RELEASE NOTES - SDK release 0.24.3


Developer Mode Changes


  • Fixed: Crash occuring when hovering over the console after building a package.
  • Improved: The Debug WASM tool has been improved with additional functionality to debug wasm memory usage.


Visual Effects Editor

  • Fixed: Crash when deleting a Visual Effect block and then undoing it.
  • Added: The spawner tab of the Templates/Instances Debug window now has a drop-down menu to select which effect to spawn if multiple are defined in a single file.


Aircraft Editor

  • Fixed: Several parameter configurations to avoid data corruption.
  • Fixed: An issue where use_intake_density_on_mixture would cause mixture to lean when MAP exceeded sea level.
  • Fixed: An issue where use_volumetric_fuel_flow could show fuel flow if engine was spinning even if fuel was not available.
  • Added: New parameter pedal_yaw_control_scalar to compensate for pedal_control_scalar parameter that was missing in modern helicopter flight model. See documentation for more information.
  • Improved: Renamed "Pause Lighting System" to "Disable Lighting System" for clarity in the user lights.


Scenery Editor

  • Fixed: The Gizmo scaling feature, which wasn't working correctly.



SDK Changes


  • Improved: The blender exporter has been updated.



  • Fixed: Fix a crash when updating a DataDefinition while requesting it
  • Fixed: SimConnect Inspector's DataDefinition is now updated if a DataDefintion is destroyed
  • Improved: DoneIo popup has been removed
  • Improved: AircraftLoaded system event is triggered later once the aircraft is loaded



  • Improved: Indexing for multi-engine helicopters. See documentation for further details.



IMPORTANT! Because of the new "Memory Shrink" feature, WASM module developers will need to rebuild their solutions after this SDK update.

  • Fixed: Crash when moving a VFX spawned in world far away from the player.
  • Fixed: Fix crash when spawning a VFX on a SimObject that is not fully spawned using the WASM VFX API.
  • Fixed: Register and register issue on CommBus Extension.
  • Fixed: Issue with non ascii characters on path when building packages containing WASM.
  • Fixed: fsMapViewSetWeatherRadarRainColors always returning false even if it succeeded.
  • Fixed: fsMapViewSet2DViewLatLong setting lat/lat instead of lat/long.
  • Added: WASM Memory Shrink feature implemented to reduce the memory footprint and requirements of WASM modules over time when running in the simulation.
  • Added: Stack overflow check added in WASM.




  • Fixed: Footer links to the DevSupport forum.
  • Fixed: Browse order for Next/Previous pages in the How To Make An Aircraft tutorial.
  • Fixed: Erroneous labels on the propeller blur mapping image in the How To Make An Aircraft tutorial.
  • Fixed: Erroneous labels on the turbine blur mapping image in the How To Make An Aircraft tutorial.
  • Fixed: Minor error with an image in the Textures section of the How To Make An Aircraft tutorial.
  • Fixed: Multiple broken links within the How To Make An Aircraft tutorial.
  • Fixed: Minor mistake with the RTC Aircraft sample file structure.
  • Fixed: Minor error in the <Extends> Input Event documentation.
  • Fixed: Duplicate parameter in the [TURBOPROP_ENGINE] section (low_idle_n1) has been removed.
  • Fixed: The helicopter parameter pedal_control_scalar has been flagged as only applicable when modern surfaces are not being used and a new parameter has been added for modern surfaces: pedal_yaw_control_scalar 
  • Fixed: Minor mistake in the Creating Interactions Using InputEvents page where <IE_PRESET_ID> was incorrectly labelled as <IE_PRESET>.
  • Added: New helicopter engine Input Event keys have been added in the Engine Control section.
  • Added: New [MAINROTOR] and [SECONDARYROTOR] parameters added for dual rotor helicopters - cycl_y_on_cycl_ycycl_y_on_collectivepedal_on_bankpedal_on_cycl_xpedal_on_collective.
  • Added: Initial World Hub documentation.
  • Added: New parameters added to the [FLIGHT_TUNING] section of the Flight Model pages - ground_new_contact_model_gear_flexground_new_contact_model_gear_flex_dampingground_new_contact_model_rolling_stickynessground_new_contact_model_up_to_speed_lateralground_new_contact_model_up_to_speed_longitudinalenable_high_accuracy_integration
  • Improved: The VFX API pages have received some updates to clarify failure states for some of the functions.
  • Improved: The page for SIMCONNECT_RECV_EVENT_EX1 to clarify the parameter names.
  • Improved: The WASM Debug page has been updated to show new functionality for the debug window.
  • Improved: Some engine parameters have been given additional context to explain that they are required parameters, even though they are not actively used by the simulation in all cases: fuel_flow_gain, static_thrust, inlet_area, rated_N2_rpm, and afterburner_available.
  • Improved: The descriptions for static_pitch_angle and static_bank_angle have been updated.
  • Improved: The description for wing_winglets_flag has been updated.
  • ImprovedfsCommBusCall has had some additional information added and the return value description fixed.
  • ImprovedPackage Tool page now includes information on the correct Wix Toolset to use.
  • Improved: Environment variable documentation has now been relocated to its own page - Environment Variables.
  • Improved: Additional clarification on adding sharesets to sound banks has been made on the Master Mixer Hierarchy page for audio.
  • Improved: The systems.cfg - [ELECTRICAL] has been improved to clearly show the difference between the modern components system and the legacy FSX electrical parameters (this includes documentation for previously un-documented legacy parameters).
  • Improved: The section detailing Scale in the VFX Init block has been improved with additional information on the Z-scale behaviour.



Previous SDK Release Notes

Below you can find a list of the list notes for previous releases of this SDK. Simply double click the release notes you want to explore to open them: