Vector2, Vector3, Vector4

The Vector Node2

These nodes can be used to create a vectors which can contain 2, 3, or 4 values. When specifying the values for a vector, you can:

  • supply the required Node Inputs and the node will output a value based on those
  • add the values directly to the node input boxes
  • add values through the Inspector window Properties:

The Inspector Window Inputs For The Float Node



Node Inputs

This node accepts the following the input:


  • X
    A scalar (float) input value for Vector 2, Vector 3 and Vector 4 nodes.


  • Y
    The scalar (float) input value for Vector 2, Vector 3 and Vector 4 nodes.


  • Z
    The scalar (float) input value for Vector 3 and Vector 4 nodes.


  • W
    The scalar (float) input value for Vector 4 nodes.





Node Output

The node will output a vector of the same type as the node that is generating the output.