The Different Channel Display Options From The Options Menu

This option permits you to view the different PBR channels used in the generation of the terrain and other assets. This will be set to Disabled by default so that things are rendered as normally, however you can select any of the options listed below to render the different texture components of the scene so you can debug them individually.

NOTE: This window can be "detached" to create a dockable DevMode window. See here for more information: Detachable Menus.




Selecting this option will disable the Channel Display and return the simulation to full, correct rendering.




Selecting this will highlight any issues with the albedo texture from the materials in the scene:

Channel Display Albedo OptionIn this view, textures will flash one of the following colours to indicate a potential issue:

  • Red: too dark (dielectric)
  • Blue: too bright (dielectric)
  • Magenta: too dark (metal)




When you select this option, the scene will render the "metalness" channel of the materials in the scene for you to debug:

Channel Display Metalness Option




When you select this option, the scene will render the "roughness" channel of the materials in the scene for you to debug:

Channel Display Roughness Option



Radiance (srgb, exposure applied)

This view will show up any emissive elements that are present in the scene currently being rendered.

Channel Display Radiance Option



AO (Ambient Occlusion)

When this is selected the simulation will render those elements that have ambient occlusion baked into them.

Channel Display Ambient Occlusion OptionIf you see any areas in the image that are flashing green, then these areas have an AO of zero and light shouldn't be able to reach the area (meaning you shouldn't be able to see it).



Interior Mask

The Interior Mask option is a debug view used to see if the various glass meshes are taking the interior cubemap or not, and is specifically for use from within the aicraft cockpit:

Channel Display Interior Mask Option

When this option is enabled, meshes that have the Glass material will be shown as either black or white. If they are shown as white then the material does not have a correctly set occlusion factor (the R component of the Occlusion(R) Roughness(G) Metallic(B) texture) to show the cubemap reflection, while those that are black will display the cubemap.



Normals (World)

Selecting this option will render the normal map for all the materials used, not just in your aircraft, but for the world around:

Channel Display Normals Option




With this option you can get the scene to render the diffuse lighting based on the materials being used:

Channel Display NdotL Option




When enabled, this option permits you to see the depth buffer for the scene, where lighter objects are further away from the camera, and darker objects are closer to the camera:

Channel Display Depth Option