This section presents a couple of examples of how to correctly format Checklist and Checklist Library *.xml
files. You can find more information about the different XML elements used in these examples from the following page:
Simple Checklist
The example below shows a minimal checklist with a single checkpoint:
<?xml-model version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<SimBase.Document Type="Checklist" version="1,0">
<Val SimVarName="BRAKE PARKING POSITION" Units="Boolean"/>
<Action Copilot="True" Condition="TestValueFalse" Once="true" EventID="PARKING_BRAKES"/>
<Instrument id="PARKING_BRAKE"/>
The above checkpoint will:
- enable highlighting of an instrument using a visual helper.
- validate it in Automatic mode as soon as the user meets the requirement. In this case the SimVar "
" must be TRUE (1) for the requirements to be fulfilled. - automatically be executed in Copilot mode - and only in this mode - if the
is FALSE (0), i.e: if the parking brake is not set. This action will only be performed once. The action sends the event ofEventID
"PARKING_BRAKES", which will activate the parking brake of the aircraft. This checkpoint will still wait until thetestValue
is TRUE (1) before being automatically validated, i.e: setting an unrelated action will cause the Copilot mode to wait until the user resolves the issue by themselves.
Checkpoint Libraries
A checkpoint library is a file that contain one or more checkpoints that can be shared across various aircraft. Below is a minimal example of a library file containing two checkpoints - Parking_Brake_Set
and Brakes_Released
- that we'll then reference in the actual checklist file:
<?xml-model version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<SimBase.Document Type="CheckpointLibrary" version="1,0">
<Checkpoint Id="Parking_Brake_Set">
<Val SimVarName="BRAKE PARKING POSITION" Units="Boolean"/>
<Action Copilot="True" Condition="TestValueFalse" Once="true" EventID="PARKING_BRAKES"/>
<Instrument Id="LANDING_GEAR_Switch_ParkingBrake"/>
<Checkpoint Id="Brakes_Released">
<Sequence SeqType="Unordered">
<Operator OpType="NOT">
<Val SimVarName="BRAKE PARKING POSITION" Units="Boolean"/>
<Action Copilot="True" Condition="TestValueFalse" Once="true" EventID="PARKING_BRAKES"/>
<Instrument Id="LANDING_GEAR_Switch_ParkingBrake"/>
<Instrument Id="HANDLING_RudderPedals_Rudder"/>
<Instrument Id="HANDLING_RudderPedals"/>
<Instrument Id="HANDLING_RudderPedals1"/>
<Instrument Id="HANDLING_RudderPedals2"/>
<Operator OpType="AND">
<Operator OpType="EQUAL">
<Val SimVarName="BRAKE LEFT POSITION" Units="percent"/>
<Val Value="0"/>
<Operator OpType="EQUAL">
<Val SimVarName="BRAKE RIGHT POSITION" Units="percent"/>
<Val Value="0"/>
<Action Copilot="True" Condition="TestValueFalse" EventID="AXIS_LEFT_BRAKE_SET" EventParam="-16383"/>
<Action Copilot="True" Condition="TestValueFalse" EventID="AXIS_RIGHT_BRAKE_SET" EventParam="-16383"/>
This library file can then be accessed in the checklist file using the <Checklist.CheckpointLibrary>
element, and the checkpoint ID (defined using the <Checkpoint>
element in the library file) is used to select the required checkpoints - Parking_Brake_Set
and Brakes_Released
- from it:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="Windows-1252"?>
<SimBase.Document Type="Checklist" version="1,0">
<IncludeCheckpointLibrary FileName="MY_AIRCRAFTCheckpointLibrary.xml"/>
<Step ChecklistStepId="PREFLIGHT_GATE">
<Checkpoint ReferenceId="Parking_Brake_Set"/>
<Val SimVarName="LIGHT NAV" Units="Boolean"/>
<Action Copilot="True" Condition="TestValueFalse" Once="true" EventID="TOGGLE_NAV_LIGHTS"/>
<Instrument id="LIGHT_NAV_SWITCH"/>
<Step ChecklistStepId="PREFLIGHT_PUSHBACK">
<Checkpoint ReferenceId="Brakes_Released"/>
Automatic Action (Copilot) Example
In this example, the two WaitUntilTestValueValidated <Action />
elements are what is most important. Without them, in Copilot mode, both Tests would be automatically skipped because they would have no Copilot Action, and they would have a TestValue
"True" for the Sequence. This in turn means the sequence action with Condition="TestValueFalse"
attribute would not trigger:
<Checkpoint Id="SPEED_BRAKES_TEST">
<Sequence SeqType="PARALLEL">
<Operator OpType="EQUAL" Tolerance="2">
<Val Code="(A:SPOILERS LEFT POSITION, percent)"/>
<Val Value="100"/>
<Action Copilot="True" Condition="TestValueFalse" SpecialAction="WaitUntilTestValueValidated"/>
<Operator OpType="EQUAL" Tolerance="2">
<Val Code="(A:SPOILERS RIGHT POSITION, percent)"/>
<Val Value="100"/>
<Action Copilot="True" Condition="TestValueFalse" SpecialAction="WaitUntilTestValueValidated"/>
<Action Copilot="True" Condition="TestValueFalse" Once="False" Code="(>B:HANDLING_Spoilers_Deploy)"/>
Advanced Checkpoint Example
Here we have a more complex example of two checkpoints that share variables (created in the <Action />
element using the StoreVar attribute) and these variables are also being used to ensure that only one of two sequences will actually be executed. A more thorough explanation of the example is given at the end:
<Checkpoint Id="Magneto_150_RPM_Max_Decrease">
<Action Condition="Init" StoreVar="Magneto_RPM_BOTH" Value="0"/>
<Action Condition="Init" StoreVar="Magneto_RPM_LEFT" Value="0"/>
<Action Condition="Init" StoreVar="Magneto_RPM_RIGHT" Value="0"/>
<Sequence SeqType="Ordered">
<Operator OpType="And">
<Val SimVarName="RECIP ENG LEFT MAGNETO:1" Units="Boolean"/>
<Val SimVarName="RECIP ENG RIGHT MAGNETO:1" Units="Boolean"/>
<Duration Value="1.0" Cumulative="False"/>
<Instrument id="MAGNETO"/>
<Action Copilot="True" Condition="TestValueFalse" Once="true" EventID="MAGNETO_BOTH"/>
<Action Condition="TestValueTrue" Once="false" StoreVar="Magneto_RPM_BOTH">
<Val SimVarName="GENERAL ENG RPM:1" Units="rpm"/>
<Sequence SeqType="Unordered">
<Sequence SeqType="Ordered">
<Operator OpType="OR"> <!-- Skips if Magneto_RPM_RIGHT is already set -->
<Val ReadVar="Magneto_RPM_RIGHT"/>
<Operator OpType="And">
<Val SimVarName="RECIP ENG LEFT MAGNETO:1" Units="Boolean"/>
<Operator OpType="Not">
<Val SimVarName="RECIP ENG RIGHT MAGNETO:1" Units="Boolean"/>
<Duration Value="1.5" Cumulative="False"/>
<Instrument id="MAGNETO"/>
<Action Copilot="True" Condition="TestValueFalse" Once="true" EventID="MAGNETO_LEFT"/>
<Operator OpType="OR"> <!-- Skips if Magneto_RPM_RIGHT is already set -->
<Val ReadVar="Magneto_RPM_RIGHT"/>
<Operator OpType="Greater">
<Val SimVarName="GENERAL ENG RPM:1" Units="rpm"/>
<Operator OpType="Minus">
<Val ReadVar="Magneto_RPM_BOTH"/>
<Val Value="150"/>
<Test> <!-- Store the current rpm in Magneto_RPM_LEFT, unless Magneto_RPM_RIGHT is already set -->
<Operator OpType="OR"> <!-- Verifies if one of the var is set -->
<Val ReadVar="Magneto_RPM_LEFT"/>
<Val ReadVar="Magneto_RPM_RIGHT"/>
<Action Condition="TestValueFalse" Once="True" StoreVar="Magneto_RPM_LEFT">
<Val SimVarName="GENERAL ENG RPM:1" Units="rpm"/>
<Sequence SeqType="Ordered">
<Operator OpType="OR"> <!-- Skips if Magneto_RPM_LEFT is already set -->
<Val ReadVar="Magneto_RPM_LEFT"/>
<Operator OpType="And">
<Val SimVarName="RECIP ENG RIGHT MAGNETO:1" Units="Boolean"/>
<Operator OpType="Not">
<Val SimVarName="RECIP ENG LEFT MAGNETO:1" Units="Boolean"/>
<Duration Value="1.5" Cumulative="False"/>
<Instrument id="MAGNETO"/>
<Action Copilot="True" Condition="TestValueFalse" Once="true" EventID="MAGNETO_RIGHT"/>
<Operator OpType="OR"> <!-- Skips if Magneto_RPM_LEFT is already set -->
<Val ReadVar="Magneto_RPM_LEFT"/>
<Operator OpType="Greater">
<Val SimVarName="GENERAL ENG RPM:1" Units="rpm"/>
<Operator OpType="Minus">
<Val ReadVar="Magneto_RPM_BOTH"/>
<Val Value="150"/>
<Test> <!-- Store the current rpm in Magneto_RPM_RIGHT, unless Magneto_RPM_LEFT is already set -->
<Operator OpType="OR"> <!-- Verifies if one of the var is set -->
<Val ReadVar="Magneto_RPM_LEFT"/>
<Val ReadVar="Magneto_RPM_RIGHT"/>
<Action Condition="TestValueFalse" Once="True" StoreVar="Magneto_RPM_RIGHT">
<Val SimVarName="GENERAL ENG RPM:1" Units="rpm"/>
<Checkpoint Id="Magneto_50_RPM_Difference_Max">
<Sequence SeqType="Ordered">
<Sequence SeqType="Ordered">
<Operator OpType="OR"> <!-- Skips if Magneto_RPM_RIGHT is already set -->
<Val ReadVar="Magneto_RPM_RIGHT"/>
<Operator OpType="And">
<Val SimVarName="RECIP ENG RIGHT MAGNETO:1" Units="Boolean"/>
<Operator OpType="Not">
<Val SimVarName="RECIP ENG LEFT MAGNETO:1" Units="Boolean"/>
<Duration Value="1.5" Cumulative="False"/>
<Instrument id="MAGNETO"/>
<Action Copilot="True" Condition="TestValueFalse" Once="true" EventID="MAGNETO_RIGHT"/>
<Val ReadVar="Magneto_RPM_RIGHT"/>
<Action Condition="TestValueFalse" Once="True" StoreVar="Magneto_RPM_RIGHT">
<Val SimVarName="GENERAL ENG RPM:1" Units="rpm"/>
<Sequence SeqType="Ordered">
<Operator OpType="OR"> <!-- Skips if Magneto_RPM_LEFT is already set -->
<Val ReadVar="Magneto_RPM_LEFT"/>
<Operator OpType="And">
<Val SimVarName="RECIP ENG LEFT MAGNETO:1" Units="Boolean"/>
<Operator OpType="Not">
<Val SimVarName="RECIP ENG RIGHT MAGNETO:1" Units="Boolean"/>
<Duration Value="1.5" Cumulative="False"/>
<Instrument id="MAGNETO"/>
<Action Copilot="True" Condition="TestValueFalse" Once="true" EventID="MAGNETO_LEFT"/>
<Val ReadVar="Magneto_RPM_LEFT"/>
<Action Condition="TestValueFalse" Once="True" StoreVar="Magneto_RPM_LEFT">
<Val SimVarName="GENERAL ENG RPM:1" Units="rpm"/>
<Operator OpType="Equal" Tolerance="50">
<Val ReadVar="Magneto_RPM_LEFT"/>
<Val ReadVar="Magneto_RPM_RIGHT"/>
So, how does this last example work? The user is supposed to set the magneto to "Both", then wait some time for the RPM to stabilize, then measure the current RPM. He then does the same for "Left" and "Right", in any order. The RPM for "Left" or "Right" should be no less than 150 RPM below the RPM for "Both". The RPM for "Left" and "Right" should not be further apart than 50 RPM.
Here, the first checkpoint starts by initializing variables to 0, to avoid possible side-effects. Then, the first test measures the RPM for the "Both" setting. The following un-ordered sequence is composed of two ordered sequences, each set up so that only one actually needs to be properly executed, one for "Left" and the other for "Right". The sequence waits 1.5 seconds in the correct settings, and measures the RPM. The difference of RPM between "Both" and "Left/Right" is computed, and if small enough, the corresponding RPM is stored in the appropriate variable. The other "Right/Left" variable will keep a value of 0.
In the second checkpoint, only one of the first two ordered sub-sequences is actually executed, and the other is skipped, based on which variable among "Left" and "Right" is set, and which still contains 0. The correct sequence will set the corresponding "Left/Right" settings, and measure the RPM. Finally, the last test verifies that the two "Left" and "Right" variables are close enough.
Modular Aircraft Checklist Examples
This example - based on the XCub aircraft - is an illustration of how checklists can be created to take advantage of the Modular SimObject architecture.
The structure of the XCub package is as follows:
- In the common checklist folder there is the library file with all the checkpoints for all the variants, along with a a checklist file with pages, blocks, and calls to checkpoints that are common to all variants.
- In the relevant attachment folders you can find a checklist folder that contains pages, blocks, and calls to checkpoints that are specific to each attachment and these files also contain merging operations.
- In each of the preset folders, there is a checklist folder with a checklist XML file containing automerge options. If necessary, there could also be calls to checkpoints that are specific to the preset and as well as merging operations (but that's not required in this example).
IMPORTANT! All checklist files (in the common, attachments, and presets folders) must have an identical name to be merged correctly.
Let's look at a single page found in the checklist XML in the common folder. This is the page "Empennage" included in the step PREFLIGHT_GATE:
<?xml-model version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<SimBase.Document Type="Checklist" version="1.0">
<Step ChecklistStepId="PREFLIGHT_GATE">
<!-- /////////////////EMPENNAGE -->
<Checkpoint ReferenceId="XCUB_TAIL_BRACES_WIRES_CHECK_SECURE" LevelOfDetail="PRO"/>
<Checkpoint ReferenceId="XCUB_DORSAL_FIN_CHECK_SECURE" LevelOfDetail="PRO"/>
<Checkpoint ReferenceId="XCUB_TRIM_JACK_SCREW_CHECK_CONDITION" LevelOfDetail="PRO"/>
<Checkpoint ReferenceId="XCUB_HINGES_CHECK" LevelOfDetail="PRO"/>
<Checkpoint ReferenceId="XCUB_GAP_SEALS_CHECK" LevelOfDetail="PRO"/>
<Checkpoint ReferenceId="XCUB_SURFACES_CHECK" LevelOfDetail="STANDARD"/>
<Checkpoint ReferenceId="XCUB_RUDDER_CABLES_CHECK_CONDITION" LevelOfDetail="PRO"/>
<Checkpoint ReferenceId="TIE_DOWN_REMOVE" LevelOfDetail="STANDARD"/>
We need to include a checkpoint related to the ventral fin which is only present with the floats attachments. For this we need to add a new checkpoint into the relevant attachment checklist files. In these files we need to create Steps and Pages (and - if relevant - Blocks) with the same SubjectTT
as shown above so that the new checkpoint will be added into the correct page (and Block) of the final checklist. For example:
<?xml-model version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<SimBase.Document Type="Checklist" version="1,0">
<Step ChecklistStepId="PREFLIGHT_GATE">
<Checkpoint ReferenceId="XCUB_VENTRAL_FIN_CHECK" LevelOfDetail="PRO"/>
This will add the new checkpoint to the Empennage page, however it will add it to the bottom of the page, as the last element. To move it where it should be - in this example it should be before the checkpoint “TIE_DOWN_REMOVE” - we use the <MoveEntry>
element within the page:
<MoveEntry Node="Checkpoint" ReferenceId="ReferenceId_of_the_checkpoint_before_which_the_below_checkpoint_will_be_moved">
<Checkpoint ReferenceId="ReferenceId_of_the_checkpoint_to_be_moved"/>
The actual XML will now look something like this:
<Checkpoint ReferenceId="XCUB_VENTRAL_FIN_CHECK" LevelOfDetail="PRO"/>
<MoveEntry Node="Checkpoint" ReferenceId="TIE_DOWN_REMOVE">
<Checkpoint ReferenceId="XCUB_VENTRAL_FIN_CHECK"/>
This same process can be performed for blocks and pages, as illustrated by the following examples:
<!-- Add and move a block element -->
<MoveEntry Node="Checkpoint" ReferenceId="ReferenceId_of_the_checkpoint_before_which_the_below_block_will_be_moved">
<!-- To add and move a page before another page inside a Step -->
<Step ChecklistStepId="MY_STEP">
<MoveEntry Node="Page" SubjectTT="SubjectTT_of_the_before_before_which_the_below_page_will_be_moved">
It is possible to add several elements inside a <MoveEntry>
element, thus moving several elements at once. The elements being moved will maintain the order that they have been defined in within the move element and will all be moved as a stack before the specified target element.
NOTE: It is possible to move elements without adding them if they are available in the common checklist. For example, if the checkpoints are identical between two presets, but their listed order is different, you can use <MoveEntry> to rearrange the order.
With the same logic as adding new elements, it is also possible to remove elements coming from the common checklist which are not relevant for the current preset. Let's look again at an example from the XCub, where we want to remove the checkpoint XCUB_TAILWHEEL_AND_SPRINGS_CHECK_CONDITION
, which is irrelevant for the amphibious version. For this we'll use the <Remove Entry />
<RemoveEntry Node="Checkpoint" ReferenceId="XCUB_TAILWHEEL_AND_SPRINGS_CHECK_CONDITION"/>
You can use both the move and remove elements together to create dynamic checklists, for example:
<Checkpoint ReferenceId="XCUB_VENTRAL_FIN_CHECK" LevelOfDetail="PRO"/>
<RemoveEntry Node="Checkpoint" ReferenceId="XCUB_TAILWHEEL_AND_SPRINGS_CHECK_CONDITION"/>
<MoveEntry Node="Checkpoint" ReferenceId="TIE_DOWN_REMOVE">
<Checkpoint ReferenceId="XCUB_VENTRAL_FIN_CHECK"/>
Finally, to ensure that the merging operations are performed as expected, each checklist file used in a preset has to have the AutoMerge
(Attribute) set to "False" in the <SimBase.Document>
element, for example:
<?xml-model version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<SimBase.Document Type="Checklist" version="1,0" AutoMerge="false">
If AutoMerge
is not set to "False", any new elements defined in the attachments and preset checklists will be added to the common checklist, and the moving / removing operations will not be performed.
Using Indices
In some cases, an additional identification parameter for an element you want to move or remove will be required. For example, if one or more elements are located in the same location and have the same base identifier (ie: the "ReferenceId" for checkpoints, or "SubjectTT" for blocks and pages), but you want to move or remove only one of them, you will need to supply an index
In the example below, we add into the same page two new blocks that have the same SubjectTT
. We then want to move them to their proper respective location. To differentiate between the two blocks, we give them two different index
parameters, so we can now use two separate <MoveEntry>
to relocate them independently:
NOTE: This also works with <RemoveEntry>
<Block SubjectTT="TT:GAME.CHECKLIST_FROM_LAND" LinkId="1" index="0">
<Block SubjectTT="TT:GAME.CHECKLIST_FROM_LAND" LinkId="1" index="1">
<MoveEntry Node="Checkpoint" ReferenceId="XCUB_THROTTLE_FULL_OPEN">
<Block SubjectTT="TT:GAME.CHECKLIST_FROM_LAND" LinkId="1" index="0"/>
<Block SubjectTT="TT:GAME.CHECKLIST_FROM_LAND" LinkId="1" index="1"/>
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