This page lists the different elements and attributes required to generate properly formed XML for runways. The information on this page is used along with the information for creating an Airport - since you can't have a runway without first having an airport - which can be found here:
The <Runway>
element would go inside of the <Airport>
element, and you can define multiple runways in a single airport, but you can't define an airport without at least one runway.
The <Runway>
element is a modular element used to represent the variety of runways that might be encountered in the world. In its minimal configuration, it is necessary to have two <RunwayStart />
elements to be usable. Even though a runway is considered a single item, it has two distinct ends that are referenced as PRIMARY or SECONDARY in many of the sub-elements required to define the runway. The PRIMARY one is the one that is referenced by the attributes number and designator of the <Runway>
. Note that you can use the "WATER" designator for the runway surface if the runway is a seaplane landing area.
This element is allowed to contain the following sub-elements, which must occur in the following order:
<Markings />
<Lights />
,<OffsetThreshold />
<BlastPad />
<Overrun />
<ApproachLights />
<Vasi />
<IlsReference />
<RunwayStart />
<RunwayDeformation />
<RunwayColoration />
<Material />
<Coloration />
A <Runway>
has the following attributes :
Attribute | Description | Type | Required |
lat |
Latitude of the center point of the runway, in degrees between -90.0° and 90.0°. | Yes | |
lon |
Longitude of the center point of the runway, in degrees between -180.0° and 180.0°. | Float | Yes |
alt |
Altitude of the center point of the runway, in meters. You may add the "F" suffix to convert the value to feet, for example: "13.0F". | Float | Yes |
altType |
This is used to determine the referential for the alt field. |
No |
surface |
Material to apply to the runway surface. |
Yes |
transparent |
Make the runway surface transparent (TRUE) or not (FALSE). | Boolean | No |
heading |
The heading of the runway, relative to True North, from 0.0° to 360.0°. |
Float |
Yes |
length |
Length of the runway, in meters, but you can suffix the value with "F" for feet, eg: "2000F". | Float | Yes |
width |
Width of the runway, in meters, but you can suffix the value with "F" for feet, eg: "200F". | Float | No |
number |
Number of the runway being added. Note that you do not suffix the designator onto this value, but instead define it separately in the designator attribute. |
or Enum:
Yes |
designator |
Designator of the runway being added. |
No |
primaryDesignator |
The primary designator for the runway. |
Enum: See the |
No |
secondaryDesignator |
The secondary designator for the runway. |
Enum: See the |
No |
patternAltitude |
Relative altitude to the runway at which traffic patterns are done, in meters. You may add the "F" suffix to convert the value to feet, for example: "1800.0F". | Float | No |
falloff |
Defines the range affected by the flattening of the runway, higher value meaning an increase range. | Float | No |
primaryTakeoff |
Defines if aircraft can takeoff from the PRIMARY end of the runway (TRUE) or not (FALSE). |
Boolean | No |
primaryLanding |
Defines if aircraft can land on the PRIMARY end of the runway (TRUE) or not (FALSE). |
Boolean | No |
secondaryTakeoff |
Defines if aircraft can takeoff from the SECONDARY end of the runway (TRUE) or not (FALSE). |
Boolean | No |
secondaryLanding |
Defines if aircraft can land on the SECONDARY end of the runway (TRUE) or not (FALSE). |
Boolean | No |
primaryPattern |
Side for traffic patterns taking of in the PRIMARY end of the runway. Can be either "LEFT" or "RIGHT". |
No |
secondaryPattern |
Side for traffic patterns taking of in the SECONDARY end of the runway. Can be either "LEFT" or "RIGHT". |
No |
primaryMarkingBias |
Offset from the end of the runway for the marking on the PRIMARY half, in meters. You can suffix the value with "F" for feet, eg: "350F". |
Float | No |
secondaryMarkingBias |
Offset from the end of the runway for the marking on the SECONDARY half, in meters. You can suffix the value with "F" for feet, eg: "350F". |
Float | No |
groundMerging |
Adds detail from the ground beneath the runway to the runway material (TRUE) or not (FALSE). | Boolean | No |
excludeVegetationAround |
Exclude any vegitation from the surrounding area for the runway (TRUE) or not (FALSE). | Boolean | No |
The rest of the elements listed below are all sub-elements of the main <Runway>
<Markings />
This element is used to add markings to an airport runway. Note that this is a self-closing element and has the following attributes:
Attribute | Description | Type | Required |
alternateThreshold |
Set to TRUE to indicate international rather than US Threshold markings. | Boolean | No |
alternateTouchdown |
Set to TRUE to indicate international rather than US Touchdown markings. | Boolean | No |
alternateFixedDistance |
Set to TRUE to indicate international rather than US Fixed Distance markings. | Boolean | No |
alternatePrecision |
Set to TRUE to indicate international rather than US Precision markings. | Boolean | No |
leadingZeroIdent |
Set to TRUE to indicate runway numbers have a leading zero (for runway numbers 0 to 9). | Boolean | No |
noThresholdEndArrows |
Set to TRUE to ignore Threshold End Arrows. | Boolean | No |
edges |
Runway has edge lines or not. | Boolean | No |
threshold |
Runway has threshold marks or not. | Boolean | No |
fixedDistance |
Runway has fixed distance marks or not. | Boolean | No |
dashes |
Runway has dashed line down center or not. | Boolean | No |
ident |
Runway has number and designator or not. | Boolean | No |
primaryClosed |
Primary end is closed with "X" or not. | Boolean | No |
secondaryClosed |
Secondary is closed with "X" or not. | Boolean | No |
touchdown |
Runway has touchdown marks or not. | Boolean | No |
precision |
Runway has precision markings or not. NOTE: When this is set to "True", it will also activate the yellow light at the end of the runway. These lights will follow the FAA reglementation for their length. |
Boolean | No |
edgePavement |
Runway has pavement past edge lines or not. | Boolean | No |
singleEnd |
Runway is single-ended with no markings on secondary end or not. | Boolean | No |
primaryStol |
Primary end STOL or not. | Boolean | No |
secondaryStol |
Secondary end STOL or not. | Boolean | No |
<Lights />
This element is used to add lights to an airport runway. Note that this is a self-closing element and has the following attributes:
Attribute | Description | Type | Required |
edge |
Edge runway lights |
No |
center |
Center runway lights |
No |
centerRed |
Boolean indicating that the last part of the center line lights are RED/WHITE and then RED | Boolean | No |
<OffsetThreshold />
This element is used to add an offset threshold to an airport runway. Note that this is a self-closing element and has the following attributes:
Attribute | Description | Type | Required |
end |
Which end of the runway that the offset threshold applies to. |
Yes |
length |
Length of pavement. This length is included in the main runway length and is in meters, but you can suffix the value with "F" for feet, eg: "2000F". | Float | Yes |
width |
Width of pavement (if different from runway), in meters, but you can suffix the value with "F" for feet, eg: "200F". | Float | No |
surface |
Surface type for the pavement. |
No |
<BlastPad />
This element is used to add a blast pad to an airport runway. Note that this is a self-closing element and has the following attributes:
Attribute | Description | Type | Required |
end |
Which end of the runway that the blast pad applies to. |
Yes |
length |
Length of blast pad. This value is added to main runway length and is in meters, but you can suffix the value with "F" for feet, eg: "200F". | Float | Yes |
width |
Width of blast pad (if different from runway), in meters, but you can suffix the value with "F" for feet, eg: "200F". | Float | No |
surface |
Surface of the blast pad if different from the runway. |
No |
<Overrun />
This element is used to add an overrun to an airport runway. Note that this is a self-closing element and has the following attributes:
Attribute | Description | Type | Required |
end |
Which end of the runway that the overrun applies to. |
Yes |
length |
Length of overrun. This value is added to main runway length and is in meters, but you can suffix the value with "F" for feet, eg: "200F". | Float | Yes |
width |
Width of overrun (if different from runway), in meters, but you can suffix the value with "F" for feet, eg: "200F". | Float | No |
surface |
Surface of the overrun if different from the runway. |
No |
<ApproachLights />
This element is used to add approach lights to an airport runway. Note that this is a self-closing element and has the following attributes:
Attribute | Description | Type | Required |
end |
Which end of the runway that the lights are for. |
Yes |
system |
Type of approach light system. |
No |
reil |
Boolean indicating that the runway has runway end identifier lights. | Boolean | No |
strobes |
Number of sequenced strobes. | Positive Integer | No |
endLights |
Boolean indicating that runway has end lights. | Boolean | No |
touchdown |
Boolean indicating that runway has touchdown lights. | Boolean | No |
snapToGround |
Indicates if the lights should be snapped to fit the ground terrain or not. | Boolean | No |
spacing |
The spacing between the lights, in meters. You can suffix the value with "F" for feet, eg: "10F". | Float | No |
offset |
The offset for the lights, in meters. You can suffix the value with "F" for feet, eg: "20F". | Float | No |
slope |
Angle in degrees for the light slope, between -360.0° and 360.0° | Float | No |
<Vasi />
This element is used to add a VASI to an airport runway. Note that this is a self-closing element and has the following attributes:
Attribute | Description | Type | Required |
end |
End of runway that the VASI is for. |
Yes |
type |
Type of VASI being used. |
No |
side |
Side of runway that the lights are on. |
No |
biasX |
Distance from the runway center-line across the runway width to the reference point of the VASI, in meters. You can suffix the value with "F" for feet, eg: "50F", if required. |
Float | No |
biasZ |
Distance along the runway from the runway center point to the VASI reference point, in meters. You can suffix the value with "F" for feet, eg: "50F", if required. |
Float | No |
spacing |
Distance between light rows, in meters. You can suffix the value with "F" for feet, eg: "10F". Note that this is only applicable to the following types: |
Float | No |
pitch |
Approach angle in degrees. A value from 0.0 to 10.0. | Float | No |
This element is used to add one or more ILS beacons to an airport runway. This element may contain <GlideSlope />
, <Dme />
and <VisualModel>
NOTE: Editing ILS data may prevent the simulation performing further automatic updates to the navigation data for the airport. Please see the following section for more information: Note On Navigation Data
The element may also have the following attributes:
Attribute | Description | Type | Required |
lat |
Latitude of the ILS beacon, in degrees between -90.0° and 90.0°. |
Float |
Yes |
lon |
Longitude of the ILS beacon, in degrees between -180.0° and 180.0°. | Float | Yes |
alt |
Altitude of the ILS beacon, in meters. You may add the "F" suffix to convert the value to feet, for example: "13.0F". |
Float |
Yes |
heading |
The heading of main ILS beam, from 0.0° to 360.0°, relative to magnetic north. |
Float |
Yes |
frequency |
The ILS frequency in MHz, from 108.0 to 136.992. | String | Yes |
end |
Which end of the runway the ILS beacon is for. |
Yes |
range |
Range of ILS in meters or nautical miles. If no suffix is supplied, then the range will be set in meters, however using the "N" suffix converts the range into nautical miles, eg: "45N". If this attribute is not set, it will default to "27N". | String | No |
magvar |
Magnetic variation at the ILS beacon to True North in degrees. Negative for values to the east and positive for values to the west, measured in degrees between -360.0° and 360.0°. | Float | Yes |
ident |
ICAO code identity for this ILS beacon, with a maximum of five characters. | String | Yes |
width |
Localizer beam width in degrees, from 0.0° to 360.0°. If the attribute is not supplied a default value of 5.0° will be used. | Float | No |
name |
Friendly name for ILS beacon. | String | No |
backCourse |
Boolean indicating that this ILS has a back course. | Boolean | No |
<GlideSlope />
Set the glideslope sub-element for the <Ils>
beacon. Note that this is a self-closing element and has the following attributes:
Attribute | Description | Type | Required |
lat |
Latitude of the object, in degrees between -90.0° and 90.0°. |
Float |
Yes |
lon |
Longitude of the object, in degrees between -180.0° and 180.0°. | Float | Yes |
alt |
Altitude of the object, in meters. You may add the "F" suffix to convert the value to feet, for example: "13.0F". |
Float |
Yes |
pitch |
The pitch of glide slope, from 0.0° to 360.0°. |
Float |
Yes |
range |
Range of glide slope in meters or nautical miles. If no suffix is supplied, then the range will be set in meters, however using the "N" suffix converts the range into nautical miles, eg: "45N". If this attribute is not set, it will default to "27N". | String | Yes |
<Dme />
Set the DME values for the <Ils>
beacon. Note that this is a self-closing element and has the following attributes:
Attribute | Description | Type | Required |
lat |
Latitude of the object, in degrees between -90.0° and 90.0°. | Float | Yes |
lon |
Longitude of the object, in degrees between -180.0° and 180.0°. | Float | Yes |
alt |
Altitude of the object, in meters. You may add the "F" suffix to convert the value to feet, for example: "13.0F". | Float | Yes |
<IlsReference />
Reference one or more existing ILS using the ICAO code for the runway (you can call this element multiple times). Note that this is a self-closing element and has the following attributes:
Attribute | Description | Type | Required |
end |
Which end of the runway the ILS being defined goes at. |
Yes |
ident |
The ICAO code identity for the ILS (maximum five characters) |
String | Yes |
<RunwayStart />
This element is used to add a start location for a runway, and you can call this element twice per runway if required (once to define the PRIMARY start position and once for the SECONDARY start position). Note that this is a self-closing element and has the following attributes:
Attribute | Description | Type | Required |
end |
Which end of the runway to flag as the starting point. When selecting the end on the world map for the start of the flight, the plane will be place at the (lat , lon ) coordinates. |
Yes |
lat |
Latitude of the starting point, in degrees between -90.0° and 90.0°. | Float | Yes |
lon |
Longitude of the starting point, in degrees between -180.0° and 180.0°. | Float | Yes |
alt |
Altitude of the starting point, in meters. You may add the "F" suffix to convert the value to feet, for example: "13.0F". | Float | Yes |
altType |
This is used to determine the referential for the alt field. |
No |
heading |
Angle relative to true north towards which the plane will face when starting, measured in degrees between 0.0° and 360.0°. | Float | Yes |
<RunwayDeformation />
This element is used to add some deformation to an airport runway, and you can call this sub-element multiple times to define different deformations. Note that this is a self-closing element and has the following attributes:
Attribute | Description | Type | Required |
ratio |
Ratio along the runway at which the other attributes are applied, where 0.0 corresponds to the PRIMARY end and 1.0 to the SECONDARY end. |
Float | Yes |
alt |
Altitude for the runway at the position corresponding to the ratio distance, in meters. You may add the "F" suffix to convert the value to feet, for example: "13.0F" |
Float | Yes |
altType |
This is used to determine the referential for the alt field. |
No |
controlPointBefore |
Determine the shape of the flattening before the point. 0.0 meaning that it should be flat, while positive (+) values indicate a bump and negative (-) values indicate a crease. | Float | No |
controlPointAfter |
Determine the shape of the flattening after the point. 0.0 meaning that it should be flat, positive values (+) indicate a bump and negative (-) values indicate a crease | Float | No |
Please note that this element can also be used as part of a general Scenery Object file as a sub element of the <Rectangle>
element. In these cases it is used exactly the same way only to deform a rectangular surface area rather than a runway. You can see an example of it being used for this purpose here.
<RunwayColoration />
This element can be used to change the color blending for the runway. Note that this is a self-closing element and has the following attributes:
Attribute | Description | Type | Required |
red |
Red component of the coloration (between 0 and 255). | Integer | Yes |
green |
Green component of the coloration (between 0 and 255). | Integer | Yes |
blue |
Blue component of the coloration (between 0 and 255). | Integer | Yes |
alpha |
Alpha component of the coloration (between 0 and 255). | Integer | No |
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