IMPORTANT! The components and parameters outlined here for the Major version 2.00+ electrical system exclusive to Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 aircraft. If your aircraft was created for Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020, you should be using the V1.00 system. Information on this system is given here: LEGACY: systems.cfg - [ELECTRICAL]This page contains information relating to the different components and connections used by the modular electrical system, as defined in the [ELECTRICAL]
section of the systems.cfg file.
The electrical system, like many other complex aircraft system, is designed in a modular way, such that you have multiple components which are connected by lines to create the final system. The different components available are as follows:
- Circuit: This is used to define the various electrical circuits of the aircraft.
- Battery: This defines one or more batteries to be used in the electrical system.
- ExternalPower: This is used to define one or more external power sources that form a part of the electrical system
- Generator: This is used to define an aircraft generator as part of the system.
- Bus: This defines an electrical bus for the system, which permits multiple lines to be connected to it, and to other components.
- Relay: This defines a relay which can be used to connect/disconnet another component depending on whether the relay is powered/unpowered.
To help with the configuration of the components you have configuration items:
- Supplier: This defines the attributes of a source supplier of power, either AC, DC, or a Battery.
- Consumer: This can be used to define the attributes of power consumer (Battery or Custom).
- Curve: This is defined as a list of paired values that can be used by other components.
Finally you have the connection components:
- Line: A line is used to connect two components based on the assigned connection attributes. Each component can only have one line connection, unless it is a Bus, which can have more.
- Connection: A connection defines the behaviour of electricity when passed through a line.
- Breaker: A breaker is used to protect components from current overflow, and is used as part of the definition of a Connection.
- Transformer: A transformer modifies the output voltage, and is used as part of the definition of a Connection.
- Diode: A diode is used to direct the flow of electricity in a single direction along the line, and is used as part of the definition of a Connection.
It should be noted that there are some parameters that can be set in the FLT file to initialise the pneumatic system to specific values for a flight or a mission. You can find more information here:
Circuits are the most used electrical components, and when defining a circuit the appended number corresponds to its unique ID (N, starting at 1). The circuit hash map is comprised of the following multiple key:value
pairs, separated by the #
symbol. This hash map takes the following form:
circuit.N = Name:<name_string> #Type:<circuit_type> #ConsumerCfg:<consumer_id> #WearAndTearCollision:<damage_profile_name1>,<damage_profile_name2>,<etc...>
A full example of a single circuit definition would be like this:
circuit.1 = Name:General_Panel_Main #Type:CIRCUIT_GENERAL_PANEL #ConsumerConfig:ConsumerBatteryA #WearAndTearCollision:LeftWingLight
Key | Value | Description | Required |
Name | String | This is a name string that is used as an alias to identify the circuit. It will also be used as the reference index for SimVars, and note that the name is the only guaranteed reference to the component due to the fact that the Modular Aircraft Merging process may change the index. The name cannot contain special characters or spaces. | Yes |
Type |
String |
Table that contains the type of circuit being created, and that gives the consumption characteristics of the circuit. For example:
You can find a complete list of the available variables here: Circuit Types. |
Yes |
ConsumerCfg |
Consumer |
The name (or index) of the Consumer configuration to use. NOTE: You do not have to assign a Consumer and can omit this parameter, inputting instead the consumer parameters directly as part of the circuit hash-map. Useful for unique circuit values. For more information, please see Consumers/Suppliers And Inline Setup. |
No |
WearAndTearCollision |
String | This parameter provides one or more references to a damage profile that has been defined in the [COLLISION_DAMAGE] section of the flight model CFG file. For more information, please see here: Note On Collision Damage / Wear And Tear |
No |
The following SimVars are available for this component:
A battery is a power supplier with a set capacity that decreases over time depending on the load it must sustain, and it will also drop voltage when a heavy load is drawn from it. Within the simulation the actual discharge rate of the battery is calculated in real time from all the circuits that draw load from it, which permits the simulation to correctly model the voltage output. Batteries are also charge rate limited based on the ChargeCRate
parameter in the Consumer configuration, and note too that you cannot define the cell count for batteries, as this is also calculated automatically based on the battery voltage and its type.
When defining a battery, the appended number corresponds to its unique ID (N, starting at 1). The battery hash map is comprised of a set of key:value
pairs, separated by the #
symbol and takes the following form:
battery.N = Name:<name_string> #SupplierCfg:<supplier_id> #ConsumerCfg:<consumer_id> #WearAndTearCollision:<damage_profile_name1>,<damage_profile_name2>,<etc...>
A full example of a single battery definition would be like this:
battery.1 = Name:Main_Battery #SupplierCfg:SupplierBatteryA #ConsumerCfg:ConsumerBatteryB #WearAndTearCollision:LeftWingLight
Key | Value | Description | Required |
Name |
String | This is a name string that is used as an alias to identify the battery. It will also be used as the reference index for SimVars, and note that the name is the only guaranteed reference to the component due to the fact that the Modular Aircraft Merging process may change the index. The name cannot contain special characters or spaces. | Yes |
SupplierCfg |
Supplier |
The name (or index) of the Supplier config to use. This supplier must be of the type Battery. NOTE: You do not have to assign a Supplier and can omit this parameter, inputting instead the supplier parameters directly as part of the battery hash-map. Useful for unique battery values. For more information please see Consumers/Suppliers And Inline Setup. |
No |
ConsumerCfg |
Consumer |
The name (or index) of the Consumer config to use. This consumer must be of the type Battery. NOTE: You do not have to assign a Consumer and can omit this parameter, instead inputting the consumer parameters directly as part of the battery hash-map. Useful for unique battery values. For more information please see Consumers/Suppliers And Inline Setup. |
No |
WearAndTearCollision |
String | This parameter provides one or more references to a damage profile that has been defined in the [COLLISION_DAMAGE] section of the flight model CFG file. For more information, please see here: Note On Collision Damage / Wear And Tear |
No |
The following SimVars are available for this component:
An external power source is a power supplier with a constant and infinite power output, and the appended number corresponds to its unique ID (N, starting at 1). The external power hash map is comprised of key:value
pairs, separated by the #
symbol, and takes the following form:
externalpower.N = Name:<name_string> #SupplierCfg:<supplier_id>
A full example of a single external power source definition would be like this:
externalpower.1 = Name:EP_Source_1 #SupplierCfg:EPConfigA
Key | Value | Description | Required |
Name |
String | This is a name string that is used as an alias to identify the external power source. It will also be used as the reference index for SimVars, and note that the name is the only guaranteed reference to the component due to the fact that the Modular Aircraft Merging process may change the index. The name cannot contain special characters or spaces. | No |
SupplierCfg |
Supplier |
The name (or index) of the Supplier config to use. This supplier cannot be of the type Battery, only AC or DC. NOTE: You do not have to assign a Supplier and can omit this parameter, inputting instead the supplier parameters directly as part of the external power hash-map. Useful for unique external power values. For more information please see Consumers/Suppliers And Inline Setup. |
No |
The following SimVars are available for this component:
A generator is an internal aircraft component for creating electricity, and the appended number corresponds to its unique ID (N, starting at 1). The generator hash map is comprised of key:value
pairs, separated by the #
symbol, and takes the following form:
generator.N = Name:<name_string> #SupplierCfg:<supplier_id> #WearAndTearCollision:<damage_profile_name1>,<damage_profile_name2>,<etc...>
A full example of a single generator definition would be like this:
generator.1 = Name:MainGen #SupplierCfg:SupplierAC #WearAndTearCollision:LeftWingLight
Key | Value | Description | Required |
Name |
String | This is a name string that is used as an alias to identify the generator. It will also be used as the reference index for SimVars, and note that the name is the only guaranteed reference to the component due to the fact that the Modular Aircraft Merging process may change the index. The name cannot contain special characters or spaces. | Yes |
SupplierCfg |
Supplier |
The name (or index) of the Supplier config to use. This supplier cannot be of the type Battery, only AC or DC. NOTE: You do not have to assign a Supplier and can omit this parameter, inputting instead the supplier parameters directly as part of the generator hash-map. Useful for unique generator values. For more information please see Consumers/Suppliers And Inline Setup. |
No |
WearAndTearCollision |
String | This parameter provides one or more references to a damage profile that has been defined in the [COLLISION_DAMAGE] section of the flight model CFG file. For more information, please see here: Note On Collision Damage / Wear And Tear |
No |
The following SimVars are available for this component:
A bus is a hub for connecting different components (and other buses) to each other, and the appended number corresponds to its unique ID (N, starting at 1). The bus hash map is comprised of key:value
pairs, separated by the #
symbol, and takes the following form:
bus.N = Name:<name_string>
A full example of a single bus definition would be like this:
bus.3 = Name:Main_Bus
Key | Value | Description | Required |
Name |
String | This is a name string that is used as an alias to identify the bus. It will also be used as the reference index for SimVars, and note that the name is the only guaranteed reference to the component due to the fact that the Modular Aircraft Merging process may change the index. The name cannot contain special characters or spaces. | Yes |
The following SimVars are available for this component:
A relay is a component that requires a line to work, and is connected to another line (which can be anywhere in the system). It is used to connect/disconnect the given line, thus powering/unpowering the components using the line. Multiple relays can be defined, and the appended number corresponds to its unique ID (N, starting at 1). The relay hash map is comprised of key:value
pairs, separated by the #
symbol, and takes the following form:
relay.N = Name:<name_string> #ManagedLine:<line_name> #Resistance:<resistance_ohm> #TensionThreshold:<volts> #DisconnectWhenPowered:<bool>
A full example of a single bus definition would be like this:
relay.3 = Name:relay_sensor #ManagedLine:line_1
Key | Value | Description | Required |
Name |
String |
This is a name string that is used as an alias to identify the relay. It will also be used as the reference index for SimVars. Note that the name is the only guaranteed reference to the component due to the fact that the Modular Aircraft Merging process may change the index. The name cannot contain special characters or spaces. |
Yes |
ManagedLine |
Line | The name (or index) of the Line that the relay is connected to and controlling. | Yes |
Resistance |
Float |
The relay resistance, expressed in Ohms. Default value is 0.1. |
No |
TensionThreshold |
Float |
Minimum incoming tension required to consider the relay powered, expressed in volts. Default value is 0.1. |
No |
DisconnectWhenPowered |
Boolean |
This sets the behavior of the relay when powered. If true (1), the managed line will be connected by default and disconnected when the relay is powered. If false (0), the managed line will be disconnected by default and connected when the relay is powered. Default value is |
No |
A supplier is a hash map used to define the attributes of an electricity supply source. Suppliers are not used on their own, and are instead used within other component hash-maps (like the battery.N
or generator.N
maps) as a method of defining certain properties once so they can be re-used in multiple components.
NOTE: Before setting up a supplier, please check the following note - Consumers/Suppliers And Inline Setup
You may create multiple suppliers, and the appended number corresponds to its unique ID (N, starting at 1). The supplier hash map is comprised of key:value
pairs, separated by the #
symbol, and the contents of the map will depend on the type of supplier, which can be AC, DC or a battery. Regardless of type, the table below shows parameters for the map that can be present for all types:
Key | Value | Description | Required |
Name |
String | This is a name string that is used as an alias to identify the supplier. It will also be used as the reference index for SimVars, and note that the name is the only guaranteed reference to the component due to the fact that the Modular Aircraft Merging process may change the index. The name cannot contain special characters or spaces. | Yes |
SType |
String |
The type of supplier being defined. Can only be one of the following:
If this parameter is not included the default will be AC. |
No |
For an AC supplier you can have the following additional parameters in the supplier hash map:
Key | Value | Description | Required |
Vrms |
Float | Defines the root mean square voltage. | Yes |
Phase |
String |
Sets whether the AC supplier is a single phase or a three phase supplier. Can only be one of the following:
Default phase value is Single. |
No |
PowerRating |
Float | The supplier power rating, expressed in kVA. | Yes |
PowerFactor |
Float |
This sets the supplier power factor, which is the ratio of working power to apparent power. Default value is 1. |
No |
Frequency |
Float |
This sets the supplier desired AC frequency, expressed in Hz. Default value is 400. |
No |
GovernedRPM |
Float | Sets an RPM value to drive the supplier. If set to a fixed value then the supplier will be considered as "infinite" and will output tension indefinitely. However, you may use a SimVar like GENERAL ENG RPM and link the output to the engine RPM, such that when the engines are off, there will be a drop in output tension. This is illustrated in the example given below. |
Yes |
GovernedRPMRatio |
Float |
This sets a ratio to be applied to the GovernedRPM value so it can be scaled. Default value is 1. |
No |
ReferenceRPM |
FLoat |
This value represent the alternator RPM that you expect to have at a specific moment. The actual moment doesn't matter - whether idle on the ground or full speed in the air - as long as this RPM corresponds to the reference frequency taken at the same time. This parameter (along with the Default value is 2000. |
No |
Float |
This value represent the AC frequency that you expect to have at a specific moment. The actual moment doesn't matter - whether idle on the ground or full speed in the air - as long as this AC frequency corresponds to the alternator RPM taken at the same time. This parameter (along with the Default value is 400. |
No |
Integer |
This defines the number of magnetic poles that are in the rotor and stator of the alternator. It is used in relation to the current RPM of the alternator to compute the AC frequency and with it, the output tension of the alternator. This parameter can be omitted if you do not have the information, as the simulation can derive the number of poles from the
Given the low likelihood to have this information, it is possible to calculate the value of this parameter with the reference RPM and Frequency discussed above. Default value is 12. |
No |
The following example is a supplier setup to mimic a standard 115V, 45kVA, 3 phase, AC generator:
supplier.1 = Name:GenSupply #SType:AC #Vrms:115 #Phase:Three #PowerRating:45 #PowerFactor:0.95 #GovernedRPM:[simvar.(GENERAL ENG RPM:1, rpm)]
For a DC supplier you can have the following additional parameters in the supplier hash map:
Key | Value | Description | Required |
Voltage |
Float | The voltage that the DC supplier will generate. | Yes |
The following example is a supplier setup as a custom DC generator:
supplier.1 = Name:GenSupply #SType:DC #Voltage:14
For a battery supplier you can have the following additional parameters in the supplier hash map:
Key | Value | Description | Required |
Type |
String |
This defines the type of battery that is being used as a supplier. It can be any one of the following strings:
Default value is LithiumIon. |
No |
The following example is a supplier setup as a custom battery:
supplier.1 = Name:GenSupply #SType:Battery #Type:LithiumIon
A consumer is a hash map used to define the electrical consumption attributes of a component. Consumers are not used on their own, and are instead used within other component hash-maps (like the battery.N
or circuit.N
maps) as a method of defining certain properties once so they can be re-used in multiple components.
NOTE: Before setting up a consumer, please check the following note - Consumers/Suppliers And Inline Setup
You may create multiple consumers, and the appended number corresponds to its unique ID (N, starting at 1). The consumer hash map is comprised of key:value
pairs, separated by the #
symbol, and the contents of the map will depend on the type of consumer, which can be battery or custom. Regardless of type, the table below shows parameters for the map that can be present for both types:
Key | Value | Description | Required |
Name |
String | This is a name string that is used as an alias to identify the consumer. It will also be used as the reference index for SimVars, and note that the name is the only guaranteed reference to the component due to the fact that the Modular Aircraft Merging process may change the index. The name cannot contain special characters or spaces. | Yes |
CType |
String |
The type of supplier being defined. Can only be one of the following:
If this parameter is not included the default will be Custom. |
No |
Custom And Battery
For custom consumers and batteries you can have the following additional parameters in the consumer hash map:
Key | Value | Description | Required |
Amperage |
Float |
The design amperage, in amps. Default value is inferred from the other parameters as:
No |
Voltage |
Float |
The design voltage, in volts. Default value is inferred from the other parameters as:
No |
Wattage |
Float |
The design wattage, in watts. Default value is inferred from the other parameters as:
No |
Resistance |
Float |
The resistance, in Ohms. Default value is inferred from the other parameters as:
No |
ResistanceMin |
Float | The minimum resistance, in Ohms. | No (Unless ResistanceMax is defined) |
ResistanceMax |
Float | The maximum resistance, in Ohms. | No (Unless ResistanceMin is defined) |
Some things to note about these parameters when the CType
is "Custom":
- If you include
then you cannot include theResistanceMin
parameters, and vice-versa. - You must include at least two parameters which can be any combination of
, orResistance
(or the combination ofResistanceMin
The following example is of a custom consumer setup:
consumer.2 = Name:ConsumerCircuitA #Voltage:12 #Wattage:5
For a battery consumer you can have the following additional parameters in the consumer hash map as well as those listed above:
The following example is a consumer setup for a battery:
consumer.1 = Name:ConsumerBatteryA #CType:Battery #Capacity:48 #Voltage:24 #Wattage:250
The curve parameter is defined as a list of paired values, and the parameter is appended with a number that corresponds to its unique ID (N, starting at 1). The exact number of paired values that are in the curve will depend on the use the curve is going to get, since curves are used by other parameters to store information.
The curve hash map is comprised of key:value
pairs, separated by the #
symbol, and the table below shows the parameters for the map that can be present:
Key | Value | Description | Required |
Name |
String | This is a name string that is used as an alias to identify the curve. It will also be used as the reference index for SimVars, and note that the name is the only guaranteed reference to the component due to the fact that the Modular Aircraft Merging process may change the index. The name cannot contain special characters or spaces. | Yes |
Points |
List Of Paired Values |
This defines the points that will comprise the curve data itself. Points are listed as pairs of values separated by a comma, for example: Points: 1:1, 9:1, 17:0.05 Note that the first value of each pair must be in ascending order, so, for example, the following would not be valid: Points: 5:2, 4:1, 7:3 |
Yes |
Smoothen |
Boolean |
When this is set to 1, the curve values will be interpolated to "smoothen" the curve. The default value is 0 (no smoothing). |
No |
A line is used to connect 2 components together.
IMPORTANT! Each component can only have one line linked to it, unless it's a Bus which can have multiple lines linked to it.
When defining a line, the appended number corresponds to its unique ID (N, starting at 1), and the hash map it contains is comprised of key:value
pairs, separated by the #
symbol. This hash map takes the following form:
line.N = Name:<name_string> #Components:<component1>, <Component2> #Connection:<connection_id>(component, component)
There are a few different ways that lines can be defined depending on your system setup. These are as follows:
- Line definition using an existing connection:
line.1 = Name:LineA #Connection:ConDiode(BusA,CircuitA
- Line definition connecting the elements directly in its definition
line.2 = Name:LineB #Connection:BusA,Circuit
- Line definition with connection and components directly in its definition:
line.3 = Name:LineC #Components:DiodeA,BreakerA #Connection:BusA,CircuitC
Key | Value | Description | Required |
Name |
String | This is a name string that is used as an alias to identify the line. It will also be used as the reference index for SimVars, and note that the name is the only guaranteed reference to the component due to the fact that the Modular Aircraft Merging process may change the index. The name cannot contain special characters or spaces. | Yes |
Components |
List |
This is a comma separated list of components to connect directly with the line. These components can be one or more of the following: When listing the components, you must use the defined component name. |
Connection |
Connection | This is the connection that will be used to link two components together. When using this parameter, you specify the Connection, then give the two components it will connect. The direction of flow of the current will be from the first component to the second component, although it can be both ways unless a Diode is added to the connection. | Yes |
The following SimVars are available for this component:
A connection is used by the Line component to set up certain properties for the line. When defining a connection, the appended number corresponds to its unique ID (N, starting at 1), and the hash map it contains is comprised of key:value
pairs, separated by the #
symbol. This hash map takes the following form:
connection.N = Name:<name_string> #Components:<component>,<component>,<etc>
A full example of a single connection definition would be like this:
connection.2 = Name:ConWithBreaker_2 #Components:Breaker_2
Key | Value | Description | Required |
Name |
String | This is a name string that is used as an alias to identify the connection. It will also be used as the reference index for SimVars, and note that the name is the only guaranteed reference to the component due to the fact that the Modular Aircraft Merging process may change the index. The name cannot contain special characters or spaces. | Yes |
Components |
List |
This is a comma separated list of connection components to add to the connection being defined. These components can be one or more of the following: When listing the components, you must use the defined name. |
No |
A breaker is used by the Connection component and is used to interrupt the flow of current when there is an overload or short-circuit on the line. When defining a breaker, the appended number corresponds to its unique ID (N, starting at 1), and the hash map it contains is comprised of key:value
pairs, separated by the #
symbol. This hash map takes the following form:
breaker.N = Name:<name_string> #RatedCurrent:<value> #TripCurveType:<trip_curve_constant>
A full example of a single breaker definition would be like this:
breaker.1 = Name:Breaker_2 #RatedCurrent:2 #TripCurveType:IEEE_Vinv
Key | Value | Description | Required |
Name |
String | This is a name string that is used as an alias to identify the breaker. It will also be used as the reference index for SimVars, and note that the name is the only guaranteed reference to the component due to the fact that the Modular Aircraft Merging process may change the index. The name cannot contain special characters or spaces. | Yes |
RatedCurrent |
Float | The rated current for the breaker, in amps. | Yes |
TripCurveType |
Trip Curves |
One of the designated Trip Curve constants:
Default value is |
No |
A transformer is used by the Connection component to modify the output voltage of the line. When defining a transformer, the appended number corresponds to its unique ID (N, starting at 1), and the hash map it contains is comprised of key:value
pairs, separated by the #
symbol. This hash map takes the following form:
transformer.N = Name:<name_string> #TargetVoltage:<voltage>
A full example of a single transformer definition would be like this:
transformer.1 = Name:transformer_400 #TargetVoltage:200
Key | Value | Description | Required |
Name |
String | This is a name string that is used as an alias to identify the rectifier. It will also be used as the reference index for SimVars, and note that the name is the only guaranteed reference to the component due to the fact that the Modular Aircraft Merging process may change the index. The name cannot contain special characters or spaces. | Yes |
TargetVoltage |
Float | This is the target output voltage, in volts. | Yes |
A diode is used by the Connection component to direct the flow of electricity in a single direction along the line. The direction that is permitted will depend on the order in which the components are given in the Line using the connection. When defining a diode, the appended number corresponds to its unique ID (N, starting at 1), and the hash map it contains is comprised of key:value
pairs, separated by the #
symbol. This hash map takes the following form:
diode.N = Name:<name_string> #ForwardVoltage:<voltage> #ReverseVoltage:<voltage>
A full example of a single bus definition would be like this:
diode.5 = Name:diode_bus #ForwardVoltage:5
Key | Value | Description | Required |
Name |
String |
This is a name string that is used as an alias to identify the diode. It will also be used as the reference index for SimVars, and note that the name is the only guaranteed reference to the component due to the fact that the Modular Aircraft Merging process may change the index. The name cannot contain special characters or spaces. | Yes |
ForwardVoltage |
Float |
Sets the minimal voltage drop when the current flows in the direction of the connection. The default value is 0. |
No |
ReverseVoltage |
Float |
Sets the voltage drop when the current flows in the direction opposite to the connection. If this parameter is not included, then the voltage drop is considered as "infinte", ie: no current will flow. |
No |
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