presets can then be applied to components within the Model Behaviors to tell Microsoft Flight Simulator how often to update that component (for example, how often a VFX should be updated).


The update frequency for any component is based on it's "size" on the screen, which is expressed as a float Percent Over 100 from 1.0 to 0.0, where 1.0 is the full size and corresponds to the LOD0 of the model, and 0.0 corresponds with the lowest LOD of the model. The frequency itself will be 1 update per game frame for the maximum and 1 update per 30 game frames for the minimum, and the update frequency for models between the min and max size will have an interpolated frequency between 1:1 and 1:30.


To create your own presets you will need to create a new XML file, with the following structure:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        <!-- Preset -->
        <!-- Preset -->
    <!-- Further Presets -->

This preset file can have any name you require, however it is important to note that it must be placed in the "UpdateFrequencyPresets" folder of the output package, otherwise the presets won't be available for use when the package is built. This would be done using the Copy asset group in the project when you are creating your package.




This is a container element into which you would add all your <UpdateFrequencyPreset> elements, where each one defines a single a preset that can then be used within a <Component>. This element has no attributes.




This element is used to define a single preset within an <UpdateFrequencyPresetList>. The element has no attributes, and requires the <Name>, <SizeOnScreenForMaxUpdateFrequency>, <SizeOnScreenForMinUpdateFrequency>, and <SizeOnScreenToStopUpdate> sub-elements to correctly define the preset.



This element has no attributes and defines the name of the <UpdateFrequencyPreset>. Names should contain no symbols other than the underbar "_" and cannot have spaces. They do not need to be enclosed in single or double quotes, for example:




This element has no attributes and is a sub-element of <UpdateFrequencyPreset>. It is used to define the size that a model should be on the screen for the component to be updated at the maximum rate.




This element has no attributes and is a sub-element of <UpdateFrequencyPreset>. It is used to define the size that a model should be on the screen for the component to be updated at the minimum rate.




This element has no attributes and is a sub-element of <UpdateFrequencyPreset>. It is used to define the size that a model should on the screen for the component to stop being updated.